Toyota Yaris 2015 1.3 - Problem with my car - Lynn Thatcher
Really hope someone can help, not helpful that this has happened in the current climate. 

I have a 2015 Yaris and haven’t been using it as much lately. Last week it was weds to Saturday whet normally I use it every day. I went to start it on weds and it wouldn’t turn over and start. No lights to indicate what it is on the dash. I then turned the ignition key and the display screen almost looked like it had reset screen. Radio channels etc all wiped. It had some kind of timer on the screen so I waited until it had finished and thankfully it started with a bit of a struggle. I’ve been starting it each day but it’s happened again this morning and was really troublesome to sort.

it’s spluttering a bit and sounds like it’s not ticking over as it should, but after a few minutes is better. I’m keeping it going for a bit but can’t drive it about and I don’t know if that would solve it anyway. Not being a mechanic I have no clue and I know most are now shut :-( 

It’s been left before for longer than this and been ok. Another forum has suggested starting it once weekly and leaving it for 30-40 minutes running which is fine, just worried after a week it won’t start again.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks :-)
Toyota Yaris 2015 1.3 - Problem with my car - elekie&a/c doctor

Sounds like the battery is in trouble. Get it tested .It could be the original.

Toyota Yaris 2015 1.3 - Problem with my car - Big John

Time for a new battery me thinks and it needs a bit of a run if possible (difficult at the mo I know). How far is your nearest Halfords, they are still open and they would be able to fit a battery - and it may give your car a run whilst you are at it.

I suspect this will be a big problem in the whole country with lot's of cars not being used.

Edited by Big John on 01/04/2020 at 21:24