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Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - Joe tuzzer

Hello, I had the power steering pump replaced as it was old and knackered and had a new one put on but it is whining while accelerating. There are no bubbles in the fluid or any sign of leaks or anything. The noise corresponds with rpm and is noticeable around 2.5k onwards.

Will the noise subside after the pump has worn in or is there something wrong?

Thank you

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - focussed

Was the pump a genuine Ford replacement part? Or a non-genuine pattern part?

A non-genuine pump may not have the correct pressure setting or delivery specifically set for your car.

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - Joe tuzzer

Hello, it is a non genuine part by a company called delco remy for euro car parts.

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - elekie&a/c doctor

Are you sure you have a mk 6 fiesta ? these have electric power steering.

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - Joe tuzzer

It's 2007 mate

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - elekie&a/c doctor

That will be a mk 5 model ,before 2008. Nothing wrong with a Delco pump . I think you have a problem elsewhere. I would check the reservoir for sludge , and make sure the gauze filter at the bottom is not choked up.

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - Joe tuzzer

Sorry my bad. The fluid is brand new and the reservoir was checked before hand so I'm unsure on what too do. Is it something I can just live with or will it cause problems?

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - elekie&a/c doctor

Sounds like the fluid is aerating. Is is better or worse than the old pump?

Ford fiesta mk6 1.6 petrol - Power steering pump whine when accelerating - Joe tuzzer

It's noisier than the old pump but the steering feels better. The steering isn't very light on the car anyway but I would say that the new pump has made it better but its just whining a lot.