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1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - Roy Brown

New oil and filter, new oil sensor that goes near the oil filter housing. The sump has been opened and cleaned out along with the oil pickup pipe - No debris found. The engine run sweet and there is no smoke or loss of oil...Any ideas?

Edited by Roy Brown on 13/07/2019 at 18:34

1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - elekie&a/c doctor
You haven’t specified exactly what your problem you have, so I’m assuming that the oil pressure light is staying on . Would that be correct?
1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - Roy Brown
Thought it would be enough to have it in the title but yes it is. Intermittent as in when stopped and started it goes off.
1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - elekie&a/c doctor
Next step would be to test the actual pressure with a gauge.
1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - jc2

What happens if you put the old oil sensor back-WHY did you change it in the first place?

1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - Roy Brown

Warning light was on which is why the sensor was changed

Edited by Roy Brown on 14/07/2019 at 21:35

1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - Galaxy

Well, that suggests that there's no or very little oil pressure, I'm afraid.

As Elekie has already suggested it would be very useful to actually measure the pressure with a gauge.

I'm not familiar with VW Golfs, I'm afraid, but I just wonder whether there could possibly be anything like a bypass valve in the vicinity of the oil filter housing that could have got stuck open?

1.9 tdi golf mk5 - Oil pressure warning light - 3uga

It could be a bad wire conection, but you can only know for certain after doing a oil pressure test.