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The most insane car ever - Bilboman

The Aston Martin Lagonda was my first choice, but then I came across this clip, presented by the late, great Tony Bastable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukDK7hwjQjc
(Two spare wheels, when nowadays most manufacturers struggle to provide one!!)

The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

Most insane car ever?, so many to choose from but the Panther 6 is certainly a good shout, and it is British!. While fast, i believe it wasn't actually that great in the handling stakes thanks to that humongous Caddy lump at the back!.

But sticking to British creations, there is another 6 wheeled monster which used not one, but two Rover V8's, side by side!. The Wolfrace Sonic was created by the famous (at the time) alloy wheel maker and in terms of outlandish appearance, made the Panther 6 look like a shrinking violet by comparison, indeed it looks like something Batman might drive,


The most insane car ever - Leif

Most insane car ever?, so many to choose from but the Panther 6 is certainly a good shout, and it is British!. While fast, i believe it wasn't actually that great in the handling stakes thanks to that humongous Caddy lump at the back!.

But sticking to British creations, there is another 6 wheeled monster which used not one, but two Rover V8's, side by side!. The Wolfrace Sonic was created by the famous (at the time) alloy wheel maker and in terms of outlandish appearance, made the Panther 6 look like a shrinking violet by comparison, indeed it looks like something Batman might drive,


And that, children, is why you should never take drugs. I’ll stick to normal cars thanks.

The most insane car ever - Ethan Edwards

Inspired by this one....


The most insane car ever - Leif
Some interior photos here:


The most insane car ever - craig-pd130

I would love to try the Chrysler Turbine, which nearly made it to production in the 60s. Yes, it was flawed, but I'd love to be able to say I've driven a jet car.

The most insane car ever - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}

Fairly insane, but in a different way. I remember Custom Car 'road testing' it.


The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

Fairly insane, but in a different way. I remember Custom Car 'road testing' it.


Along similar lines, the Weinermobile,


The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

But going back to the 'insane' part of the title, you'd have to go a very long way to 'out-insane' the utterly mental Japanese custom van and truck scene!. Here are a few to feast your eyes on,





The most insane car ever - veloceman
Predictably Alf’s SZ for me or El Monstro as it’s called!
The most insane car ever - Galaxy

Any of Edd China's creations!



Edited by Galaxy on 15/07/2019 at 21:15

The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

How about the Gyro-X?


The most insane car ever - Sofa Spud

This looks about as insane as you can get . . .


The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

This looks about as insane as you can get . . .


That is pretty mental, i will need to ask my wife how to translate the page!.

But how about this giant Dodge Power wagon, 64 times bigger than the original (to scale)!


The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

This looks about as insane as you can get . . .


Here is a YouTube clip of it,


The most insane car ever - edlithgow


The most insane car ever - Avant

I posted this in the 'X4 ugly' thread, but 'insane' could apply equally. (Apologies if this already appears in one of the posts above and I've missed it.)

For complete ugliness nothing beats the German 1951 Hoffmann. Google 'Hoffman car' and you'll see what I mean. Possibly Herr Hoffmann was having a laugh and decided to break every rule of automotive design that there ever was.

The most insane car ever - RaineMan

When I was a mere lad Custom Car featured John Dodd's Rolls Royce look alike fitted with a 1000bhp Rolls Royce Merlin Engine. Here's a link: https://www.classicdriver.com/en/article/cars/john-dodd-and-merlin-engined-monstrosity-infuriated-rolls-royce

The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

When I was a mere lad Custom Car featured John Dodd's Rolls Royce look alike fitted with a 1000bhp Rolls Royce Merlin Engine. Here's a link: https://www.classicdriver.com/en/article/cars/john-dodd-and-merlin-engined-monstrosity-infuriated-rolls-royce

Yes, i remember reading about that car, which in that pics was actually on to its 2nd body. the 1st, a grotesque Frankenstein Capri like thing was (i think) destroyed by fire,


I also remember reading that during the court case brought by RR, Dodd was frequently late or a no-show, due to the unreliability of The Beast (at least in London traffic). I'm sure i read an article in a magazine not too long ago about The Beast being 'alive' and well in Spain somewhere, Malaga seems to ring a bell.

And BTW, it was not a RR look-alike(!). RR's only problem was Dodd using the grill and spirit of ecstasy mascot. They were successful the reason why most pics of The Beast (with the 2nd body) show it with a different (and entirely non-RR) grill.

Edited by badbusdriver on 16/07/2019 at 21:16

The most insane car ever - badbusdriver

Here is another entry, the Rumpler Tropfenwagen. This mad looking thing in 1921 had more efficient aerodynamics than the much vaunted Audi 100 of 61 years later!.


Looks amazing doesn't it?