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Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Mister Paul


I've just joined the forum (have used the site for years) to get some advice on this, so any helpful responses are very welcome.

In July we bought a 2017 i30 from a dealer. We were told it had one owner. The first service wasn't in the book so I've been chasing it. Yesterday the dealer emailed me with confirmation of the first service. The confirmation was in the form of a letter from Europcar confirming the service, but also confirming that it had been a rental vehicle.

I know that views on buying ex-rental vehicles are mixed. "Hire cars are the fastest cars in the world" vs "they get serviced properly" and I'm not sure whether to be concerned or not.

There was a ruling a couple of years ago that dealers should tell a potential buyer if the car is ex-lease or ex-rental, and that it shouldn't be up to the prospective buyer to ask. The ASA have confirmed this in their guidance, and it's backed by legislation.

What do people think? I know that resale value is likely to be affected if the next buyer knows it was once a hire car. The car is very tidy and drives straight, and still has 2.5 years' warranty on it), but if it has been ragged by hirers there may be premature wear in the future (clutch etc) that's not covered by a warranty. If I'd been told at the time then it would have affected our decision to buy.

I am going to raise it with the dealer. I just don't know what I should expect. I know that in these situations then the advice is to propose a solution, but I have no idea what that would be. I'm not someone who uses every opportunity to bleed as much as they can out of an issue, but I don't think we should lose out on this, when we've already paid a price based on omitted information and we can't predict the future of the car.


Edited by Mister Paul on 14/09/2020 at 17:09

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - gordonbennet

Some rental companies have mobile contract mechanics come out and service the cars at the rental office, the chances are the service book was at head office if this was the case.

What you do about this now i don't know, i'd want to know if the car features on Hyundai's service records at all, if it doesn't then whether the makers warranty is still valid is debatable, hyundai will require genuine parts and fluids to have been used.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Falkirk Bairn

2017 car bought in July 2020

Rental cars are replaced usually 6-12 months

Maybe the car is an employee company car.

I have had 2 ex-rentals both did 90K having bought with a few thousand on the clock - both were reliable after 1 warranty claim very early on.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - RT

2017 car bought in July 2020

Rental cars are replaced usually 6-12 months

Maybe the car is an employee company car.

I have had 2 ex-rentals both did 90K having bought with a few thousand on the clock - both were reliable after 1 warranty claim very early on.

I "bought" a 10-month old 2015 Hyundai i30 for my daughter-in-law from the Hyundai approved car scheme - the dealer had bid for it unseen based on a detailed description - I was there to see it being unloaded from the transporter and it did have just the 3 bodywork blemishes in the description, which the dealer had already said would be rectified before sale - I knew full well that it would be either an ex-rental or ex-management* - since then the car has be exemplary with no faults so just routine servicing.

*ex-management includes any car provided by a car manufacture, not just to their managers - specifically it includes pool cars, press demonstrators and celebrity "grace-and-favour" cars

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - gordonbennet
*ex-management includes any car provided by a car manufacture, not just to their managers - specifically it includes pool cars, press demonstrators and celebrity "grace-and-favour" cars

Also applies to cars which employees of the maker/importer can have the use of at very cheap rates, time on 'lease' varies.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - tim10597

Something doesn’t add up here. Is this a 3 year old car? Rental fleets don’t usually keep cars this long, which makes me think it was a lease car rather than a daily rental. To be honest, if it’s been serviced and the Hyundai warranty is confirmed, I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

Having owned several ex rental cars, I’ve never had problems with any of them and I doubt you will suffer any loss in value. Given you’ve just recently bought it, I suspect you plan to keep it a while? Enjoy your car and don’t worry about it.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - pd

Some rental companies do long term leases just like other lease companies. In which case it is just a regular ex fleet car.

There is no value difference so can't see you could prove any loss so haven't got much to claim IMO.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - John F

I think bargains can be had if chosen wisely. Back in 1994 I made a major 'investment' (£13,000) in a well appointed ex-rental Passat 2.0GL auto estate to replace our old Passat GL5. It was less than a year old with 4,500 miles. (Actually, thick carpets and velour upholstery was perhaps not so wise for many years of child and teenager use). The sort of people who rented this type of car probably drove carefully, and auto transmission protects from ham hand and footedness. It worked hard and well for us till 2004 and 242,000 miles (investment cost 5.5p per mile) when we downsized to a Focus estate.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Andrew-T

In my limited experience, cars (lease, rental, 'management', whatever they may be called) are withdrawn about the time the first service falls due. The best ones reappear on franchise dealer's forecourts, having been serviced for resale. You haven't told us the miles on this car, but 3 years seems a long time for a first service, tho I suppose if it is 12K or even 20K, that may not invalidate the maker's warranty.

My current car was ex-rental at 8 months old and 13K on the clock. It's been one of the most reliable cars I have owned, so you need to have a reason to presume that it will be bad news.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Mister Paul

In my limited experience, cars (lease, rental, 'management', whatever they may be called) are withdrawn about the time the first service falls due. The best ones reappear on franchise dealer's forecourts, having been serviced for resale. You haven't told us the miles on this car, but 3 years seems a long time for a first service, tho I suppose if it is 12K or even 20K, that may not invalidate the maker's warranty.

My current car was ex-rental at 8 months old and 13K on the clock. It's been one of the most reliable cars I have owned, so you need to have a reason to presume that it will be bad news.

Sorry, 17k miles. First service at 10k by the rental company, second service pre-sale at teh dealer.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Brit_in_Germany

I would be looking for confirmation from Hyundai that with that service history the warranty is still effective.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - _

Except for the MGZS bought nov 2018 most of my newish cars have been ex fleet or lwase and I had virtually no problems with them.

Did you buy it from a Hyundai dealer.????

Are there actually any problems.?

Don't worry about it too much.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - KJP 123

Not going to add much here except to reinforce that ex-rental cars are not bad and hopefully reassure the OP. My wife, and a year later my father, bought ex-rental cars from a local Ford dealer; both Mondeo automatics and we had them for years without problem. This was some years before the guidelines to reveal that a car was ex-rental but the salesman freely gave the information.

Both were about 12/15 months old, so as others have said, OP’s car seems old for a hire car. Maybe a lease and sometimes lease companies use other names: ECL Ltd could be Europcar Car Leasing and dealer did not connect that.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Alby Back
Wouldn't worry, the three Mondeo estates I've just referred to in the "overnight camper" thread were all ex-renters. All served me very well.
Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - gordonbennet

I would be looking for confirmation from Hyundai that with that service history the warranty is still effective.

Quite, if it's null and void as far as Hyundai warranty is concerned no point in paying their high servicing costs, let ypur local indy look after it.

I too doubt it will give any trouble, the most risky buys IMO were Diesel ex renters which got misfuelled very regularly, and yes i do know what i'm talking about here.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Manatee

The fact is that 'rental' along with 'management cars' are a way of getting their production volume into the market at reduced prices without just trashing list prices or doing massive discounts on every sale. It's standard to get an ex-rental rather than the exception. I've had one.

How are all the 'canny' customers who look for a "nearly new" car going to get one otherwise?

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - gordonbennet

If the renter has covered the miles too quickly its not uncommon for it to go into storage for several months after defleet, helps keep values steady.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Mister Paul

Thanks everyone

I've had a look at this in a bit more detail, and particularly the Europcar letter. The car was new in September 2017. The Europcar service was carried out in July 2018 at almost 11k miles. That level of use would support the suspicion that it was a rental. It then had only another 6k miles put on it in the following 2 years. The dealer has another identical i30 on the forecourt now with a registration number almost the same, so it looks like ours is from a batch of rental cars bought back.

The other irritating (but not a significant issue) is that the car smells strongly of cigarette smoke now that the valeting products have dissipated.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Alby Back
I had a car with a lingering fag smoke odour. Someone, maybe even here a long time ago, advised me to try an "aircon bomb" canister. Kind of an aerosol can thing you set off in the car while the aircon is on recirculate ( and you wait outside ) that neutralises smells. Not sure if you can still get them but they were available from the well known motor spares chains. Anyway, it worked.

Edited by Alby Back on 14/09/2020 at 20:49

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Fullchat

I bought a 9 month old Sportage from Pendragon Sheffield.

When I asked about the previous keeper I was told it was an ex 'Kia Management Vehicle'.

When the registration document came back the PK was shown as Apex Ltd with an address in Eastbourne. Google Street shows it to be a hire company.

Subsequent paperwork inspection for the vehicle some time later and one of the forms had 3 check boxes regarding previous history. The one for 'Ex Rental' was not ticked.

Registration Documents now do not have previous keeper details giving the motor trade a green light to be a little more economical with the truth.

It seem Pendragon are no strangers to this practice. Again not seen until some time after the event.


The signs were actually there to be seen. Other than the above average mileage there was a heel wear mark in the carpet by the clutch pedal. Hire companies tend not to fit mats.

I didn't take it any further as at the time I believed it was just one of those practices that as customers we have to tolerate. In hindsight it could have given them a b***** nose particularly as they had previous.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - alan1302

Bought a Hyundai i10 ex rental car - had done 6,000 miles when I bought it when it was 9 months old. It's no 7.5 years old and done 130,000 miles and not missed a beat.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Avant

As Fullchat says, detaikls of previous keepers aren't disclosed any longer, for data protection purposes. This can be to your advantage when you come to sell the car: no-one will know.

You aren't taking more of a risk than with any other used car. Being a hire car and having a first service when it was due is a better bet than one that's been driven to the shops and back all its life.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - gordonbennet

As Fullchat says, detaikls of previous keepers aren't disclosed any longer, for data protection purposes. This can be to your advantage when you come to sell the car: no-one will know.

Does that also apply to ex police cars i wonder, traditionally worth a fraction of equivalent private or company owned cars.

I think the issue here is who serviced the car and is the servicing up to Hyundai's requirements re warranty.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - catsdad

Like others I have bought such cars in the past without issue. In 1999 we bought an ex-rental Astra from Trade Sales Slough and ran it for about 16 years without incident. Current Golf bought last year too. So far OK. My Civic was Honda management - which is a very broad category - and was pretty fault free for six years.

If, like me, you buy cars that are a year or so old then there is a high chance they are ex-rental. One key plus for me is that they are being sold on a predetermined basis (age, miles) not due to a fault. Whereas a privately owned car being sold so young raises questions.

Finally the V5 not showing previous owner details doesn’t always fool the trade. The VW dealer where I traded the Civic recognised it’s source from the reg no. I expect there may trade lists of fleet reg numbers available but I doubt most dealers are that interested.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Andrew-T

As Fullchat says, detaikls of previous keepers aren't disclosed any longer, for data protection purposes.

Can anyone give a date for when this change happened ? Not many years ago I got a full history from DVLA for a J-reg 205. I tried again fairly recently and was told my reason for asking had to have a legal basis.

And presumably any car sold with its V5 will show a registered keeper. Some traders manage to 'lose' those from habit.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Bromptonaut

Can anyone give a date for when this change happened ? Not many years ago I got a full history from DVLA for a J-reg 205. I tried again fairly recently and was told my reason for asking had to have a legal basis.

I think the change was around 2018, probably when the General Data Protection Regulations came into force.

The V5 for my Skoda Roomster bought in Dec 2015 showed previous keeper. That for the Fabia that replaced it last year did not.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 15/09/2020 at 11:57

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - FP

I appreciate it's probably a good idea that previous owners are now not shown, but if this had been in force a few years ago it would have been highly inconvenient for me.

I had bought a Peugeot 306 HDi second hand and discovered when I got it home that the tool to remove the locking wheel nuts was missing. The dealer was unhelpful and I contacted the previous owner, having managed to find out the landline number from the name and address. At first they didn't seem to understand what I was describing, but eventually the penny dropped when they said, "Oh, so that's what the thing on my mantelpiece is for."

I collected it a couple of days later. Probably saved me quite a bit of money.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Kingpin

Some are also ex driving school fleet examples out there so beware. I think national chains like Bill Plant use plenty of Hyundai and VW models. One clue is the entries in the Bluetooth phone directory on the multi media, once an I20 I looked at had several profiles indicating different drivers. Nothing wrong with them being regularly used mind, some would say a car with 12,000 miles per annum is better than one that just goes to the supermarket and back.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - catsdad

Yes, my son had an exdriving school Corsa. Bought knowingly from a car supermarket with fsh at 18 months old for a very good price (£5.2k in 2012). He had a precautionary gearbox oil change but otherwise just routine servicing for the next 70k miles before selling It this year for peanuts to a family friend who needed a runabout.

Horrible tinny car mind but nothing to do with it’s history,

I do think driving school is a higher risk than ex-rental but if it’s cheap enough It can be worth it.

Edited by catsdad on 16/09/2020 at 13:09

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Andrew-T

I had bought a Peugeot 306 HDi second hand and discovered when I got it home that the tool to remove the locking wheel nuts was missing. The dealer was unhelpful and I contacted the previous owner, having managed to find out the landline number from the name and address.

Perhaps even odder, last year I got a 1994 306, noticing that the rear headrests were missing. The seller knew nothing, but at least the V5 showed the original owner. It turned out she still had them several years after disposing of the car !

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Mister Paul

Thanks for the replies everyone. This is resolved now.

I emailed the dealer to raise the issue, not expecting much and not being sure what to ask for. The dealer offered to take the car back right from the off and give us a refund. After he said that everything relaxed.

We spent the whole of Saturday morning at the dealers talking it through and trying out a few cars. Yesterday we swapped the previous car for a pre-registered i30 with a pretty satisfactory discount.

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - SLO76
Good dealer, made the effort to please a customer when many would’ve shrugged their shoulders and left you unhappy. I don’t need to wish you well with the new car as these don’t really go wrong.
Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - Andrew-T

I emailed the dealer to raise the issue, not expecting much and not being sure what to ask for. The dealer offered to take the car back right from the off and give us a refund. After he said that everything relaxed.

Just possibly he thought he might get more for it second time round .... ?

Just discovered I bought an ex-rental car - alan1302

I emailed the dealer to raise the issue, not expecting much and not being sure what to ask for. The dealer offered to take the car back right from the off and give us a refund. After he said that everything relaxed.

Just possibly he thought he might get more for it second time round .... ?

They might do and they sold a pre reg they needed to shift as well so think they have done all ok out of it.