Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - Jungerns

Is there a better alternative to Blackcircles or are they as good as it gets ??


Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - alan1302

Is there a better alternative to Blackcircles or are they as good as it gets ??


Plenty of other online tyre sellers - usually comes down to who's the best price for what you want. Last time I got some tyres TyresOnTheDrive were very good.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - John F

I used 'mytyres' which I thought was good value. They supplied a list of local fitters to choose from, one of which was a very good price of a tenner a wheel.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - catsdad

You need to check prices at several sites and take into account fitting arrangements.

Once I found an offer at Halfords that beat everyone for the specific tyre I needed. However usually BC work out as best overall for me as they can be fitted at a local place with an appointment.and, in normal times, I can mooch around the shops while I wait. Usually, in my area, cheaper deals mean a 25 mile round trip and hanging around a fitting place on an industrial estate.

The point is headline price is only one factor, albeit a main one.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - badbusdriver

I decide which tyre i want, buy them on Ebay and have my trusted indy fit them.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - thunderbird

You need to check prices at several sites and take into account fitting arrangements.

The last time I needed tyres I tried all the usual sites but since we had moved house and the friendly tyre fitter up the street was no longer available for a cheap, reliable, quality after hours service I needed to include fitting. Loads of local fitters available at Oponeo/Mytyres/Blackcircles etc but when I checked the cheaper ones were scrapyards and god only knows what they would have done to my alloy (9 years old but still unkerbed and in excellent condition).

So I rang the small indy fitter down the road for a price and his all in price was pretty much exactly the same as the lowest online fitted prices. No waiting for delivery, no worries should a tyre be damaged in transit, just a 2 minute drive (including getting the car out of the garage) and wait 15 minutes for the job to be fully sorted.

So I suggest a ring round the local small fitters first, it worked for me.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - Will deBeast

I normally go to costco, but you need to be a member.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - groaver

Camskill have always been competitive for me.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - gordonbennet

Over the years i've bought from Tyremen, Mytyres, Oponeo, Camskill and TyreLeader, the last two mentioned my go to sources, only once was there an issue, TL sent one the wrong size, obviously a stock/picking mistake which they put right immediately, never had any other problems.

Local indies are fine, the problem with some is they want to sell you what they want, not necessarily what you want.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - sandy56

I find the tyres I want at an acceptable price then ask my local garage his price to supply and fit. If can come close on price then I use him. It is a family business and I have been using them for years. I just used them to supply and fit a new battery.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - Jungerns

Thanks to all that responded

In hindsight Blackcircles seem way out in front on price across entire range so will stick with them. Thanks again

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - daveyjp

I used Blakcircles for an indication of price when I needed tyres last year.

From the search I was unaware my usual fitter was now a Blackcircles affiliate so I called them and their price was lower. I think they also had a voucher for tyres on their website to reduce the price further.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - Engineer Andy

Other than the price, the best thing to check - for Blackcircles (which I use) OR ANY other alternative (there are many decent ones who are similarly very competitive on price) - that any 'tied' fitter they use is actually good.

For my previous set of tyres (from BC), I used one of their 'premium' partner fitters, which actually had only been open about a month, and who did a poor job fitting the tyres, with one going down after just a week and demanding more money to have it refitted - which didn't improve the sitaution.

In the end, I took my car to my local main dealer (who I have always used for servicing and maintenance) who offered to refit the problem tyre FOC, and lo and behold the tyre then worked fine right up until it was replaced 2 years ago (nearly 6 years of usage).

This latest time, I used my main dealer instead, still sourcing the tyres from BC (who just happened to be the cheapest when I was buying them - they aren't always). I also was having the alloys changed anyway, so I save more because I wasn't being charged for the fitting of both, just the tyres, and one that came in a bit cheaper than through a BC fitter as well.

I had some issues with the alloys (not to do with fitting - they ordered the wrong ones {I got a discount as a result]), but no problems with the tyres.

I wouldn't order tyres through a car main dealership though - extortionately expensive (about a third more per tyre) even though they get them from the tyre wholesaler about 200yds away! Mine were delivered to my home from BC and drove down to the dealership with them in the boot/on the back seat.

Make sure that any tyres used/ordered are less than 6 months (preferably less than 3) months old (sidewall for the production date by year and week number).

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - daveyjp

Same experience with my Blackcirckes fitting experience, the fitters didn't give care to the job. Aparently they were only paid £3 a tyre for fitting and of course couldn't benefit from sourcing tyres at trade prices. That garage is no longer an affiliate.

My regular fitters were completely different and when my new tyres were fitted they paid attention to detail including lining up the coloured marks on the tyres with the valves.

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - Engineer Andy

Same experience with my Blackcirckes fitting experience, the fitters didn't give care to the job. Aparently they were only paid £3 a tyre for fitting and of course couldn't benefit from sourcing tyres at trade prices. That garage is no longer an affiliate.

Ditto for the one I used, which was (at the time) also part of the ProTyre group as well (and also no longer a franchise within 1 year, though they've cheekily kept very similar decals and logos).

Given I was paying about £11 for fitting per tyre back then (£14ish today) from BC, that can't given the fitter much margin, given how long it takes them, inclduing balancing.

My regular fitters were completely different and when my new tyres were fitted they paid attention to detail including lining up the coloured marks on the tyres with the valves.

Often a small but well-regarded local indie fitter will price-match as they often don't need to advertise, word of mouth doing the job. I just wish there was such a place local to me - just the big boys and indie garages that sadly don't have a stellar rep.

It's the reason why I still go to my nearest Mazda main dealer for all my car's maintenance, even though the car is now 14+ years old.

Edited by Engineer Andy on 23/05/2020 at 12:24

Cooper S - Tyres online purchase - catsdad

I understand that ATS ( who are my local BC filter), BC and Michelin are all under the same ownership which might part explain why it usually works for me. I think the internal invoice I saw on the workshop desk to fit and balance two tyres was £20.