We haave some friends visiting, She doesn't drink, but he does, youngrovergirl does not either, and I tolerate less nowadays.
They were however amazed that I "only" had one not very strong beer when out for a meal saturday.
YRG could have driven, but I actually only prefer to have 1 low alcohol drink, mostly for the taste. Can't stand colas, or pops.
It's easier and safer not to have any at all.
Obviously any alcoholic drink consumed will, after being digested, compromise driving ability to some degree, but I suppose, like everything, laws are used to provide some degree of reasonableness - hopefully after scientific studies were carried out.
I do think it's daft for different regions (e.g. in the UK - if they do [not sure]) or states (in say the US, again, if they do) to have different levels, given I think that they should be nationwide, so everyone knows what those limits are to avoid any confusion.
I presume that other than evidence on the above, the limit wasn't set to zero here because some people can show small levels of alcohol in their blood due to taking certain medications such as cough remedies, or in some cases, foods that have alcohol in them.
As regards our personal choices, I would always advocate not drinking alcohol when you know you're going to drive reasonably soon after (apparently there is a technical argument that there will be an amount of time between consuming a drink and the effects kicking in, but that may be hard to judge and will likely differ from person to person).
Best to be safe than sorry, especially when the consequences are likely to more than oneself.
Other things to always consider are whether you're eating as well, which I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) appears to reduce the effects to some degree or reduce the time they effect you, as does your size/metabolism - I remember in Sixth Form a girl who was very small getting drunk on one can of (not very strong) beer/lager. Whether not being a regular drinker makes any difference either, I don't know.
I'm 'lucky' as I'm not keen on the taste of alcoholic drinks, so avoid them. Fizzy drinks can be a right pain, as they do fill you up - apart from when having 'burger' or 'fried chicken' type meals when out occasionally, I tend to just drink tap water at restaurants with my meals.