Clamping down on who?
The Manufacturers hopefully.
Don't let the Government fine us for turning our lights on!
A large proportion of the blame lay with Tesla showing other manufacturers how to save money by simply sticking an giant ipad on the centre of the dash and removing many switches , dials and wiring. Just as distracting as using a mobile phone. And an opportunity to turn your car into a revenue generator with "subscriptions". And appeals to todays yoof brought up on an addiction to smartphones and social media, marketing ideal.
The place for information is directly in front of the driver, ideally, head up displays which means you are looking in roughly the right direction all the time.
Why have a central screen anyway? It would cost very little to give the front passenger their own screen or a facility to link their phone directly to the infotainment to control as a guest.
Heater, a/c controls and other functions on a touch screen are dangerous. Software designers forget that most people are right handed and UK drivers have to use their left hand fingers to control the touch screen, many of which are laid out for LHD drivers. Akin to trying to write with your left hand at a distance when you are right handed.
I also wonder how a giant Ipad stuck up on its own in the middle which presumably is very stiff and unforgiving compromises passenger safety in a crash.
I also hope people realise that long term support for these screens will be time limited, the same as with smartphones. People are in for a shock when they fail out of warranty. If they control any functions that are MOT required (lights for instance) then you'll have no alternative but to pay the thousands asked, they will not be plug and play but have to be coded in by dealer only equipment because of built in security protection
Edited by brum on 06/01/2021 at 14:56