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Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

I refer to the site that has had some associations and/or similarities with this one in the past. It hasn't had any activity for a few days and looking back over time doesn't seem to be more than a handful of regulars keeping it going. Presumably whoever owns he site must be happy with such limited comings and goings.

One or two of them started up a breakaway forum acouple of years ago - called something like Grumpy old f***s Village Pub ... but that didn't seem to thrive and it seemed as though the members of that one crept back from whence they came.

I've no idea what the economics of keeping forums going are - I'm sure others are better versed in these things.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

I've no idea what the economics of keeping forums going are - I'm sure others are better versed in these things.

The GoF Village Pub uses a free hosting service supported by advertising.

The other place seems to rely on generosity of the owner but I doubt it costs much to keep going as it's still using same software as this place was ten years ago. As you say only a few of us keep it going.

It got bogged down in unpleasantness over Brexit and one or two individuals want to be the 'Alpha male' and have driven a few contributors out via offensive or over assertive behaviour.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

Oh well, that has added a bit of light on the matter ... ta.

I have to say I registered there ages and ages ago but stopped contributing after a time as there were (are) a few contributors who I really took a dislike to (I recall they may have originated here). I regarded them as bullies and know-alls and had no wish to have any association there.

And, as you say, the Brexit discussions were caustic in the extreme. Not nice.

If it keeps going, then that's fine. If it were to fall by the wayside .... I wonder if any of them would return here?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

If it keeps going, then that's fine. If it were to fall by the wayside .... I wonder if any of them would return here?

A fair number of us use both and GoF as well even if not necessarily with same usernames.

I've had a few run ins with one of the bullies but I will not be driven away. Either give as good as I get or adopt line of 'whatever' or agreement to differ.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Chris M

"It got bogged down in unpleasantness over Brexit and one or two individuals want to be the 'Alpha male' and have driven a few contributors out via offensive or over assertive behaviour."

Agree with you there Brompt. It's a far from welcoming place for a newcomer, or indeed yourself, if your views don't fit with the alpha males and pedants.

I was trying to think of a way of introducing our new contributor, The Man, to them.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I was trying to think of a way of introducing our new contributor, The Man, to them.


”Here’s some raw meat lads, bon appetit” would suffice.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - corax
I doubt it costs much to keep going as it's still using same software as this place was ten years ago.

That old screen format I find personally is one of the easiest ones to read, and this one. I have given up reading some forums because the screen layout has made me want to look away after five minutes, the glare of white behind the text being too much.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

As most of you know, the 'other forum' started in 2010 when the software provider left us. But I'm glad to say we were quick to resurrect, led by HJ, and I've been glad to have been the moderator since then. I occasionally post 'there': there's a bit more actvity in the non-motoring section.

The GOF forum keeps going: there aren't many members, but those of us who are enjoy the virtual company. Its members are a civilised bunch who left the other forum because of the unpleasantness of a few individuals, who I think have now left all the forums, praise be.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Engineer Andy

I'm not sure what 'The Other Forum' is exactly, but one thing I've noticed over the last 10 years or so is the waning popularity of forums - perhaps because of the increasing polarisation of debate on many subjects, especially politics, but also because newer members don't appear to be actually interested in conversations / genuine discussions over a reasonable time on issues.

Often the one-liner (especially insults) and deliberate lying to shut down debate seems to be the order of the day, perhaps because their attention span and knowledge is lower than longer-term/older members. This sort of thing has crept into newspaper comments sections (even on articles that aren't really that political), even to the extent that I've been moaned at for deigning to write all of a two (not too long) paragraph comment, often because it's a complicated issue worthy of a longer comment.

Seems the young'uns (not all but a good percentage) just want a quick fix of 'spicy trash talk' before moving onto the next subject. In many ways, I'm glad the political crises of the past 3 years in the UK is seemingly well on the way to being resolved (whether we like the result or not) and we can get back to a greater extent to discussing 'normal' everyday issues again with a bit more civility and detail, complete with less trolls.

I must admit it is difficult to navigate the sea of outrage culture and the Thought Police who want to shut down debate because some is 'offended' (often at the littlest thing) or because an issue is deemed 'off-limits' because of people with political agendas, who want dictate the terms of debates to further an agenda, or are scared of being 'deplatformed', sued (by theses 'activists' and friends) or driven out of business/their jobs or careers by lies/intentional bad publicity.

Website/forum owners and staff seem to be very concious of this ongoing threat and sometimes go to far to stop the bad stuff, often stiffling debate and thus making the site unviable. I've seen many go that way over the past few years.

What is a shame is that the longer-term decline in decent discussion (not just on motoring issues or not, here and elsewhere) over the Interweb seems to be still on the decline: many forums I've been a member of for years are now no longer active, and nothing replaces them. Maybe people just want their twitter fix.

A lot of people don't like discussing issues in person, even light-hearted ones or when they are meeting to specifically discuss issues of importance (e.g. for a Residents' Association). I've seen members of my own family just keep their eyes glued to their tablet/mobile phone rather than do things together, even when all together at this time of year.

Sad really - let's hope that 2020 can bring better things.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - bazza

I used to frequent it but haven't for at least a couple of years. It became polarized and dominated by a couple of egotistical individuals who could be downright unpleasant at times. Reading it became a negative experience. I'm sure brexit was the straw that broke it!! By contrast this forum remains polite even when disagreements are going on and congratulations and thanks to Avant and moderators who do an excellent job here.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Zippy123

I recognise a friendly foldable bicycle user from "the other place".

The motoring section is not as frequently used as the non-motoring section which is still going strong.

There are very few new members there which is unfortunate and there has been a spate of very strange forum members over the last couple of years - "wind up merchants" would be a pleasant description of them. New members don't seem to be made very welcome.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - barney100

Never had any problems with members of this site. I've had some good advice and suggestions and people are very helpful.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I think Facebook has taken over many duties of forums. Sports teams often use it in prference to a web site or forum. I hate Facebook, the UI from hell.

I think online bullying was common but yes it got worse with Brexit. Sadly people have absolutist views. If you disagree you must be evil and twisted and sick. Sad.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - gordonbennet

I think Facebook has taken over many duties of forums. Sports teams often use it in prference to a web site or forum. I hate Facebook, the UI from hell.

I think online bullying was common but yes it got worse with Brexit. Sadly people have absolutist views. If you disagree you must be evil and twisted and sick. Sad.

I suspect some people are finding out what it was like being on the wrong side (whichever that was) during the miner's strike, which split families and communities apart sometimes permanently.

I too have no intention of putting my whole life on show via facebook or any other data gathering business.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

"One thing I've noticed over the last 10 years or so is the waning popularity of forums...."

Probably true of pure chatrooms, but this one keeps flourishing as it still serves its original purpose of being a place where people can come for help and advice.

Once again on behalf of the HJ team, huge thanks to those who so willingly give of their time and experience.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

Bazza said ...."I used to frequent it but haven't for at least a couple of years. It became polarized and dominated by a couple of egotistical individuals who could be downright unpleasant at times. Reading it became a negative experience".

Speaking of which, do I recall correctly that there was a member with the forum-name of Zero who popped up relatively recently here and there was a bit of uncertainty at the time about whether it was the same Zero from the other place: I think Avant confirmed it was a different individual entirely.

My brain is easily addled these days and I can't even rember what the original Zero was called when he was here. Someone else will though.

Conversely, and somewhat off at a tangent, occasionally there's a thread revival from donkey's years ago the best thing about someone dragging up an old, old thread from ten or fifteen years ago is you can catch sight of names from the past.... Growler and Toad of Toad Hall (parp, parp).

And that DOES make you feel old :-(

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

My brain is easily addled these days and I can't even rember what the original Zero was called when he was here. Someone else will though.

Changed his name with his car.

Renault Family

Touran Man

Altea Ego


Also Nogbad in GoF where I think he was founder/Admin - he outed himself by mixing up which ID he was logged in with.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

Did he not own a Mitsubishi Lancer estate though? ... that one seems to be absent in the list. And I think it was mentioned that, following a particular event, became BMW Man, [and wasn't entirely averse to advising others of the change].

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

Did he not own a Mitsubishi Lancer estate though? ... that one seems to be absent in the list. And I think it was mentioned that, following a particular event, became BMW Man, [and wasn't entirely averse to advising others of the change].

Zero reflected the Lancer - as in the Mitsubishi Zero aircraft of the WW2 era.

I wouldn't rule out him changing again but he's been Zero while owning successively a Volvo and the Beemer.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

Ah, right. (Sadly showing my ignorance of WW2 aircraft there).

(and presumably Hofmeister was another?)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Alby Back

I visit all three, without reservation or prejudice. It's a bit like using different pubs really. Different atmospheres, different regulars, sometimes the same people turning up in all of them, and occasionally someone the landlord has to have a quiet word with.

All have their little something to offer, all have their downsides too, but that's just life isn't it?

I don't intentionally "support" one over the other, they are not football teams !

Happy New Year to all here by the way !

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - corax

This forum is mostly like Dads Army. I couldn't tell you which character equates to who in here, all I know is that Sgt Wilson is our leader.

Most of the time he is good natured, a model of charm, and keeps the peace, but not shy of putting his foot down when needed. Didn't he knock Hodges out in one episode?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - gordonbennet

This forum is mostly like Dads Army. I couldn't tell you which character equates to who in here, all I know is that Sgt Wilson is our leader.

Most of the time he is good natured, a model of charm, and keeps the peace, but not shy of putting his foot down when needed. Didn't he knock Hodges out in one episode?

'oh it was only a little slap' or words to that effect from Capt Mainwaring, though Hodges richly deserved it from Wilson having propositioned young Pike's mother for her favours, the swine.

Hmm dread to think which of us is which among that much loved moth eaten bunch, back in real life my own mother used to wait on Private Frazer when he stayed at the hotel she worked at, she liked him enormously a charming man.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

^^^ Indeed ... the episode was called 'High Finance'.

Hodges threatens to sue Sgt. Wilson having received the blow to the fizzog - but Mainwaring rebukes him for 'making such a fuss about a little tap like that'. And the fifty pounds finds its rightful owner, having changed hands a few times along the way.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

In a previous job someone equated me to Sgt Wilson, perhaps because of a relaxed manner. I’m certainly not public school or posh. More of a corporal Jones these days ...

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I found the other forum unpleasant. You do need moderation, of the Goldilocks variety.

To run a forum probably costs little in money terms, a web site can be hosted for less than £100 a year. However this one has a moderator, and lots of articles and reviews to write and add all of which adds expense. Some can be done by goodwill of course.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - John Boy

I found the other forum unpleasant. You do need moderation, of the Goldilocks variety.

Could you elaborate about Goldilocks, please? I had to look up the story (appears there are 3 versions), but I'm still no clearer about that variety of moderation..

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Chris M

"However this one has a moderator, and lots of articles and reviews to write and add all of which adds expense. Some can be done by goodwill of course."

This is a money making website with a forum tacked on. The reviews/articles draw in the punters which attracts the advertisers. I don't think Avant's position on the Forbes Rich List has anything to do with the excellent work he does here.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

"However this one has a moderator, and lots of articles and reviews to write and add all of which adds expense. Some can be done by goodwill of course."

This is a money making website with a forum tacked on. The reviews/articles draw in the punters which attracts the advertisers. I don't think Avant's position on the Forbes Rich List has anything to do with the excellent work he does here.

Yes of course. The forum helps market the site. Your last sentence made me laugh. Remind me to ask Avant for a loan.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I found the other forum unpleasant. You do need moderation, of the Goldilocks variety.

Could you elaborate about Goldilocks, please? I had to look up the story (appears there are 3 versions), but I'm still no clearer about that variety of moderation..

Sorry I assumed it was common parlance, clearly not. It means ‘just right’. It comes from Goldilocks wanting her porridge not too hot, not too cold, hence just right. You can search Goldilocks Principle on Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I refer to the site that has had some associations and/or similarities with this one in the past. It hasn't had any activity for a few days and looking back over time doesn't seem to be more than a handful of regulars keeping it going. Presumably whoever owns he site must be happy with such limited comings and goings.

One or two of them started up a breakaway forum acouple of years ago - called something like Grumpy old f***s Village Pub ... but that didn't seem to thrive and it seemed as though the members of that one crept back from whence they came.

I've no idea what the economics of keeping forums going are - I'm sure others are better versed in these things.

Having read a few threads, I suspect the contributors are gradually dying from age related illnesses.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

Having read a few threads, I suspect the contributors are gradually dying from age related illnesses.

We know that Armel Coussine died (he was regular in here before the break under another name). Possibly L'Escargot too but quite a few have drifted off in last 12 months including Movilogo and Mapmaker neither of whom were as ancient as I am!!

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - corax

We know that Armel Coussine died (he was regular in here before the break under another name).

Sad to hear that Lud has gone. I enjoyed his posts, he was amusing and good at dealing with offensive responses in a humorous way.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Happy Blue!

I was invited to join GoF and it is a pleasant place but very much frequented by a handful of regulars only. It has a different vibe to here being less technically involved in cars and more the philosophy, which I like. The election caused a few feathers to fly but peace has been restored.

The 'other place' is quite adversarial although also informative. But the general, non motoring, forum is much busier than the motoring section.

All three serve a purpose.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - drbe

We know that Armel Coussine died (he was regular in here before the break under another name).

Sad to hear that Lud has gone. I enjoyed his posts, he was amusing and good at dealing with offensive responses in a humorous way.

Didn't Lud become Dog and has recently reappeared as God?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

Didn't Lud become Dog and has recently reappeared as God?

I thought he was Perro?

It's easy to lose track though when people decide to use multiple 'handles'.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - corax

We know that Armel Coussine died (he was regular in here before the break under another name).

Sad to hear that Lud has gone. I enjoyed his posts, he was amusing and good at dealing with offensive responses in a humorous way.

Didn't Lud become Dog and has recently reappeared as God?

No, Lud/Armel Coussine was older, probably earlier generation. I think he lived in London and used to be a journalist/writer. Reading his threads I got the impression he liked a drink or two, at silly o'clock in the morning!

Dog/Perro/God lives in the wilds of Cornwall off the beaten track, and chomps through muesli and other raw natural ingredients, a very different character :-)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

No, Lud/Armel Coussine was older, probably earlier generation. I think he lived in London and used to be a journalist/writer.

Obituary for him here:


Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - corax
Obituary for him here:


Thanks Bromp. My mental image of him is actually very similar to the real life images.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

Having read a few threads, I suspect the contributors are gradually dying from age related illnesses.

We know that Armel Coussine died (he was regular in here before the break under another name). Possibly L'Escargot too but quite a few have drifted off in last 12 months including Movilogo and Mapmaker neither of whom were as ancient as I am!!

My comment was intended as light hearted, but yes looking back at names from the past is somewhat sad. I never care for Lud’s writing style, but it’s sad to hear he’s popped his clogs.

The one I cannot forget was sometimes referred to as BogBrush. I won’t write the correct name for fear of attracting him here. He was a very confrontational and opinionated person, loved starting fights and arguing. I often wonder what happened to him. I read somewhere that he’d been physically attacked in the street, but that might be false rumour.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

"This forum is mostly like Dads Army. I couldn't tell you which character equates to who in here, all I know is that Sgt Wilson is our leader."

I'm flattered to be compared with Wilson, who was a beautifully drawn character in Dad's Army. I believe John le Mesurier was much like that in real life. His technique was highly effective: he would say 'Do you mind awfully falling in in three ranks'?'....but they all fell in.

Fortunately we don't know each other well enough to ascribe Dad's Army characters -although until a few months ago there was a classroom bully on here who shall remain nameless but closely resembled Mr 'Odges.

Chris M was joking I know, but reports of my wealth are greatly exaggerated! I do some well-paid writing work in semi-retirement which supplements the pension and finances new cars - because I like them. I'm sure I'm not the only one on here who buys new.

If the Dad's Army cast had had cars when war broke out in 1939, it's fun to imagine what they might have been. Wilson I think would have had an ancient and battered Bentley, Mainwaring perhaps a new Rover P2 ('I worked damned hard to get this car'). Frazer: 'It's only a Rover 10 - wouldnae pull the skin off a rice pudden'.

Frazer himself appeared in one episode in an immaculate 1920s Rolls-Royce h e a r s e; Jones of course had his van.

Walker - a new flashy Vauxhall, bought on the black market.

Pike - his mum's Austin 7, which he reverses into Mainwaring's Rover ('You stupid boy').

Godfrey - 'I never seemed to get round to learning to drive. My sister Dolly drives me around in her little Morris. It's very powerful - it has the power of eight horses'.

Edited by Avant on 01/01/2020 at 09:53

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

^^^ What delightful note, Avant.

Insightful and even a tiny bit poignant.

Top Man!

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - John Boy

I never watched Dad's Army, so I can't comment on that analogy, but I have formed a mental picture of Avant. When I first saw a photo of Theresa May's husband, he was there in front of me and I thought to myself "Avant must be a bit of a dark horse!"

I'm also an admirer of his approach to moderating. I've been a moderator on a forum myself, but I didn't enjoy it at all. I started to avoid logging on and eventually resigned..

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Chris M

"I never watched Dad's Army"

Out of interest John Boy, have you ever met the other person?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - John Boy

Out of interest John Boy, have you ever met the other person?

If, Chris, you mean Philip May, then the answer is No.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

Oddly enough, I know Theresa and Philip as they are regular churchgoers at Sonning where I was organist for many years until moving down here to Dorset in 2014. Very nice people, and whatever you may think of her time as PM, she has always been an excellent constituency MP.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - andyp

I was a regular poster on there until about 3 1/2 years ago when I stopped visiting the site due to two members, one who has been mentioned in a post above and another who lives overseas. These individuals must be two of the most arrogant, rude, obnoxious people who you hope you never have the misfortune to meet. Anyone who dared to disagree with them, especially over Brexit suffered some of the most vile personal insulting abuse that I have ever seen on an internet forum and for some reason the moderators allowed them to get away with it. Understandably the forum became a very unpleasant place to visit and I am not the least bit surprised to read above that few people now post on there, I can only presume that these charming individuals are still allowed to rule on there.

Edited by andyp on 01/01/2020 at 08:27

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - oldroverboy.

To start 2020.

How do we see other members, as per Dads Army (for those who can remember it)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

^^^^^^ I could have written the thoughts expressed by andyp , word for word. At last I've found my long lost twin.

Whenever I've looked in there, if I see either of the two above noted individuals, my spirits fall. I'm genuinely amazed that the other members allow them to get away with such bullying tactics ... but, having said that, it's pretty obvious to me that the remaining members live in fear of upsetting them or disagreeing with them and incurring the wrath of their, well honed, sarcasm because they come out with the most caustic comments and no-one challenges them.

There used to be a lady lorry driver who I always though capable of holding her own in a fight ... but I'm not sure that even she hasn't given up the ghost and left.

Edited by KB. on 01/01/2020 at 12:24

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

Yes, I know the two you mean. The one who lives abroad is probably a Mainwaring, the one in the UK more like Walker.

What made Dad's Army funny was that each character was a caricature, very well-drawn by David Croft and Jimmy Perry: Wilson is perhaps the only one who has any dignity. So I wouldn't want to tar any present members with any of those particular brushes!

(I can't quite resist the thought that there was a touch of Private Pike in a recent thread just after Christmas....)

Edited by Avant on 01/01/2020 at 13:31

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

"Yes, I know the two you mean. The one who lives abroad is probably a Mainwaring, the one in the UK more like Walker."

Regarding the former, I understood the connection with Royal Leamington Spa at the time ... but was always too think to understand the more recent nomenclature. Did you get it?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Bromptonaut

"Yes, I know the two you mean. The one who lives abroad is probably a Mainwaring, the one in the UK more like Walker."

Regarding the former, I understood the connection with Royal Leamington Spa at the time ... but was always too think to understand the more recent nomenclature. Did you get it?

IIRC NoFM2R is a variation on RTFM

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

No wonder I didn't get it then .... I'm too thick to understand the connection.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

"Yes, I know the two you mean. The one who lives abroad is probably a Mainwaring, the one in the UK more like Walker."

Regarding the former, I understood the connection with Royal Leamington Spa at the time ... but was always too think to understand the more recent nomenclature. Did you get it?

Are you saying NoFM2R is the same person as Mark (RLBS)?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

That was my understanding but others will know for sure.

I always find it best to ingore most of what I say, coz it's usually wrong. :-)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

That was my understanding but others will know for sure.

I always find it best to ingore most of what I say, coz it's usually wrong. :-)

Thanks. I assume that second sentence was irony ...

Odd that someone who was once a moderator can be immoderate.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - KB.

It was entirely in jest although I've never overestimated the significance of my own station in life :-)

Edited by KB. on 01/01/2020 at 17:30

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - umani

>>There used to be a lady lorry driver who I always though capable of holding her own in a fight ... but I'm not sure that even she hasn't given up the ghost and left.

Pat, she was banned by a moderator - the mods there are partly to blame for the demise of said once very active and friendly forum. They should have, erm, moderated the 2 bullies mentioned above.

Pat is very active on Facebook, I and others could give you her surname, if that is allowed.

I still post there, but not so much these days due to, well, lots of regular posters leaving, plus. as has been said, not wanting to be called all sorts of quite awful names.

Yes, you've guessed it - I'm a Brexiteer :)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Alby Back
Well, to introduce another televisual analogy, I never did let Waldorf and Statler spoil my enjoyment of the rest of the programme. ;-)

Can't help wondering if some posters, on all forums, are, at least in part, figments of their own imagination.
Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - concrete

One forum is quite enough for an old codger like me. I like this one though. Even differences of opinion, genuinely held and defended do not cause much in the way of unpleasantness between posters. We can agree to differ and occasionally I am given to think about matters in a different way and even change my view. A good thing all round I think.

I like the 'Dad's Army' analogies. Watched them all last year during an extended trip to Spain and Portugal for Jan, Feb and March. We even has the original B&W ones that were recovered from the archives. Still really amusing and often poignant too.

Like Avant I did commence some work as a 'consultant' after retirement. I soon got fed up with it though. The money was great but the enthusiasm had waned. Must have used it all up in the preceding 50 years at the coalface.

BTW a very happy and healthy new years to one and all. Thanks chaps for all the fun.

Cheers Concrete

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Matt@

I've used HJ forum for years and its my come to place for all things motoring and has been invaluable. Could posters get info from elsewhere ie google prior to posting? possibly but getting personal recommendations is very useful. The only thing I find annoying is that some replies dont bother to read the questions properly!

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Chris M

I quite often look in on the other place. Absolutely agree with the previous comments on the bullies and believe they are the reason for the forum's declining membership. Brexit was the thing that really killed it as the bullies are fervent remainers and can't stand anyone with opposing views. That included Pat. I used to enjoy her posts. Possibly the only woman there and maybe here too?

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - RT

I quite often look in on the other place. Absolutely agree with the previous comments on the bullies and believe they are the reason for the forum's declining membership. Brexit was the thing that really killed it as the bullies are fervent remainers and can't stand anyone with opposing views. That included Pat. I used to enjoy her posts. Possibly the only woman there and maybe here too?

That comes down to lack of, or poor moderating - I use another forum which has many vocal Remainers, out of all proportion to the general public - but Brexit discussions were confined to a single topic so didn't detract from the forum's main discussions.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - hjd

That included Pat. I used to enjoy her posts. Possibly the only woman there and maybe here too?

Pat wasn't, and isn't, the only woman on both these places.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Zippy123

Godfrey - 'I never seemed to get round to learning to drive. My sister Dolly drives me around in her little Morris. It's very powerful - it has the power of eight horses'.

I liked Godfrey's character. My favourite episode is the one where he is shunned by the platoon after they found out that he was a conscientious objector in WW1.

He then goes on to save Capt. Manwaring and on his sickbed they see a photo of Godfrey getting a medal for bravery. He may have been a conscientious objector but that didn't stop him rescuing wounded under fire as a medic.

A quiet hero.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Senexdriver

I must have lead a sheltered life (or something) as I have no idea what the other two forums are. If it is not breaking some libel or data protection law, would anybody care to enlighten me?

I am a fairly recent member of this forum and, apart from an audi-specific one, I don’t participate in any others. I do find the atmosphere on HJ friendly and certainly helpful. I’ve tossed a number of questions into the ring and always received helpful responses. I did once experience an instance of unwarranted sarcasm from a regular poster but a sharp sarcastic riposte silenced him, I’m pleased to say. I have no stomach for protracted written sparring and will usually just bow out if it starts and leave the opponent to what he thinks are his clever quips.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

Godfrey - 'I never seemed to get round to learning to drive. My sister Dolly drives me around in her little Morris. It's very powerful - it has the power of eight horses'.

I liked Godfrey's character. My favourite episode is the one where he is shunned by the platoon after they found out that he was a conscientious objector in WW1.

He then goes on to save Capt. Manwaring and on his sickbed they see a photo of Godfrey getting a medal for bravery. He may have been a conscientious objector but that didn't stop him rescuing wounded under fire as a medic.

A quiet hero.

One interesting fact is that Arthur Lowe (Mainwaring) was a sergeant in WW2, whereas John Le Mesurier (Wilson) was a captain serving in a tank regiment. Arnold Ridley (Godfrey) was also a captain in WW2 and had previously suffered dreadful wounds fighting in the first world war.

Many of them had drink problems in real life. Lowe was an alcoholic, as was James Beck, the spiv, and Le Mesurier died from an alcohol related illness.

And for those who don’t know Dad’s Army was remade for radio and can be heard on R4Extra. IMO the radio versions are much better although by then Beck was dead and we hear a replacement for the spiv character. Yes the Godfrey coward episode is one of the best. The German submarine crew episode is excellent with the famous “Don’t tell him Pike” line, and the submarine captain ordering fish and chips for his crew.

Edited by Leif on 01/01/2020 at 18:50

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Zippy123

Godfrey - 'I never seemed to get round to learning to drive. My sister Dolly drives me around in her little Morris. It's very powerful - it has the power of eight horses'.

I liked Godfrey's character. My favourite episode is the one where he is shunned by the platoon after they found out that he was a conscientious objector in WW1.

He then goes on to save Capt. Manwaring and on his sickbed they see a photo of Godfrey getting a medal for bravery. He may have been a conscientious objector but that didn't stop him rescuing wounded under fire as a medic.

A quiet hero.

One interesting fact is that Arthur Lowe (Mainwaring) was a sergeant in WW2, whereas John Le Mesurier (Wilson) was a captain serving in a tank regiment. Arnold Ridley (Godfrey) was also a captain in WW2 and had previously suffered dreadful wounds fighting in the first world war.

Many of them had drink problems in real life. Lowe was an alcoholic, as was James Beck, the spiv, and Le Mesurier died from an alcohol related illness.

A friend's brother in law served in WW2. His job was to clean out damaged tanks. He went away full of life and came back a shattered wreck. No wonder they drank - probably helped them to forget!

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

A friend's brother in law served in WW2. His job was to clean out damaged tanks. He went away full of life and came back a shattered wreck. No wonder they drank - probably helped them to forget!

Good point. My mother’s first husband was violent to her, and she left him. He was a captain in the Devonshire regiment in WW2 and won the MC, but was injured a couple of times, and suffered PTSD which is believed to have caused his aggressive behaviour.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

"Are you saying NoFM2R is the same person as Mark (RLBS)?"

Yes, quite right KB. As a remainer (albeit rather reluctantly, mainly through risk aversion) I must have escaped his wrath! He has left the GOF forum - not sure why - but was always very pleasant there.

The ability to disagree - whether about Brexit or how often to change engine oil - and still stay friends is one of the most valuable qualities that a human being can have. We get the occasional "Mr 'Odges" but generally we're pretty good at that on here. My thanks and a happy New Year - and decade - to all.

(And if anyone says the new decade doesn't start until 2021....we'll still stay friends - promise!)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - gordonbennet

My favourite moment from Dad's was i think from the film, when the Germans were holding the congregation and the platoon dressed as a saintly choir strolled through the church, it's a superb moment and Cpl Jones' solo is the icing on the cake, wonder what the rhyming word would have been :-)

enjoy www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSQmJq95QnA

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - John Boy

As it happens, I was beginning to wonder if this forum itself was grinding to a halt. This topic, however, is the liveliest and longest we've had for some time. I hope we have more like it.

Edited by John Boy on 01/01/2020 at 20:01

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - drbe

I don't contribute very often here because it seems to be more of a question and answer forum than discussion.

This thread has proved me wrong.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Lygonos

This topic, however, is the liveliest and longest we've had for some time....

I hope not!

HNY all.

Edited by Lygonos on 02/01/2020 at 09:42

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - expat

I was very struck by the episode where the church bells are ringing the invasion warning and the platoon set up a defensive position in Godfrey's cottage. They are expecting the Germans to attack any minute and Mainwaring says "You know we are all going to die." and Fraser replies "We know that Captain but we can slow them till the regulars come." I believe that was the attitude at the time. They had no illusions about what the outcome would be if they had to confront the Wehrmacht but they would do it anyway.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - oldroverboy.

And so,reading through this is delightful, if i may say so, If my occasional grumpiness has shown and offended anyone, wholehearted apologies and Best wishes from Essex,

(It;s the only way you know)

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - paul 1963

I too had no idea of "the other place", probably won't bother looking for it, like it here to much.

Talking about ex members/ contributers what ever happened to Jamie 247 ( think that was his name? owned a jag?) before I was a member I remember his posts, used to argue black was white, used to make me laugh at times.....

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - oldroverboy.

I too had no idea of "the other place", probably won't bother looking for it, like it here to much.

Talking about ex members/ contributers what ever happened to Jamie 247 ( think that was his name? owned a jag?) before I was a member I remember his posts, used to argue black was white, used to make me laugh at times.....

And bobbinthreadbare??

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - concrete

I too had no idea of "the other place", probably won't bother looking for it, like it here to much.

Talking about ex members/ contributers what ever happened to Jamie 247 ( think that was his name? owned a jag?) before I was a member I remember his posts, used to argue black was white, used to make me laugh at times.....

And bobbinthreadbare??

I think I may have posted similar comments in the past. There is room for us all, even Jamie! I think the approach should be similar to any discussion among friends in the pub. Why type something on the forum you would be reluctant to say to a friend in the bar? Simples. Cheers Concrete

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - FP

"I think the approach should be similar to any discussion among friends in the pub. Why type something on the forum you would be reluctant to say to a friend in the bar?"

Seems perfectly reasonable, but life on the internet isn't like that. It is one of the distortions of civilised life that technology - or rather, the way people use it - has enabled.

The facelessness of encounters allows or even encourages people's less pleasant traits - smart-alec comments, specious arguments, willy-waving, trolling and bullying are a few examples that come to mind and many social media platforms and message boards are rife with them. In nearly every case civilised social discourse is cast aside in favour of instant, provocative response.

Concrete's sensible thought that people should behave towards each other like friends in a bar just doesn't cut it a lot of the time - despite Facebook's fiction, you don't have friends that are real on the internet and so you can say things which would get you a fist in the chops in real life, and if you carried on you would get thrown out of the bar.

There are few real sanctions and so people often get away with egregious behaviour.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Avant

Perhaps it's the centrist in me coming out, but I agree with both Concrete and FP. Yes, there is an inevitable difference between face-to-face and internet contact: but I think we can strive towards the ideal set out by Concrete. And most of the time I don't think we do too badly on this forum.

You may have seen that there's now a thread in the non-motoring section of the other forum about this one! The tone is much harsher. When it was set up, there was a feeling that it was a rival which might steal advertisers, so it got added to the swear filter. But that hasn't happened and I've always tried to play down any suggestion of 'them and us'. Alby Back / Humph / Runfer D'Hills puts it very well - see above.

Strictly this should be in the general section but more people read this section so I've left it here.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Leif

I too had no idea of "the other place", probably won't bother looking for it, like it here to much.

Talking about ex members/ contributers what ever happened to Jamie 247 ( think that was his name? owned a jag?) before I was a member I remember his posts, used to argue black was white, used to make me laugh at times.....

And bobbinthreadbare??

I think I may have posted similar comments in the past. There is room for us all, even Jamie! I think the approach should be similar to any discussion among friends in the pub. Why type something on the forum you would be reluctant to say to a friend in the bar? Simples. Cheers Concrete

It’s a good way to think. However, discussions do often feed on conflict, and reasonable views can get ignored. And of course some will create conflict where there should be none. That’s one reason I stopped posting on many forums especially photography.

Has "the other" motoring site ground to a halt? - Zippy123

I was very struck by the episode where the church bells are ringing the invasion warning and the platoon set up a defensive position in Godfrey's cottage. They are expecting the Germans to attack any minute and Mainwaring says "You know we are all going to die." and Fraser replies "We know that Captain but we can slow them till the regulars come." I believe that was the attitude at the time. They had no illusions about what the outcome would be if they had to confront the Wehrmacht but they would do it anyway.

Yes, but at the same time, they were trained and not just a ramshackle bunch of amateurs.

I think some people are brave, even when confronted by the inevitable.

Mother in law and her brother were at junior school at the time. They were supposed to have been evacuated from a seaside town but were not. Playing in the house one day they decided to play in the long garden. 5 minutes later the house crumbled in smoke after a direct hit from a lone raider. Luckily no one was hurt.

Wife's grandad signed up for WW1 at 14 and they took him. I have seen photos of him at the time - they knew! He was so malnourished as a child from Scotland and the army was a sure way of getting fed. He was found severely injured in a field in France by some nuns and hidden from the Germans until he could be repatriated.

Then I had a client who was an old soldier when I first started in this line many years ago. We fell out and he said "what we need is another war to get rid of....." well you can imagine the rest. I had a good manager, who had served and told me that there was no way that the client had ever seen real action because those that had didn't want to again!