The usual problem, in the past have tried all sorts of window cleaner, microfibre cloths, cleaners, commercial window spray etc but usually the smears return in short order, and a raked screen is not easy to clean inside.
I watched a Youtube video from the US and the guy explained why your screen gets that haze on the inside - the oils in the plastics near the screen are evaporated out by sunshine heat and deposited on the inside of the screen. Ok i've previously heard about the plasticizers in plastics causing the plume of haze on the screen from the demist outlets - but not the oils.
He then went on to recommend using one of those eraser sponges to get rid of the oil residue before polishing the screen. Dug around and found a pack of these sponge things, no particular brand, tried cleaning the screen inside, dry sponge, nothing on it, straight out of the packet. And yes it actually works!