I bought 2nd hand 2014 zafira tourer from a small independent car lot.
car has 7800 miles on clock of which I've driven maybe 500 miles.
I bought it about 6 weeks ago.
all seemed ok...but I'm no mechanic...until on a hill to multi car park when I got my ticket from machine and found I couldn't put it into a gear. some how after 5 minutes of annoyed queue behind me I got it into gear but then same problem when trying to reverse.
somehow I got it into gear and parked in bay and promptly rang seller.
They said try pulling clutch pedal up with hand and I realised it was correct.
The clutch had stayed to floor.
well all was fine again but I still went to dealer.
his advise was it's normal and if the problem occurred again he would spray dw40 on it and it's fine.
got problem again on way home.
He and his brother are very rough sort and I'm not at all confrontational.
So I checked and it seems they should offer to repair if there's proof I bought it with that problem. how can you prove that?!
I've booked it into vauxhall to find out problem at a cost of about 150 quid.
Is it likely the case that I'll have to foot the bill or can I get them to repair it for me?
or is it just one of those things?