We suffer from a brain dead neighbour who acquired a Subaru WRX with a loud exhaust (the sort that looks as if a large baked bean tin was stuck on the tailpipe.
Every time he starts it up, he leaves it on fast (loud) idle and goes indoors for times varying from 10 to 15 minutes, then emerges and drives away.
Notes were put through his door pointing out that:
1) this is environmentally bad, unnecessary noise and pollution
2) It is very inconsiderate to his neighbours
3) It doesn't do his engine any good, as it would warm up quicker if being driven
4) He could get up later and still arrive on time if he didn't waste 10 to 15 minutes warming it up.
5) Some passing tearaway could twock it and his insurance won't pay out
None of you will be surprised to hear that his behaviour has not changed. (In the good old USA someone might snap and put a bullet or two into his Scooby to shut it up.)