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Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Fred Lemont

My local Esso garage is showing a "Headline Price" up on the display column as £1.119

I filled with Esso Synergy Supreme (99 Ron) as it is just a few pence more expensive AS A RULE

On checking my receipt at home I discover it was £1.349 - quite a difference

Yes I know I should check at the pump - and I will next time - but 23 pence a lite diference !!!!

Just a warning

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - thunderbird

Why on earth are you using 99 RON fuel in a run of the mill car like a Toledo. If you look in the manual, its possibly even inside the fuel flap Seat will be telling you that 95 RON is fine for your car.

The only cars that require "super" fuels are truly exotic ones and the manufacturers will make it clear somewhere.

We have never used anything but 95 RON petrol and regular diesel in our cars (mostly supermarket) and in the 35 years or so since Asda opened a filling station locally we have never had a single fuel related problem.

Our Skoda Fabia 110 PS TSi runs on 95 RON as per the fuel flap and remember that all VAG cars use the exact same engines, most TSI engines are made at the Skoda plant for all the brands.

Save your money.

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Miniman777

Not sure where the OP lives, but branded unleaded (95RON) is 105.9 per litre in my part of Leicestershire. Supermarkets charging 102.7 per litre. 134p is motorway prices and madness.

I dont even run our Cooper S on 99RON which does 5k miles per year. I've never felt a benefit - regardless of the spin from HJ towards premium priced fuel. I've ran my company car mainly on supermarket fuel for nearly 5 years, my own Kuga TDCi and Mondeo TDCi before that - never had a problem with poor economy or rough running. Ever.

To me, pushing premium priced fuel is tantamount to scaremongering or simply clever marketing - and I dont give a fig about the 'science'. No repeat journey is ever identical.

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Big John

My local Esso garage is showing a "Headline Price" up on the display column as £1.119

I filled with Esso Synergy Supreme (99 Ron) as it is just a few pence more expensive AS A RULE

On checking my receipt at home I discover it was £1.349 - quite a difference

Yes I know I should check at the pump - and I will next time - but 23 pence a lite diference !!!!

Just a warning

Probably due to more 95RON petrol being used so storage tanks have since been refilled with cheaper fuel so the price goes down

I find my Skoda 1.4 tsi does run better on higher octane petrol but there is no real difference to fuel consumption - I tend to use Tesco Greenenergy as it's not that much more expensive. On our Fiat Panda there is no real difference between 95 and 99 RON.

Having said that I've forgotten what it's like to fill up with petrol. I've gone from 15k miles a year to near zero!

Edited by Big John on 03/05/2020 at 10:15

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Smileyman

I was dreaming of normal times earlier this morning, so went to the popular petrol prices app on my mobile and started to think about fuel prices - selected Canterbury, a city just off the A2 London - Dover road in Kent. I was very impressed with the price at two leading supermarkets, Morrisons and Asda, £102.7, some Esso sites £103.9 and then almost fell of my chair when I saw that nearby BP is charging £117.9. OK, these prices were uplifted over a period of 3 - 4 days, but I ask, whilst corporate motorists probably don't care, if funding the fuel out of their own pocket who pays the higher price?

Anything under £1.00 you ask, yes, Texaco two sites in nearby Ramsgate unleaded showing at 99.9p.

As a NHS shielded person I won't be going out to check prices in person, in fact I've been working from home / not been anywhere since 23rd March and will remain home until some time in June.

Also, as a SEAT Toledo driver I also question why you are using the more expensive grade of fuel, standard unleaded is perfectly fine for the 1.0 engine.

Edited by Smileyman on 03/05/2020 at 14:43

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - groaver

My local Esso garage is showing a "Headline Price" up on the display column as £1.119

I filled with Esso Synergy Supreme (99 Ron) as it is just a few pence more expensive AS A RULE

I thought it was 97 RON as against Tesco and Shell's 99?

I like the blurb from their website:

[Synergy Supreme+ Unleaded fuel also contains molecules that help to reduce friction and prevent wear and tear in your engine.***]

Molecules, you say?! That sounds quite technical. Where do I sign up?

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - craig-pd130

The two local Shell stations are selling regular 95 at 107.9, and V-Power 99 at 136.9, which is truly extracting the micturate.

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - groaver

If they've not been selling much fuel. That super unleaded may have been purchased at older higher price.

However, I know they are quick to raise prices when a barrel of oil rises in value..

Edited by groaver on 03/05/2020 at 16:04

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - nellyjak

Still amazes me that many are still buying into the myth of super-duper high octane 99RON+ fuel...absolutely no point unles you drive some sort of exotica that is made to run on this level of fuel.

95RON IS premium fuel..."regular" fuel is down round 91 RON...95RON gets referred to as "standard" because it's the one the vast majority of us use,

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Big John

Still amazes me that many are still buying into the myth of super-duper high octane 99RON+ fuel...absolutely no point unles you drive some sort of exotica that is made to run on this level of fuel.

It really depends on the engine and how it's controlled. With any petrol engine depending on the fuel, compression ratio, ignition timing, cooling, carbon etc it's possible for the piston compression to cause the air and petrol mixture to ignite prematurely. The lower the octance level of the petrol the more likely this will happen. Many modern petrol engines have a knock sensor as part of the engine management that controls the state of tune to keep it just short of pinking.

High octane petrol doesn't make a jot of difference with the simple 4 cylinder 1.2 engine of my wife's Fiat Panda but it's a different story with the 1.4 tsi turbo direct engine fitted to my Skoda Superb

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - groaver

My car's fuel cap states 98 Ron.

It's not an exotic car. Far from it.

Edited by groaver on 04/05/2020 at 10:10

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Engineer Andy

My local Esso garage is showing a "Headline Price" up on the display column as £1.119

I filled with Esso Synergy Supreme (99 Ron) as it is just a few pence more expensive AS A RULE

On checking my receipt at home I discover it was £1.349 - quite a difference

Yes I know I should check at the pump - and I will next time - but 23 pence a lite diference !!!!

Just a warning

Ouch! Sounds like your Esso garage has little local competition, even at the moment with far less business. My local has a Tesco nearby and the price is now down to around £1.05 per litre for 95 Ron petrol.

I suspect that superunleaded is still expensive, given there's not much call for it (so they still have stocks bought at the higher wholesale price to get rid of), especially at the moment. When I filled up there about a month before the lockdown, I paid £1.22 for Ron 95 and recall the 98/99 being about 15p more expensive.

Moral of the story - always check the price at the pump before starting to fill up! Most filling stations don't show the price of superfuels on their illuminated signs (I think they should be forced to, by law).

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - groaver

Yeah, that's always been a bugbear of mine Andy. Sometomes you don't know until you lift the pump handle and it appears on the screen.

Seat Toledo Mk4 - Check your Fuel Price! - Engineer Andy

Yeah, that's always been a bugbear of mine Andy. Sometomes you don't know until you lift the pump handle and it appears on the screen.

By law they are supposed to show the price on the pump display/facia all the time, so you don't have to lifet the handle to find out. They should be reported if this isn't the case.