The link is as close to the issue as I can find, I can tell you for both car and hgv, that if you are not licensed to drive the vehicle for whatever reason then your insurance is also not valid, even if the company or the main insurer lets you drive it.
As such if the 2nd driver was the last one to use the vehicle they will simply deny the claim and further penalties may apply to both of you. They might be wanting to use that as an excuse to deny the claim as all insurance companies state that you have to inform them of any changes in your license, or any other person who is also insured on the same policy. If that is the case then the whole policy is invalid for both of you and not just the 2nd driver.
It depends on so much, if it was the other person then was the car locked properly ? Where was it stolen from they might want to see if their is cctv,
You could always phone them and ask them why they want to know, and if it affects your claim.
Edited by A Driver since 1988, HGV 2006 on 08/03/2020 at 16:12