Vauxhall Insignia - Coolant leak - Gary Gunning

I bought a 14 plate Vauxhall Insignia 1.8 petrol car in September of last year. Ever since then there has been a coolant issue/loss. I have recently had the thermostat and main pipe replaced so doubt it it that. I've checked the engine bay and can't see and coolant build up anywhere, can anyone suggest anywhere else to look? I have looked under the car and there is wetness underneath the fan but don't think that's it. Everything I pull away from standing still there is a wooshing noise which is presumably coolant getting pulled through? Can anyone suggest anything to look at? Cheers

Vauxhall Insignia - Coolant leak - sammy1

Has anyone checked the water pump, either pump failing or the gasket.

Vauxhall Insignia - Coolant leak - Gary Gunning

sammy1, not that I know of. Where would the gasket be for it? Thanks

Vauxhall Insignia - Coolant leak - Deryck

I had a 2010 Insignia that had a coolant leak that I traced to the expansion tank. Have you looked underneath that? I had water on the ABS modulator and pools in the gearbox casting. The expansion tanks seem to be well know for cracking and mine had a few that could have been the cause

I bought a tank new from eBay for about £30~40 plus a bit of coolant to top up

I also had the water pump fail but that was catastrophic and masked by the leak from the expansion tank. I had the pump replaced but that wasn't too expensive at around £40 plus labour.

Edited by Deryck on 14/09/2020 at 08:16

Vauxhall Insignia - Coolant leak - Philip Lythgoe

l'm on my 3rd header tank, they split. My insignia is only 2015 plate.

By the way. Oil drips from the oil filter housing onto the manifold, giving off fumes, another problem.

Great car apart from that...