If buying new, decide which your wife likes the look of and download an online brochure which will (or at least should) tell you.
2nd hand is a bit more tricky. As you have realised, reliable info isn't that easy to come across. But one suggestion would be to do the same as before, decide which you like the look of, then ask on here about that specific model, if you're lucky, a forum member will have one and can tell you definitively whether or not it has 3 sets of isofix.
But, unfortunately, that is not the end of your problems. Child seats vary in width, as do the rear seats in cars!. So even if you do find something you like the look of, and does have 3 sets of isofix on the rear bench, that doesn't mean it will take the 3 child seats you have chosen.
Another option would be to get a 7 seat SUV (which needn't be massive), then you will have ample space for 2 child seats on the middle row and one in the rear?.