The problem has been investigated and repaired. It was a binding brake and seized calliper. The pads were ruined. The bill parts and labour was £220 which I thought was very good. They replaced the brake fluid, fitted a new caliper, did front pads on both sides and did a wheels off brake “service”. Labour was only £60. All VAT inclusive.
Sounds familiar - my gen-1 car suffers from binding rear brakes if not used much and left outside. The combination of the lack of use during pandemic times and, especially for the rear brakes, them not getting much use anyway means that this issue can, if unchecked, get considerably worse, as you discovered
Regular use, including (when safe to do so) reasonably forceful braking once per trip (if the brakes were binding) to 'shake the components loose seems to mostly do the trick to avoid the issue. As well as the car being often 'stuck' when you try and move off, the 'scraping' sound (also for warped discs) can be heard when first moving off. If it soon goes away and no 'braking effect' is noticed, then it should be fine.