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Driving awareness course and Insurance - Ian_Swan

Hi everyone

I was recently involved in an accident which was my fault and the police have offerfed me a drivers awareness course to take instead of incurring points. My question is will this affect my car insurance?

After having a bit of a google about the place I've found that the dvla is not told about speed awareness courses so insurers wouldn;t be able to find out about them...but I'm not sure if that applies to other courses like the one I've mentioned above. The offence is driving without due care and attention if that helps.

Thanks in advance.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - _

Years ago, I called my insurer (LV) to say that I had a speed awareness course and they said ok, no premium increase.

Edited by _ORB_ on 09/05/2021 at 10:32

Driving awareness course and Insurance - RT

You don't need to tell your insurer of the course - BUT - one or two insurers ask the question and you have to answer truthfully.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - Middleman

The Admiral group used to ask for information on courses. They stopped a couple of years ago and as far as I know no other insurers ask the question. However, as mentioned, check your policy. Because the DVLA may not have a record is no reason for non-declaration and it will land you in trouble if it is discovered following your having an accident. The police certainly keep a register of courses taken so as to ensure you can only do one of the same type within three years.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - concrete

Going back a while, I got captured on the M74 in Scotland. Classic trap of siting a camera on a prominent road bridge, then another 5 miles further on, not quite so prominent. Safety or revenue gathering still got caught at 81mph. £60 fine and 3 points. I had business insurance because I used my car for work so I told insurer who promptly charge me £75 increase. Talk about as one door closes another slams in your face. Doing about 30k mpa the odds were against me. Over a 20 year period after so called safety cameras were deployed I was caught about 5 times for fixed penalty offences. Never high speed but my inattention was punished. Never had a serious crash ever, a couple of very minor bumps. Consider myself a decent driver and now not working and dashing about I take extra time and care.

Cheers Concrete

Driving awareness course and Insurance - Miniman777

The Admiral group used to ask for information on courses. They stopped a couple of years ago and as far as I know no other insurers ask the question. However, as mentioned, check your policy. Because the DVLA may not have a record is no reason for non-declaration and it will land you in trouble if it is discovered following your having an accident. The police certainly keep a register of courses taken so as to ensure you can only do one of the same type within three years.

Surely this register is subject to GDPR and such information cannot be disclosed without permission? I know it's probably not been tested, but companies like Admiral are relying on honesty when they've no way of obtaining such information. It's just a cynical excuse to jack up premiums IMO.

As for press reports premiums were dropping, this is rubbish too. Wife's went up by £70 even with a lower declared mileage.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - Gibbo_Wirral

As for press reports premiums were dropping, this is rubbish too. Wife's went up by £70 even with a lower declared mileage.

Mine dropped by £50 at renewal this month. I'm now paying £140 fully comp.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - Middleman

Surely this register is subject to GDPR and such information cannot be disclosed without permission?

Believe me, if you cause an accident which makes an insurer liable to pay out many thousands of pounds, especially one involving serious personal injury, the insurers will find out everything there is to know about you, including your inside leg measurement.

That said, it's quite true that most of the time insurers are relying on honesty. But you might as well say the same about motoring endorsements. They, too, are subject to GDPR but there is simply no point in concealing them. It's foolish and a recipe for disaster. As well as that, many insurers are now moving over to the "MyLicence" system developed by the MIB in partnership with the DVLA. This allows insurers access to the DVLA database to check a proposer's driving record. It relies on permission because the proposer is asked to provide his DL number in order for the check to be made. Proposers are not compelled to provide their DL number but then insurers are not compelled to offer them a quote or may charge different premiums if they do not . If they wanted to I'm sure insurers could develop a similar system to check for course participation but it seems they lost interest in courses a couple of years ago. I believe Admiral was the only major group which asked the question and I don't know that any have taken up the idea since.

Driving awareness course and Insurance - alan1302

As for press reports premiums were dropping, this is rubbish too. Wife's went up by £70 even with a lower declared mileage.

One increase does not mean that other premiums have not dropped