Ford Mondeo Estate 2015~2016 - Ford Turbo Petrol or Diesel - Deryck

I have decided the old Insignia has to go and I am looking at the Mondeo estate from 2015~2016. My first thoughts are the 1.5L turbo petrol as I do about 12~13000 miles a year, but I have seen a 2L diesel that fits the bill.

There is a 50/50 split between just me and me and SWMBO in the car so it is not full of passengers, but we do have long runs on holiday with luggage and the dog.

DPF aside, are there any pros or cons for either engine? I am not familiar with Fords on the whole. The petrol engine looks a lot more torquey than the Vauxhall 1.8L

Ford Mondeo Estate 2015~2016 - Ford Turbo Petrol or Diesel - Avant
I think this depends on the nature of your mileage. If it’s mainly short trips, you’ll be safer with the petrol. But if most of it is long journeys, you could go for either as the Ford diesel isn’t noted for DPF problems in reasonable use.
Ford Mondeo Estate 2015~2016 - Ford Turbo Petrol or Diesel - Deryck

Thanks Avant, I had the same thoughts.

Daily commute is about 20 miles in a morning and 12 mile in the evening - difference is due to dropping wifey off but not collecting her on an evening.

I do a couple of short hops on a weekend (8 miles round trip) but I would not be averse to going for a blast on the motorway on a weekend every week just to help clear the DPF.