I think a lot of people nowadays rely on said safety devices and systems too heavily
I`m not so sure many know what they are or what they do, so to rely on something you don`t know about is daft, you also don`t think "oh" because I have this safety system fitted I`m free to not look at the road.
people tend to do what they do without thinking and in most cases they don`t worry about not looking at the road as they think they are in control, and the other driver is going to keep clear, as I said, just because a car is fitted with all the safety gear doesn`t mean the driver has a clue what it means or does....
I know this from my sil who hasn`t a clue what any of it does, she just drives the car.
she isn`t the only one either...as she likes a conversation as she drives and always has done, had as many accidents as well but blames everyone else!