What do you think of Elon Musk? Have your say | No thanks
- Christhepostie
You mentioned WLTP forbids researching previous owners.. Did you mean GDPR?
- Alex Dalgleish
Part 1 link brings up last week's.....
Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Captain-Cretin

The link has JUST been fixed (last 5 minutes). (09:45 ish)

There doesnt appear to be any way to contact the webmaster for the site.

- RicardoB

Ditto to both points.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Hugh Watt

And double ditto from me.

- Jezza Car Fanatic
How do I report the broken link to 30-3-19 part 1?
- Captain-Cretin
Have a nice day

Just to clarify, the jackets must be inside the passenger compartment, not in the boot or load area.

Not sure about the light kit/breathalyser advice, they were still needed in France last time we drove (2016). I did wonder at the time, how I was supposed to carry spares for sealed LED light clusters.
Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Rob Whitmarsh

On high viz gilets jaune in France, I'm pretty sure that the rules only say that these must be worn if anyone gets out of the vehicle, which means you wouldn't need them for anyone staying in the car, I spend much of my motoring time in France, and have only ever carried a single one, but inside the car of course, not in the boot. Un-vested passengers could have problems of course if the car is on fire...

Are breathalizers really a French legal requirement? A French friend told me that everyone ignores the rule, he told me that the law was never ratified, and there have been no fines or prosecutions, though best not to quote me, that's just hearsay.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Rob Whitmarsh

I've just checked with my French friend, and he confirms what I said, you only need a yellow vest if you actually get out of the car, and although there's still a theoretical requirement for breathalisers, it's never been enforced, even for those Enemies of The State, post Brexit UK drivers. The original law promised an €11 fine for not having them, but no-one has ever been fined, and they changed their minds and have scrubbed any threat of a fine or other penalty. So, Gallic logic. You must carry the things, but nothing will happen to you if you don't, vive la France!

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Mike H

The law re hi viz jackets is clearly not the same in every country. In Austria you must have one for every occupant.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 30-03-2019 Part 2 - Rob Whitmarsh

I understood that the requirements in Austria on this are the same as in France, high viz is compulsory if you leave your car, but I don't think anyone who stays in the car has to have one. What you must carry in the car though is a first aid kit, same in Germany, and if you buy a Mercedes, you'll find one of those in a special compartment in the boot.

- DrTeeth
Shares in Disney Paris for £1! What a mug. Any legit shares in anything so seemingly sound would cost a LOT more. When talking about what cars to buy, HJ is top-notch. When talking about mechanical things, "super" fuels or right-foot-braking, his advice is as good as his financial nouse.