Mini cooer s r 53 - Mini cooper s - Benji2213

My mini cooper s r53 over heating i can have her tick over for an hour but as soon as i rev the water blows out of the tanks and the same if i turn the engine off can anyone please help

Mini cooer s r 53 - Mini cooper s - skidpan

Have you been to see a mechanic? They are better able to diagnose issues like this. All we can do is guess.

Mini cooer s r 53 - Mini cooper s - Benji2213

I try to do as much as i can ...i think i going to have to bite the bullet

Mini cooer s r 53 - Mini cooper s - hardway

Have you checked/felt the radiator hoses?

top and bottom,

Give them a feel,

is one cold?

Mini cooer s r 53 - Mini cooper s - madf

Blocked radiator

Failed water pump

Water pump drive slipping

Failed thermostat

Failed radiator fan.

Airlocks in cooling system.

WE cannot diagnose from a distance. You need a competent mechanic..