Seat Ibiza 6L - Coolant leak (leak identified) - TheSeatGuy


I have a Seat Ibiza 1.4 (6L). Just noticed the other day that there was a coolant leak. Got under the car and noticed that it was leaking from a part that connects to the bottom of the radiator. Between the lower radiator hose and the radiator. Don't know the exact name of the part but have attached a picture that shows where the leak is. Have made a red circle of where it leaks.

Now to the question. Do I have to change the whole radiator or only the black piece?

Thanks in advance!

Seat Ibiza 6L - Coolant leak (leak identified) - Chris M

My son has the same car, same engine and had the same problem.

You either need to replace the whole radiator or, assuming it's a slight leak, do as we did and put some Radweld in. Some on here wouldn't touch the stuff because basically it's a bodge, but I consider it a useful aid to bangernomics.

Seat Ibiza 6L - Coolant leak (leak identified) - John F

If you've taken it off and found a leaking crack, I would try coating it inside and out with a loose paste made from fibreglass resin and filler powder.

Seat Ibiza 6L - Coolant leak (leak identified) - Andrew-T

If you've taken it off and found a leaking crack, I would try coating it inside and out with a loose paste made from fibreglass resin and filler powder.

I might try it, but I wouldn't put much money on it withstanding regular cycling in hot slightly corrosive solution. Even the bottom of a radiator can get quite warm.