It is hurting my heart but I cannot honestly recommend the Indian government institutions.
The bureaucracy in our country is regrettably scandalous. There is no other way to describe it. The cases of mishandling cases and paperwork is a sad story that has produced many bad examples of spectacular failure. I could get myself in prison if I would tell all the stories that happen in the customs clearance, when actually the system is the criminal part.
It says something about a system when you can only get reliable result by external sources, not by the governmental bodies. Indian people go abroad an offer the connections for sale just so other don't have to face the state bureacracy. If you only need information. I actually would even discourage you from bringing a car to Indian streets if you are European, but I'm already too sad and tired at this point, I better do something with healthy thoughts.
Edited by Avant on 14/11/2019 at 23:49