Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Hello, I have noticed recently that the passenger side front brakes are getting around 6-7 degrees hotter than the drivers side front. I took the brakes on that side apart and checked the caliper and it goes in and out easily no problem. I regreesed the slider pins and made sure the ears on the pads could slide easily aswell but this has made no difference.

It's not making the wheel very hot too the touch but using a infrared thermometer there is always a 6-7 degrees celcius difference on the front.

Any ideas?

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Oli rag

I think you're worrying too much, it's a relatively small difference and could be just down to a difference in airflow between nearside a d offside wheelarches.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Yeah I probably am worrying for no reason. Just seems weird how it's consistently hotter than the other side all the time but everything appeared to be working fine. Thanks for your help

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - sammy1

If you have checked the calliper pistons are moving OK I suggest the hotter disc is slightly warped

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Should I be concerned about that as the car stops absolutely fine and the discs and pads are only 1 year old with about 5000 miles on them.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - sammy1

Should I be concerned about that as the car stops absolutely fine and the discs and pads are only 1 year old with about 5000 miles on them.

I have never heard anyone checking the temperature of their discs. Was there something that prompted you to do this? I doubt you will ever get them glowing red hot like a F1 car. Seriously I would not be too concerned about it. There are some who consider that keeping your foot on the brakes when the discs are hot can warp the disc .but I think that they would have to be really hot for this to happen

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - madf

Our local hill is approx 80 meters higher than us and about 0.9miles long.

After I have come down (slowly as very twisty) the Jazz 's front and rear disks are hot enough to burn your hands if you are stupid enough to feel how hot they are:-(

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Yeah don't worry I'm not that stupid. I use an Infrared thermometer too measure how hot they are

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - edlithgow

Should I be concerned about that as the car stops absolutely fine and the discs and pads are only 1 year old with about 5000 miles on them.

I have never heard anyone checking the temperature of their discs.

I have. Well actually the temperature of the hub centre

Same kind of problem.

I suspect I have a failing wheel bearing but I'm not going to do anything about it until it gets worse since its a captive disk design, which are apparently a PITA to take apart

Happens if you motor it on stands with the caliper removed, which eliminates some of the variables

I use spray grease on it occaisionally as palliative treatment. Seems to have reduced the temperature rise a bit.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Andrew-T

If you have checked the calliper pistons are moving OK I suggest the hotter disc is slightly warped

I think if a disk has a significant warp you will feel gentle pulsation while braking.

Tyre pressures correct ? Wheel bearings OK ?

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Bolt

If you have checked the calliper pistons are moving OK I suggest the hotter disc is slightly warped

I think if a disk has a significant warp you will feel gentle pulsation while braking.

Tyre pressures correct ? Wheel bearings OK ?

I would expect a problem if the temp was much higher, just a few degrees would be just airflow difference between sides of car so not a problem imo!

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Yeah, the temperature isn't massively different. At most I have seen around 10 degrees celcius. I had a stuck caliper on an older car and that was REALLY hot even after driving for 5 minutes

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

I don't feel any significant pulsing in the pedal or anything. Sometimes I can feel the road coming through the pedals so if it's a rough road and I'm braking you can feel the surface if you know what I mean. The tyre pressures are where they should be and the wheel beari gs seem to be alright. I did noticed that when I took the pads out, the wheel had some resistance before it turned but it felt smooth and made no noise. More than likely just drag from the gearbox. Could any of those make the actual brake disc hotter than the other side though?


Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - bathtub tom

What about the tyre temperatures? Could one tyre be running hotter than the other and transmitting heat to the wheel?. You could swap the front wheels with each other for comparison.

I'm wondering if it's something to do with the camber of the road causing a slight RH-down-a-bit compensation, putting more stress on the LH wheel than the RH.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

Could be that. Tbh I have o ly taken the temperature of the actual brake disc rather than the wheel so would the camber of the road cause higher temperatures on that side of the brakes? It's just weird because everything looked in good working order and the wheel spins freely for around 1.5 turns which is about the same as the other side.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Bolt

Could be that. Tbh I have o ly taken the temperature of the actual brake disc rather than the wheel so would the camber of the road cause higher temperatures on that side of the brakes? It's just weird because everything looked in good working order and the wheel spins freely for around 1.5 turns which is about the same as the other side.

Not sure why your worried about a few degrees difference in temp between left right discs, very much near impossible to get both discs cooled to the same temp due to variables in disc width, pad depth, amount of dust around the caliper and airflow around caliper and disc

As said if temp difference was extreme then there would be something to worry about, but not several degrees!

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - Joe tuzzer

I was just wondering if there was a difference of around 5-10 degrees would that indicate a problem but everyone seems too think its alright so that's put my mind at rest. The wheel never gets hot too the touch or anything just slightly warm, same as the other side so nothing is binding otherwise even the wheel would burn my hand if I touched it

I will just keep an eye on it. Thank you for the help.

Ford fiesta mk6 zetec s 1.6 petrol - One side brake hotter than other side - edlithgow

I was just wondering if there was a difference of around 5-10 degrees would that indicate a problem but everyone seems too think its alright so that's put my mind at rest. The wheel never gets hot too the touch or anything just slightly warm, same as the other side so nothing is binding otherwise even the wheel would burn my hand if I touched it

I will just keep an eye on it. Thank you for the help.

I don't think its alright. I think I don't know, and I think no one else does either.

My guess is its an early warning. Mine gets hotter than that (there's another thread on it somewhere with some numbers and graphs) so I think its a later warning, but in the long run we are all dead anyway.

Edited by edlithgow on 20/04/2021 at 01:48