A friend has just bought a car privately from someone who works in the motor trade who was running the car himself and he in turn appears to have bought the car from a friend who is another dealer as a trade car and has been running it as such (i.e. he never bothered to get the V5C). So the problem is there is no V5C with the car and obviously my friend is obviously trying to get the thing registered in his name. The last V5C was issued in 2011.
It was suggested that he fill in a V62 application for registration certificate which he did but when he took this to the local post office the DVLA system declined/rejected it.
Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on the situation and offer any suggestions. It's not a high value car but we would like to get it on the road asap. The car is still taxed according to DVLA online but we believe it is taxed as a trade car, can this be correct and if so is it legal to have it parked on the road?
Thank in advance