It might be worth your time checking ASKMID.COM
There is currently a system error with information on renewals etc not appearing
My policy renewal was on Monday 12th - still showing uninsured today
The Insurer's website says I am covered & I have an Insurance Certificate...........
Nothing unusual about this. I've had a number of issues with my cars not showing as insured on ASKMID. When I phone my insurance company the reply is always that I'm insured but that it takes a few days for ASKMID to update.
Sometimes the problem is at renewal time, other times it's when I change cars. Despite the fact the insurance companies tell you that you have an overlap period on the day you change cars, they only have one showing as insured on ASKMID.
Shouldn't be like this. changes on computer system should be instant.
The other website with the same issue is the vehicle enquiry website. Despite the fact that you tax a car on the dealers computer (before driving away) it doesn't show as being taxed for 4 or 5 days. However when you tell the DVLA online that you are transferring ownership of a vehicle, its status changes from Taxed to Untaxed in less than a minute!