I had a side to side collision, where each car got a bump and graze with both cars still drivable. I am not going to make a claim against my car insurance, but suspect the third party will make a claim, and say that it was 100% my fault. I have informed my insurers of the incident, but not made a claim
I’m afraid if my insurers come to inspect my car they may try to write it off as a category S. I do not think the damage is significant, but there is a small dent in the fender and the gap between the fender and the hood is very slightly larger than the other side. I have read accounts of cars being written-off/put in category S for seemingly minor things, so am a bit worried.
I have the following questions I was wondering someone with more experience could advise on?
- Under what circumstances would they have to inspect my car or a claim made by a third party?
- If I admit 100% liability to my insurer, will they just pay the third party out for repairs, and skip having all the cars inspected, etc?
- If I do not raise an insurance claim, can mine or their insurers re-categorise my car based on photos/inspections when investigating the damage to the third party car?
Edited by Makayla on 19/12/2020 at 20:12