It won't be like the ome in Cambridge, That one is not on an A road, but is a bit of a rat run.
Colchester is the road that leads off the A12 onto Cowdary avenue which is already badly congested as the town centre is one way from the east.
The proposed changes to North Station road, will cause more problems too as local traders in that area rely on the 30 minute parking for a lot of business.
We already have a cycle path (shared) on mile end road that i have yet to see being used.
The area around the railway station and bridge under are bad enough now at any time of the day.
My own suggestion (as I see it), is that the roundabout is replaced by a normal crossroads, traffic light controlled, which the roundabout is anyway because of the pedestian pelican crossings.
South bound from the station to the Albert roundabout is buses only. Northbound is buses and access for residents.