n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - focussed

Is it possible that u/s parking sensors on your car can be triggered by the sensors operating on another car close behind that is also reversing?

Do all car u/s sensors operate on the same frequency?

Or is it like cordless phones which work on different channels?

n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - badbusdriver

I've driven lots of cars with parking sensors and never had any issues of interference, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Also, most cars have camera's now anyway.

n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - RT

I've driven lots of cars with parking sensors and never had any issues of interference, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Also, most cars have camera's now anyway.

Many new cars have cameras - but not most by a long way

n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - elekie&a/c doctor
Parking sensors are hard wired to an electronic module , similar to the ultrasonic sensors of an alarm system . Never seen any cross interference. However , my old van has a Bluetooth reversing camera , and very occasionally picks up a different signal from a nearby vehicle .
n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - John F

Possibly owing to the importance of music in German culture, one can tune the beep of the front and rear sensors on my Audi to a musical interval of choice. I have them an octave apart.

n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - RT

Possibly owing to the importance of music in German culture, one can tune the beep of the front and rear sensors on my Audi to a musical interval of choice. I have them an octave apart.

My VW (same system) has the front/rear sensors at different frequencies - it never occurred to me it was in octaves!

n/a - Ultrasonic parking sensors - interference? - Sinialtstar

My Mondeo, parking sensors have a low tone, emitted out of the rear speakers for the rear sensors, and higher tone for the front sensors, coming out of the front speakers for the front sensors.

Works really well, and I've never had a issue with interference.