I recently returned my lease car at the end of the three year period. Due to covid restrictions (I'm currently self isolating) I wasn't able to deal with the guy who came to collect the car directly. I have since been invoiced by the finance company for excess mileage. The contract mileage was 30,000 and the inspection report states a mileage of 33,394. I stupidly didn't take a picture of the mileage whilst preparing it for inspection, but know that mileage was around the 23,000 mark. I'm assuming then that the guy carrying out the inspection has incorrectly recorded a mileage of 33,394 rather than 23,394.
I've received an invoice today of around £200 from the finance company, which is when I first noticed the mileage that had been recorded in the vehicle inspection report.
I never signed the vehicle inspection report, due to not dealing directly with the guy and my wife, who did speak to him, basically handed the keys over to him, then spoke to him briefly after he'd completed his inspection and was told 'everything's fine, there'll be no charges'. At this point I was emailed a copy of the inspection report, but didn't pick-up on the incorrect mileage.
I've gone back to the finance company today to dispute this excess mileage charge, but what are my chances of them agreeing that this was a mistake and the mileage is incorrect?
The vehicle is due it's first MOT on 15/11, so I assume there will be an online record of it's actual mileage after this has been completed, which would prove that 33,394 is completely incorrect, but I'm keen to have the matter resolved before then.