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Low Dart Charge Account Balance - RaineMan

I have just got an email to say my account balance has dropped below the minimum account balance threshold. It does not say what this actually is but I suspect it is £10 as I am a few pence under. Whilst I have used the Dartford Crossing half-a-dozen times this year I did not use it at all in 2017/2018 so do not feel like topping it up until I have only one or two crossings left. To me it seems a ploy to make money from the motorist! What are your thoughts?

Low Dart Charge Account Balance - KB.

Have a look at these people and see if they're any better or more appropriate for your use .....


I have to be honest and say that I registered with them several years ago and have kept in touch via their occasional updates and confirmation emails, but haven't actually used their service as, due to a change of circumstances, we haven't been back to that area for a good while. It seemed good for the occasional user at the time and, to their credit, as mentioned above, they do send occasional notes to remind us that they're still in business and to check our registered vehicle is the same as the one originally registered with them.

Low Dart Charge Account Balance - oldroverboy.

It wants a minimum of £10 top up, so I won't top up till I have used my £4 credit, 2 daytime crossings.

(normally southbound when off to Dover )

I try to pass before 6 AM, so that one is free.

It is only a minor distraction, so not unhappy with the reminders.

Low Dart Charge Account Balance - Fernando P

I think it is easier to run an account than either pay in advance for a crossing(s) or after, within the time constraint.

Low Dart Charge Account Balance - Waino

I too was annoyed to get the reminder from Dart Charge when my account was still in the black, so I ignored it last time and ran my account down to around £3 in credit. Then, a few weeks ago, we were travelling from East Anglia to Dorset, aiming to use the M25 anti-clockwise between the M11 and M3. As we approached the M25, we learned of massive tail-backs on the M25 north of London so we took the satnav's advice and headed clockwise towards the QE bridge. We still had sufficient in the Dart account for one crossing, then it dawned on me that our son, also on our account and travelling in a separate car, may have taken the same diversion ............ and what about the return journey? I didn't have the account log-in details on my phone/iPad and we were going to be away for a week.

As it turned out, my son had left E Anglia before the congestion had built up, and our return journeys didn't involve the crossing. However, I decided that it perhaps wasn't such a bad idea to keep a tenner in the account just in case.

Low Dart Charge Account Balance - Ethan Edwards

Fair enough but you do get 24 hours grace to pay up .