Would be interesting to know what Land Rover tell their owners about this system. Clearly the accused had no idea!
My car has no Internet connection but does have a 112 emergency call system built in (basically its own mobile phone and SIM). The manual has endless pages on data protection to reassure you about what it records. Even in the event of an automatic data download after a crash it can only disclose your last three GPS positions (allegedly).
It is becoming clear that large corporations have invested and encouraged the wholesale inclusion of comprehensive tracking and monitoring capabilities into our daily lives following our movements, habits, behaviours and our internet browsing history.
Many of these capabilities, it would seem, are enabled and fully functional, 'by default' from new and can only be partially disabled by us, the victim/user by venturing deep into the settings menus. Most modern entertainment systems, smart phones, personal computing devices and even domestic appliances have sophisticated 'software based' operating systems and are able to support multiple applications, often running concurrently, and sadly they all have resident programming/coding errors or 'bugs' due to the complexity of the algorithms and the high cost of fully testing and debugging the code before product release. These coding imperfections usually cause periodic lock ups and/or system crashes. Whether by design or just by incomplete pre-production testing and debugging, these 'software driven' systems need to be reset periodically to recover from the lock up or crash and when the so called obligatory 'factory reset' is applied - BINGO - all the original default tracking and monitoring settings are re-installed and re-enabled - by default. So, typically even if we had disabled as much as possible, it all returns and is re-enabled whenever a factory reset is applied. Furthermore these monitoring and tracking systems are also prone to erroroneous function but they too can be fine tuned and 'repaired' by subsequent software 'updates' that are downloaded, supposedly to keep our personal data secure!
What a farce, you could not make it work in favour of the 'corporate watching' any better if you tried! Undoubtedly our UK Local Authorities and County Councils are also 'in on the act' too - e.g. using drones to fly over their wards and housing estates to check who has built extensions without applying for planning permission etc!
With particular reference to the motoring situation it will undoubtedly become increasingly clear to us all that the seemingly very generous, 3, 5 or 7 year Manufacturer's Warranties will be likely to be dishonoured for the most obscure or trivial reasons of warranty violation, since the driver'shistory of abuse of his or her vehicle will be evidident when the built in ECU memory and any associated data, uploaded to 'the cloud' is scanned.
It never just rains my friends and colleagues - it pours!
Happy Motoring to all my friends and colleagues - we know it is all really for our own good don't we?
Edited by Firmbutfair on 23/01/2020 at 11:03