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Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - chaz125

This is an unbiased opinion, based on garage emission evidence. I have used a Broquet Fuel catalyst on a range of modern petrol cars and diesel 4x4s. At MOT, mechanics have been astonished at how low emissions from my vehicle have been. There is also a definite increase in power and torque as evidenced by less need to change into a lower gear. Unfortunately, the oil and motor trade have vested interests in bad-naming products that work well in increasing fuel economy and increasing the lifespan of motor engines. And the Broquet one does work very well, in my experience.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - drbe


Snake oil, anyone?

This is the address given in the "Contact Us" section of the website. Looks as though they are working out of someone's spare bedroom.


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

They probably are working from their home!

If you visit the following web site it amy explain why!!!


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Bolt

This is an unbiased opinion, based on garage emission evidence. I have used a Broquet Fuel catalyst on a range of modern petrol cars and diesel 4x4s. At MOT, mechanics have been astonished at how low emissions from my vehicle have been. There is also a definite increase in power and torque as evidenced by less need to change into a lower gear. Unfortunately, the oil and motor trade have vested interests in bad-naming products that work well in increasing fuel economy and increasing the lifespan of motor engines. And the Broquet one does work very well, in my experience.

IIRC its been advertised for years, Everyone is entitled to an opinion, as it has not been proven to work, like most others I will take it with a pinch of salt

Probably better off using BP or Shell fuel at least IMO it does something

Edited by bolt on 29/10/2018 at 07:34

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

May I be as bold to direct your attention to the following web site:


it may change your opinion, but if not at least you will have information you may not have been aware of before you visited it!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76
If it worked and were cost effective it would be standard equipment from new.
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

Blimey, that's a blast from the past!

See here for a Backroom post from 2001 www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=437

It even says in that post that the thing has been around for years - so goodness knows how it's still going.

I have half a suspicion I tried one many years ago, on an old Maestro, i believe ... maybe they didn't cost much and maybe I thought it was worth trying - and I have a vague recollection that it did absolutely nothing and I certainly didn't buy another.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - madf

Any product sold without independent verification of its claims is basically automatically junk in my view.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

It's all coming back to me ... I bought an in-line one and fitted it to a 1982 1.3 Maestro (in that glorious excrement brown colour) - maybe as it required leaded fuel and I thought the filter might obviate the need for the additive that I used to put in the tank at every fill.

I left it on the car when selling it (for about £100 as I recall).

To summarise then ..... I don't recall it doing anything to improve mpg (I would have remembered if it did) but maybe it saved me buying the four star leaded additive. On the other hand maybe the engine would have kept going on unleaded fuel and the additive and the Broquet were money down the drain .... we'll never know.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Bolt

It's all coming back to me ... I bought an in-line one and fitted it to a 1982 1.3 Maestro

reminds me of the fuel magnets people used to tie on the petrol flexi pipe to carb, only thing they did was to break the flexi pipe and break down through petrol starvation, people said they worked, lol

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

perhaps you need to go to the following web site where there is an article showing the results of a test carried out on a Metro by a major motoring magazine. perhaps that may help you to decide whether it was money down the drain!


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - focussed

Any product sold without independent verification of its claims is basically automatically junk in my view.

"If only everything in life were as reliable as a Volkswagen"


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

If you need to see scientific and historical verification you need to visit the following web site


Perhaps it may change you opinion, but at least you may learn something you may not have known before you posted your comments

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

Thank you for finding that, KB.

It's worth quoting HJ's advice on that thread of 2001:

"The Advertising Standards Authority has banned Broquet from advertising because its claims cannot be scientifically substantiated. There are a mass of testimonials, but no solid scientific evidence. Until it has been tested and approved by MIRA or the AA or the RAC there is no real proof that it works.


And I like the final post on that subject, to the effect that "a light right foot is cheaper and more effective".

Edited by Avant on 29/10/2018 at 14:31

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - A. M Atkinson

I remember these Magic Pills being advertised back in the 70s. The ads are around for a while until busted, then they come back when folk have forgotten. The first "bust" was for the claim that the the things were developed for use in fighter aircraft in Russia, This was found to be false, as were the favourable testimonials.

Around the same time, and even earlier, adverts for Molyslip oil additive were found to grossly exaggertated. I remember one testimonial claiming the user got over 69mpg from his Mini, and, moreover, drove all the way back from central Europe to London before realising his sump had leaked and there had been no oil in the engine - with no resultant damage !

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Gibbo_Wirral

Good test of all these fuel savers and improvers on 5th gear here. Spoiler - none of them work.


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - jc2

Good test of all these fuel savers and improvers on 5th gear here. Spoiler - none of them work.


Those tests include Broquet.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Engineer Andy


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Good test of all these fuel savers and improvers on 5th gear here. Spoiler - none of them work.


Those tests include Broquet.


i never have considered fuel saving as being a benefit, because there are so many factors that influence fuel consumption, e.g. specific gravity and calorific value of the fuel itself, traffic conditions, barometric pressure, method of driving, topography of the area being driven to mention just a few! Manufacturer’s obtain the fuel consumption using carbon balance analysis based upon exhaust emission homologation results.

This is a requirement stipulated by the appropriate government department, so that all manufacturers complied with a common standard.

As these fuel consumption figures, are derived from using the same drive cycle on a chassis dynamometer corrected for DIN temperature and barometric pressure, (20 degrees Centigrade at 760mb), then all fuel consumption figures are based upon the same standard.

The manufacturer’s published fuel consumption figures can then be used as a comparison by customers as a guide for economy across makes and models.

in real world situations I have always used the following formula:-

The average of the published figures for Urban, Combined, and Highway multiplied by 0.8

i.e. 80% of the average published figures. In general terms this has equated to real world results give or take 5%.

To my mind the best method of determining fuel efficiency is SFC, which is measured in grammes per kilowatt/hour, as this takes into consideration the specific gravity of the fuel and corrected power output. This is generally calculated using an engine on a dynamometer, or a vehicle on chassis dynamometer.

Having got that red herring out the way, what is indisputable is the impact tin based catalysts have upon emissions, particularly CO, UHC, NOx and In the case of diesel engines, particulates.

Tests carried out by a number of universities have confirmed beyond any doubt that emissions are reduced beyond empirical error, and the SFC is significantly improved verifying that the combustion process is improved. Also reduction of carbon deposits indicates combustion efficiency is improved.

Anecdotal evidence of fuel consumption improvements have been seen but these are derived from very closely controlled tests using certified calibrated fuel flow equipment, such as those manufactured by JPS Engineering in Solihull.

the average motorist would find it extremely difficult to accurately measure fuel consumption using full tank to full tank strategy and the figures they obtain would probably fall inside empirical error of +/- 4%. This would be due to the following factors, different fuel pumps used to top up the fuel tank, the ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, and the gradient of the forecourt. These parameters are not exclusive as several other factors would also affect the calculations.

i trust I haven’t bored the pants of those reading this post, but it is ultra important to recognise that fuel consumption is not the be all and end all of proving tin based fuel catalysts are effective. Particularly when hit and miss methods are relied upon to calculate it.

I have yet to hear of any reports that motorists have confirmed the claims of oil companies that their “new” formula fuels have given mpg improvements, particularly the”super” grades.

Furthermore that any of the fuel additives have lived up to the claims made by their manufacturers.

if we are going to have a meaningful forum let’s make sure it’s on a balanced playing field.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

The RAF did in fact use fuel catalyst technology in WW2.

There have been many accounts of this, for example:

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

The RAF did in fact use fuel catalyst technology in WW2.

Very probably, but that was about 75 years back, when fuels were very different. I don't know whether planes used the same fuel as road vehicles either. For at least 40 years after that we were all using leaded petrol for example.

Since then refineries have learnt to use a lot of real reforming catalysts, to produce the much wider range of fuels we are now used to - possibly why your carbonflo stuff has little more to offer.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Mr Atkinson!

you must visit the following site before you make claims you cannot possibly substantiate:-


or go on line to read Force Benedict by Eric Carter.

Don't know anything about the Molyslip claims so I can't make any comment either way on what you have posted in that regard.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Hi, a very late response because I have only just joined the Honest John forum. However the beliefs about fuel catalysts that I'm seeing here need correcting.

To introduce myself, I own Carbonflo Ltd., with Carbonflo having been the world's first commercially available fuel catalyst, and I am pleased to report that discussions with the Advertising Standards Authority have resulted in the ASA no longer contesting the claims on the (link deleted) website that include, but are not limited to:

* Fuel savings in objective tests seldom less than 3% and typically 5% plus

* Cuts CO, HC, Particulates, NOx, soot and other pollutants

* Most fuel-related problems alleviated or solved once and for all

* Four-star leaded petrol performance from standard grade unleaded

* Ethanol problems solved and easy starting even after long engine lay-offs.

With regard to the AA, it was once critical of the technology. But it is critical no longer as it has completely withdrawn from offering technical advice on such matters.

I hope this helps

Edited by Avant on 22/04/2020 at 18:56

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

So please tell us roughly how many delighted customers you have ? And how many disillusioned ones ?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

All the reports on the website are supported by documentation from people giving them, and they speak for themselves. In 31 years with this technology I have had very large numbers of delighted customers and virtually all the rest at least satisfied or I wouldn't be doing it

Edited by Avant on 22/04/2020 at 18:56

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

And like I say the ASA, having seen the evidence, is no longer contesting that this works

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - John F

Automotive equivalent of vitamin supplements for someone eating a healthy diet. And this.....

In 31 years ....... I have had very large numbers of delighted customers and virtually all the rest at least satisfied or I wouldn't be doing it

.....could have come from a homeopath's brochure. Still, the redistribution of fools' spare wealth to other members of the community to spend more wisely is arguably not a bad thing.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

I was asked an honest question and I gave an honest answer. I do not base my claims on this statement. The evidence shown to the ASA has been enough to convince them not to contest the claims on the Carbonflo website whereas the ASA as far as I know does not allow claims to be made for homeopathy. Far from being fools, people who have spent money on Carbonflo, as with other fuel catalyst products, have had massive returns on investment

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - concrete

And like I say the ASA, having seen the evidence, is no longer contesting that this works

Presumably one has to speculate to accumulate. Therefore before the speculation some actual figures and costs would be useful. If it is as effective as you claim then surely most people who run a vehicle would be interested. To achieve better efficiency and consumption I use premium fuel from Shell etc etc. Even these well researched and marketed products are viewed with suspicion by some forum members, but they work for me. So some information and evidence would be nice to see.

Cheers Concrete

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Figures and costs depend on the application.

But in your case if you had Carbonflo or another reputable fuel catalyst product fitted you could use cheapest supermarket fuel and get at least or better performance as you get with Premium Shell now, so you would do well out of it

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76

And like I say the ASA, having seen the evidence, is no longer contesting that this works

Evidence of this please? All I can find is them upholding a complaint made against them in 2016. www.asa.org.uk/rulings/d-lock-associates-a15-30392...l I also can’t find anything on the AA withdrawing their negative views on them.

Edited by SLO76 on 22/04/2020 at 20:22

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Yes, but you don't see ASA rulings against the Carbonflo website claims and you won't because we gave the ASA the little-known but true fuel catalyst facts and the ASA backed down.

Ref. the AA, it hasn't yet done the decent thing and formally retracted its past criticisms, but you sure won't find it repeating them

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76

Yes, but you don't see ASA rulings against the Carbonflo website claims and you won't because we gave the ASA the little-known but true fuel catalyst facts and the ASA backed down.

Ref. the AA, it hasn't yet done the decent thing and formally retracted its past criticisms, but you sure won't find it repeating them

No problem then, if they’ve “backed down” then you clearly have communication with them which you could offer up to prove your case. I’m looking forward to reading it in your next reply. I do wonder however if the ASA would be interested in this attempt at advertising using unverified claims and your (perhaps false) claims relating to them.

Edited by SLO76 on 22/04/2020 at 21:01

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Can't take this further on a forum format. I have offered to share with Honest John the same information that swayed the ASA. If the offer is accepted Honest John can then report on to its followers and you'll be swayed as well

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76

Can't take this further on a forum format. I have offered to share with Honest John the same information that swayed the ASA. If the offer is accepted Honest John can then report on to its followers and you'll be swayed as well

Don’t see why you can’t but fair enough send it to HJ or Avant and let’s hear from them, I’d trust either completely. Until then it is voodoo medicine and utterly without merit.
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

This fair enough unlike some of the responses here that are not worthy of comment.
I have emailed HJ offering to share the evidence and if I hear back we can progress this via HJ.
Otherwise in normal times the best thing to do would be to arrange a debate on any fair level and open platform, as by doing this even that the most diehard sceptics can no longer maintain their positions without looking completely stupid.
Not that I blame them, it is not their fault usually, it is because the British public was misinformed a long time ago and the misleading negative impressions have never been addressed

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

"Not that I blame them, it is not their fault usually, it is because the British public was misinformed a long time ago and the misleading negative impressions have never been addressed."

Am I the only one to find this post incredibly condescending?

"...unlike some of the responses here that are not worthy of comment." I would have thought the request to provide first-hand scientific evidence was pretty reasonable. Or is that not "worthy of comment"?

"... in normal times the best thing to do would be to arrange a debate..." We could have a debate AFTER examining the evidence. No point in thrashing the topic to death without it. "Normal times" have nothing to do with it.

"... by doing this even that the most diehard sceptics can no longer maintain their positions without looking completely stupid." As above, whether the diehard sceptics will look stupid depends on the evidence.

I repeat: why is it necessary for HJ to act as an intermediary? And as we don't always agree with what HJ says, why would we automatically accept his view on this?

Just give us the evidence and let us make up our minds. There are people here who are well educated and able to apply clear thinking to the evaluation of scientific tests; there are people with backgrounds in chemistry, engineering and fuel technology. What is the problem?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

"Not that I blame them, it is not their fault usually, it is because the British public was misinformed a long time ago and the misleading negative impressions have never been addressed."

Am I the only one to find this post incredibly condescending?

"...unlike some of the responses here that are not worthy of comment." I would have thought the request to provide first-hand scientific evidence was pretty reasonable. Or is that not "worthy of comment"?

"... in normal times the best thing to do would be to arrange a debate..." We could have a debate AFTER examining the evidence. No point in thrashing the topic to death without it. "Normal times" have nothing to do with it.

"... by doing this even that the most diehard sceptics can no longer maintain their positions without looking completely stupid." As above, whether the diehard sceptics will look stupid depends on the evidence.

I repeat: why is it necessary for HJ to act as an intermediary? And as we don't always agree with what HJ says, why would we automatically accept his view on this?

Just give us the evidence and let us make up our minds. There are people here who are well educated and able to apply clear thinking to the evaluation of scientific tests; there are people with backgrounds in chemistry, engineering and fuel technology. What is the problem?

Condescending! Oh dear! Kettle and black comes to mind on this one!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - alan1302

This fair enough unlike some of the responses here that are not worthy of comment.
I have emailed HJ offering to share the evidence and if I hear back we can progress this via HJ.
Otherwise in normal times the best thing to do would be to arrange a debate on any fair level and open platform, as by doing this even that the most diehard sceptics can no longer maintain their positions without looking completely stupid.
Not that I blame them, it is not their fault usually, it is because the British public was misinformed a long time ago and the misleading negative impressions have never been addressed

If it worked you would get it tested by an independent lab and get the results independently verified. The fact that you don't shows you that the product does not work as if it did you would be happy to do that.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man


Perhaps a visit to the following web site may assist with this debate:-


If you decide not to, you may miss out on some of the information you are seeking.

You have nothing to lose either way, do you?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76
As I said before, if it worked and was cost effective it would be fitted as standard from new. Manufacturers spend millions every year trying to find ways to cut emissions and improve fuel economy yet here it is and all for buttons. Not.

Edited by SLO76 on 22/04/2020 at 16:45

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - paul 1963

Andrew, maybe you like to consider giving a couple to selected back roomers for some unbiased reviews?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

In principle this can be done

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Of course I understand your beliefs and the reasons for them however there are money reasons why motor manufacturers don't fit them

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - SLO76

Of course I understand your beliefs and the reasons for them however there are money reasons why motor manufacturers don't fit them

And they are? Let’s get serious here, if a manufacturer could improve the efficiency of their car through a modest outlay they’d snap it up. Clearly this therefore does not work.
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - badbusdriver

Of course I understand your beliefs and the reasons for them however there are money reasons why motor manufacturers don't fit them

And they are? Let’s get serious here, if a manufacturer could improve the efficiency of their car through a modest outlay they’d snap it up. Clearly this therefore does not work.

Agree completely SLO, car manufacturers spend huge sums of money trying to both increase efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions. If this device achieves both of these aims, for relatively small outlay, they would be fitted to new cars no question.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - dan86

Of course I understand your beliefs and the reasons for them however there are money reasons why motor manufacturers don't fit them

And they are? Let’s get serious here, if a manufacturer could improve the efficiency of their car through a modest outlay they’d snap it up. Clearly this therefore does not work.

Agree completely SLO, car manufacturers spend huge sums of money trying to both increase efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions. If this device achieves both of these aims, for relatively small outlay, they would be fitted to new cars no question.

A manufacturer would buy the rights to said technology as it would give them a competitive edge. Its the same for people get their cars remaped for efficiency. How can a man in a shed achieve what multi billion dollar companies can't with all the R&D money they spend.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

I'm the moderator on this forum. Carbonflo Andrew, may I ask you why you believe you're justified in getting free advertising by posting the link to your website?

You will notice other adverts on here. Advertisers pay for these; indeed they are the main source of income for the HJ site as a whole.

If there is something that makes your company special and different, and therefore deserving of free advertising, I would genuinely like to know what it is.

Edited by Avant on 22/04/2020 at 19:03

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Thanks Avant,

There are two reasons why I posted here, and neither of them are about free advertising.

The first reason is that this thread comes high on Internet searches for fuel catalysts, and because of it Honest John is leading people to believe the ASA is saying fuel catalysts (whether Carbonflo or Broquet Catalyst or others) don't work, but this is out of date and needs correcting because the ASA is no longer saying this. I posted the link to our website simply so that the claims the ASA is no longer contesting can be seen.

The second reason I have posted is that, given innumerable little-known but true facts about fuel catalysts, the majority views expressed here, which were always hopelessly inaccurate, have become ludicrously inaccurate as time has passed, and it is well past time for a revision.

All that said I do understand your point about including the website link and would apologise for posting it and I won't do it again.

Ref. your last point, we do try to be special as a company, but I wouldn't ask you to write about this. What would be useful however would be a discussion direct with Honest John about fuel catalysts in general, perhaps via your goodself, that Honest John could then report in its own way to its followers.

No greater service could Honest John ever hope to perform because, opposite to what most people have been led to believe, these products always were, and still are, enormously beneficial.

Thanks again,


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

I think I'd rather use Miller's fuel additive. It raises the octane/cetane rating and provides extra detergents.

What's not to like? And why bother with gadgets that have to be fitted somewhere?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

As I understand things, many liquid fuel additives have nasty chemicals in them that are dangerous to handle and may pollute the environment via the tailpipe.
Fuel catalysts, on the other hand, give all the performance benefits and more besides, they cut emissions with no harmful side-effects, they are inexpensive, and, once fitted (which can take as little as 2 minutes and rarely more than an hour) to all intents and purposes they last forever.
So they're a far better bet really!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - RichT54

As I understand things, many liquid fuel additives have nasty chemicals in them that are dangerous to handle and may pollute the environment via the tailpipe.
Fuel catalysts, on the other hand, give all the performance benefits and more besides, they cut emissions with no harmful side-effects, they are inexpensive, and, once fitted (which can take as little as 2 minutes and rarely more than an hour) to all intents and purposes they last forever.
So they're a far better bet really!

Rubbish. You present no verifiable evidence, just more waffle.

The EU has been enforcing ever more stringent fleet wide emissions targets on vehicle manufacturers (see https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/cars_en). If these catalysts actually produced any sort of benefit, they would be leaping over each other to use them. They aren't doing so because they know these products don't work.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Like I said above, car makers don't fit them for money reasons - - extremely large money reasons actually. The silver lining being that because motor manufacturers haven't fitted them we can always get results when we fit them. The ASA does not dispute this and neither does the AA

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - alan1302

Like I said above, car makers don't fit them for money reasons - - extremely large money reasons actually. The silver lining being that because motor manufacturers haven't fitted them we can always get results when we fit them. The ASA does not dispute this and neither does the AA

Explain what you mean by money reasons - exactly why will they not fit them?

A test of a similar device:


Edited by alan1302 on 22/04/2020 at 21:39

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Can't take this further on a forum format. I have offered to share with Honest John the same information that swayed the ASA. If the offer is accepted Honest John can then report on to its followers and you'll be swayed as well

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - RichT54

Like I said above, car makers don't fit them for money reasons - - extremely large money reasons actually. The silver lining being that because motor manufacturers haven't fitted them we can always get results when we fit them. The ASA does not dispute this and neither does the AA

More nonsense, with the benefit of scale that motor manufacturers would be able to employ, it would cost them peanuts. What we need to see is a proper scientific study conducted by an independent and qualified body. All you have is anecdotal waffle.

So where is your independent, scientific test?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Can't take this further on a forum format. I have offered to share with Honest John the same information that swayed the ASA. If the offer is accepted Honest John can then report on to its followers and you'll be swayed as well

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - mcb100
I’m struggling to find any ruling on the ASA’s website - could you provide a link please?
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

There is no link and won't be the ASA has simply backed off and won't be making adjudications against the claims for Carbonflo as listed because it knows the claims are valid

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - RichT54

There is no link and won't be the ASA has simply backed off and won't be making adjudications against the claims for Carbonflo as listed because it knows the claims are valid

Still no independent scientific test - therefore no proof any of your claims are true.

There is also no proof that the ASA accepts your claims. You are just taking advantage of the fact that the ASA is currently far too busy tackling false coronavirus claims to be bothered with your tin pot products.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

There is no link and won't be the ASA has simply backed off and won't be making adjudications against the claims for Carbonflo as listed because it knows the claims are valid

Still no independent scientific test - therefore no proof any of your claims are true.

There is also no proof that the ASA accepts your claims. You are just taking advantage of the fact that the ASA is currently far too busy tackling false coronavirus claims to be bothered with your tin pot products.

The best way to put this to the test is to make an official complaint to the ASA and see if they uphold it.

if they do you will be right won’t you!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Terry W

MPG and performance additives and gizmos have been on sale for about as long as cars.

Those which deliver WILL be adopted by car makers simply as a way to get ahead of the competition and sell more. Unless protected by patents, similar gizmos and additives will be fitted by other manufacturers.

The rest are scams - designed to part the naive punter from their money. The scams have become more sophisticated - today we are conned by thoughts of re-mapping ECUs for extra power and economy or involve additives - for most of us this is just mumbo jumbo.

Rather than using this forum to market his product, the OP has inadvertently added to the negative comment circulating on the interweb!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

"Can't take this further on a forum format."

Indeed not, and a forum is never the right place for this sort of thing. Rather than resurrect an old thread, the professional approach is to click on 'Advertise on this site' at the bottom of this page, and follow whichever of the links given there you feel appropriate.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

"...given innumerable little-known but true facts about fuel catalysts, the majority views expressed here, which were always hopelessly inaccurate, have become ludicrously inaccurate as time has passed, and it is well past time for a revision."

In what way have the majority views (presumably the ones sceptical of the claims made about this so-called technology) become more inaccurate as time has passed? What has changed? Have the facts changed?

Let's have a link to the scientific studies that demonstrate the "innumerable little-known but true facts about fuel catalysts" which supposedly underpin this technology.

"Can't take this further on a forum format." Leaving aside the niceties of use of this site and issues about free advertising, I get the feeling this phrase, repeated several times above, is just an admission that our promoter of fuel catalysts is out of anything useful to say.

Even the claims that the ASA has been swayed by evidence shown to them need to be treated with suspicion. Let's see the evidence, not rely on some second-hand allusion to it.

And why offer to share the evidence with HJ and allow him to report? Much though I respect much of what he has to say, this is another example of obfuscation. To be credible, evidence needs to be able to be examined first-hand. That means direct access to scientific studies supported by tests whose methodology can be scrutinised, along with the results.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

But while most of us here are healthily sceptical, there are probably enough others who are blinded to the 'if it looks too good to be true' philosophy and may provide a small income for the current proponent here. The Russian method is to keep repeating nonsense for long enough and some may eventually believe it.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

Anyone who read the old posts re. Broquet, will see I actually fitted one. So am speaking at first hand, not by way of hearsay.

There's an expression that goes ... 'the proof of the pudding's in the eating'.

The resurrection of that old thread (apart from appearing to be a, not very well disguised, attempt at free advertising) serves, not only to take me back a few years, but also serves as an an example of the Broquet device utterly failing to match the claims of the manufacturer. It was useless. A total waste of my money at the time.

In these straightened times I guess businesses need to do all they can to continue to trade but in this particular topic I can't help but deride the futility of the attempted resurrection of these dodos.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - John F

Anyone who read the old posts re. Broquet, will see I actually fitted one. So am speaking at first hand......there's an expression that goes ... 'the proof of the pudding's in the eating'.

The resurrection of that old thread ....... serves as an example of the Broquet device utterly failing to match the claims of the manufacturer. It was useless. A total waste of my money at the time.....

I can't help but deride the futility of the attempted resurrection of these dodos.

Well said, and thanks for admitting it was a waste of money, something that charlatans know people are reluctant to do. All the reported anecdotal benefits will be what is known as 'the placebo effect' , something that was often used beneficially in the medical profession. But it is astonishing how the light of science fails to penetrate the miasma of irrationality - e.g. the high price of powdered rhino horn - which is nothing more than keratin - the same stuff as nail clippings.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - galileo

Having spent 15 years studying chemistry and fuel technology (and working in a few laboratories), to the best of my knowledge and from dictionary definitions, a catalyst is "a substance that speeds up or otherwise enables a reaction without itself being changed".

This being the case, it should be simple to analyse fuel before treatment with this "catalyst" and analyse it after treatment to establish which (if any) reactions have taken place.

I'd be very interested to see the results of such tests from an independent laboratory, I call on Carbonflow Andrew to prove his point by arranging this.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

"I'd be very interested to see the results of such tests from an independent laboratory, I call on Carbonflow Andrew to prove his point by arranging this."

I would save your breath.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Engineer Andy

There's as much chance of this (IMHO) snake oil salesman arranging that than me finding a cure/vaccine for COVID-19.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

These gadgets seem to cost about £16, so not a waste of a great deal of cash. KB, did you take yours apart when you had it, to find if there was anything inside ? Hen's teeth or something ?

Edited by Andrew-T on 23/04/2020 at 15:15

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - madf

These gadgets seem to cost about £16, so not a waste of a great deal of cash. KB, did you take yours apart when you had it, to find if there was anything inside ? Hen's teeth or something ?

There is no need to take it apart.

It contains teh well know dilthium crsytals used to power thr spaceship Enterprise at warp speed. Combine that with the dilithium matrix and all cars will achiev 100mpg and do 0to 60mph in 3 seconds..

Fuel catalysts were junk when I read of them 50 years ago and are still junk.

And the salesmen pedalling them promise proof but never deliver any becuase no-one has any... any that stands yup to scrutiny...

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

KB, did you take yours apart when you had it, to find if there was anything inside ? Hen's teeth or something ?

It stayed on the car when I sold it.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - craig-pd130

Having spent 15 years studying chemistry and fuel technology (and working in a few laboratories), to the best of my knowledge and from dictionary definitions, a catalyst is "a substance that speeds up or otherwise enables a reaction without itself being changed".

This being the case, it should be simple to analyse fuel before treatment with this "catalyst" and analyse it after treatment to establish which (if any) reactions have taken place.

I'd be very interested to see the results of such tests from an independent laboratory, I call on Carbonflow Andrew to prove his point by arranging this.

I too studied chemistry a long time ago. Digging around Carbonflo's website, I found this quote (I'm not going to link to it): "This technology has been proven by scientists to cause multiple beneficial changes in fuel composition. These include release of tin oxides that function as combustion enhancing catalysts."

So I had a good search around journals and scientific publishes. And I was not at all surprised that I could not find any published papers which demonstrate how tin or tin oxides can be used as catalysts to enhance combustion in petrol or diesel engines.

So from this, we can infer these possible conclusions:

a) Over half a century of research across the automotive, petrochemical and engineering sectors has not produced any evidence than tin or tin oxides are beneficial as 'combustion enhancing catalysts,' or:

b) Carbonflo, Broquet and others are fearlessly uncovering the truth that big auto, big oil and governments globally have been hiding for decades for 'big money reasons' - that a simple, low cost device could cut fuel consumption and emissions for everyone's benefit.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

With due respect I am not commercially linked to any company involved with tin based fuel catalyst. I am stating this fact on the assumption that you are one of those who monitor and have right to censor when and where appropriate.

i can confirm my credentials to any person that I consider needs to be aware, and as such I am prepared to meet any person from Honest John on such a basis.

Ihave posted quite a lengthy message on this site with an explanation as to why I do not consider fuel consumption as the be all and end all of the merits of the technology, but more appropriately, the reduction of emissions and combustion improvements.

the web site I have referred other contributors to this forum to is to enable them to see the results of verifiable test carried out by accredited institutions and overseen by specialists in their field.

i have absolutely no interest in promoting any specific product or condone using the web site for advertising.

However, if any company wishes to refer potential customers to the site for clarity or give an explanation as to why the technology is virtually unknown, then I see no reason why not.

After all isn’t what this forum is doing by directing participants to other web sites to validate their views.

i am aware that there is something amiss with my postings due to a few comments from some on this forum that they cannot view my postings.

Perhaps I am wrong, and I sincerely hope that I am, however I cannot dismiss the fact that there is some justification for this viewpoint.

please be assured that I am not a crank, nutter, crackpot, charlatan, slivered, wide boy,, Del Boy or shyster..

Your response would be greatly appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Good morning Avant,

This posting is to advise you, as a moderator of the Forum that there is nothing further I can add to the Broquet debate and therefore any further requests for me to elaborate would only be repetition, on my part and therefore I will be directing any postings to the www.fuelcataystfacts.org web site.

i trust that during this debate I have shown professionalism, transparency and honesty, and reassured all and sundry that I have no interest whatsoever in promoting or selling any tin based fuel catalysts. So the web site like this forum will discourage any company from attempting to promote or sell it’s products. Their own web site is the medium that should be used, or advertise in the appropriate magazines as they see fit.

So the only question to address is why I am involved with the aforementioned web site, and why I have contributed to the debate on your forum if it isn’t for financial gain.

Please let me explain.

Firstly, the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org has taken many years to construct. There are reams and reams of information, test results, correspondence, testimonials, and press articles that required assembling not only to put on the site when it went live, but to have available to add to the site as interest grew.The site is there for anybody to view who may be interested in the history of the technology, or to establish why it is little known of. It is not, and never will be a marketing site. It will never have an advertising revenue stream and will be funded entirely by personal means.

Secondly, following many years of correspondence with the AA, and attending meetings at their behest with top level personnel that included their chief engineer and legal team at the time, I, along with others, have produced evidence, some of which is on the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org web site, to prove that their condemnation of the technology was based on false or rigged tests at best, and at worst on tests that were never ever carried out.

This was acknowledged by the AA in an meeting they convened at their HQ on the understanding it would not be minuted. (however I do have original letters from the AA referring to that meeting).

The only action they took as a result of that meeting was to soften the impact by making some reference to the evidence provided, but still, by inference, maintained a stance to advise against tin based fuel catalysts being installed.

Several of the manufacturers of fuel catalysts cut their losses and closed down, others concentrated on other fields of usage mostly overseas.

Further to the background mentioned in the previous paragraphs, once the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org was live, I then embarked on the second phase, which was to enter a debate on a forum where there was negativity to the technology, which would portray a false impression of the technology and class it as, (using the term that often cropped up in the debate), snake oil being sold by charlatans and rip off merchants. Therefore any person visiting the forum seeking information about fuel catalysts would have a totally unbalanced view.

i consider that I have achieved that balance, and moving forward I now have a bit more evidence to verify that all the falsehoods relied upon by the AA, has created a situation that is being exaggerated by postings that have appeared on the forum, which is a lobby against the technology.

To that end I have screen shots of every posting I have made to the forum, and those postings that are linked to mine. These postings MAY be added to the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org website to verify the affect the AA has had on the rejection of the technology, not only in the UK but also in Scandinavia, where the Norwegian AA had a similar campaign, and even more damming in Australia and New Zealand, where the UK AA chief engineer became a senior member of the Australian AA board. It may of course be a coincidence, but there was a major impact on the acceptance of tin based fuel catalysts, soon after he took up that post!

I am very fortunate that I have reached a point in my life where I am in a good place financially, so can now afford time to address the lies and misinformation spread by the AA in the UK.

A court case instigated by them would ensure the truth will come into the public domain, as press coverage would be intense, as it was back in the late 1990’s, with the McLibael case!

Once again thank you for your assistance in collecting the information I was seeking.

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Hi Avant,

i have scrolled through this thread in respect of the fuel catalyst debate and have observed that FP has reported that he is unable to see any of my postings.

as you are apparently one of the moderators on this forum, can you verify that my postings are going out to all that visit this site, as I can see that on my computer all my postings are there.

your views would be greatly appreciated


The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

"In 31 years with this technology I have had very large numbers of delighted customers and virtually all the rest at least satisfied or I wouldn't be doing it."

You'd think, wouldn't you, that after 31 years of flogging this horse - whether dead or alive - this man would have known better than to try to latch on to a forum and advertise by the back door; and then appear surprised that forum members are sceptical.

However good the product, nobody wth any sense is going to show interest when the approach is so unprofessional.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

I admit to being slightly irritated at the resurrection of the previous thread and attempt at free advertising for a product which is irrefutably nothing less than a scam. OK, I'll add that IN MY OPINION it's nothing less than a scam (remember I bought one and discovered at first hand that it doesn't do what it claims to do).

Anyone sufficiently interested will look at the address associated with the product which is posted in their online presence. They would see that the premises in Heathfield, Devon were associated, not with Carbonflo, but with an air conditioning firm (which entered liquidation proceedings in the recent past ).

Who in their right mind (apart from me) would part with money for the products in question?

The Carbonflo is, to all intents and purposes, identical to the Broquet that I fitted all those years ago (late eighties) . I'm genuinely taken aback to see that someone has the bare faced cheek to appear on here in an attempt to gain business from a product that a child of six would recognise as being worthless.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - galileo

I admit to being slightly irritated at the resurrection of the previous thread and attempt at free advertising for a product which is irrefutably nothing less than a scam. OK, I'll add that IN MY OPINION it's nothing less than a scam (remember I bought one and discovered at first hand that it doesn't do what it claims to do).

Anyone sufficiently interested will look at the address associated with the product which is posted in their online presence. They would see that the premises in Heathfield, Devon were associated, not with Carbonflo, but with an air conditioning firm (which entered liquidation proceedings in the recent past ).

Who in their right mind (apart from me) would part with money for the products in question?

The Carbonflo is, to all intents and purposes, identical to the Broquet that I fitted all those years ago (late eighties) . I'm genuinely taken aback to see that someone has the bare faced cheek to appear on here in an attempt to gain business from a product that a child of six would recognise as being worthless.

Remember the sayings "there's one born every minute", possibly attributed to PT Barnum, and "never give a sucker an even break".

Also, by definition, 50 % of the population are of below average intelligence (clearly forum members are not in that group!)

Edited by galileo on 25/04/2020 at 12:34

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< Remember the sayings "there's one born every minute", possibly attributed to PT Barnum, and "never give a sucker an even break". Also, by definition, 50 % of the population are of below average intelligence (clearly forum members are not in that group!) >>

Don't forget that this device has been around for decades, so there will be plenty of unscientific car owners who have never heard of it before and may be taken in.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - ExA35Owner

It's interesting to look at the details at Companies House. Micro company, one director, accounts are up to date.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

Tiny, even by micro-company standards. And current liabilities about 6 times current assets.

Not much to show for 31 years in the industry.

Edited by Avant on 25/04/2020 at 23:09

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

May I suggest that you go to the following web site and perhaps this may give you a little bit of insight to why companies have suffered. And to save you asking the question I am not involved with any company that produces such products. But as an ex development and calibration engineer for a world famous motor company at their research and engineering centre specialising in carbonation and fuel injection I am fully aware of tin based catalysts.


After you have visited the above site perhaps it may enlighten you so you can make comments with more knowledge than you appear to have at the moment

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

Yesterday evening I was about to reply to a couple of posts referencing some evidence supposedly supporting the use of fuel catalysts, but they seem to have been removed.

(Edit: Sorry FP - it looked like spam and had some offensive language in it.)

Edited by Avant on 23/05/2020 at 17:29

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Yesterday evening I was about to reply to a couple of posts referencing some evidence supposedly supporting the use of fuel catalysts, but they seem to have been removed.

Is it censorship? There's information here about fuel catalysts that gives a more rounded view most people are unaware of fuelcatalystfacts.org/ (please note nothing for sale here, just facts)

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Hi there Carbonflo!

have you picked up and acted upon my postings about the following we site because it would appears that FP Has not been able to view any of my previous posts.

i am referring to the web site:-


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FiestaOwner
Is it censorship? There's information here about fuel catalysts that gives a more rounded view most people are unaware of fuelcatalystfacts.org/ (please note nothing for sale here, just facts)

Is fuelcatalystfacts.org your website? There is no reference on the website to indicate who it belongs to.

Also when I carried out a whois search on the domain name, no contact owner came up. However the domain name (fuelcatalystfacts.org) was only registered 26th April 2020 and your last post on this site was 25th April 2020. Is this just a coincidence?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Engineer Andy
Is it censorship? There's information here about fuel catalysts that gives a more rounded view most people are unaware of fuelcatalystfacts.org/ (please note nothing for sale here, just facts)

Is fuelcatalystfacts.org your website? There is no reference on the website to indicate who it belongs to.

Also when I carried out a whois search on the domain name, no contact owner came up. However the domain name (fuelcatalystfacts.org) was only registered 26th April 2020 and your last post on this site was 25th April 2020. Is this just a coincidence?

I would put good money on it not being a coincidence.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Yesterday evening I was about to reply to a couple of posts referencing some evidence supposedly supporting the use of fuel catalysts, but they seem to have been removed.

(Edit: Sorry FP - it looked like spam and had some offensive language in it.)

If this referring to my postings, then please advise me what offensive language was in them and also enlighten me on how postings can be considered spam.


i have screen shots of all my postings and having reviewed each one, cannot see anything than can be deemed as offensive, in fact to the contrary, there are many postings that are offensive IMO, however for the benefit of accepting the right of opinion, treat them with the contempt they deserve.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Tiny, even by micro-company standards. And current liabilities about 6 times current assets.

Not much to show for 31 years in the industry.

And here is why: fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/suppression/

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

And here is why: fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/suppression/

Even if these claims were genuine (it all sounds like a very paranoid conspiracy theory to me) I'm sure someone in the know might have leaked the gospel to a motoring world eager to save one or two % on their fuel bills. Sorry, I don't buy it, and it seems many others don't either.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - alan1302

And here is why: fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/suppression/

Even if these claims were genuine (it all sounds like a very paranoid conspiracy theory to me) I'm sure someone in the know might have leaked the gospel to a motoring world eager to save one or two % on their fuel bills. Sorry, I don't buy it, and it seems many others don't either.

It comes across as total nonsense - if the devices worked the car manufacturers would be keen to use them as it gives their car better figures than their rivals - which is what they want.

I expect he won't ever explain why the car manufacturers are not interested.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Engineer Andy

And here is why: fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/suppression/

Even if these claims were genuine (it all sounds like a very paranoid conspiracy theory to me) I'm sure someone in the know might have leaked the gospel to a motoring world eager to save one or two % on their fuel bills. Sorry, I don't buy it, and it seems many others don't either.

It comes across as total nonsense - if the devices worked the car manufacturers would be keen to use them as it gives their car better figures than their rivals - which is what they want.

I expect he won't ever explain why the car manufacturers are not interested.

Indeed, as surely they'd be tripping over eachother trying to secure his firm's 'tech' (I wonder if it has a patent?) if it were that good. I saw the 5th Gear piece on it and the other (IMHO) 'snake oil' mpg improvers and proved to me my first instinct (as it was for the vast majority) was correct.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

And here is why: fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/suppression/

Even if these claims were genuine (it all sounds like a very paranoid conspiracy theory to me) I'm sure someone in the know might have leaked the gospel to a motoring world eager to save one or two % on their fuel bills. Sorry, I don't buy it, and it seems many others don't either.

Andrew T, perhaps you can give a considered opinion why the moderator of this forum considers that I am a scammer and appears to be blocking some, (if not all), of my postings, on the pretext of being offensive!

it has always been my belief that forums are for open discussion for those who have comments to put into the debate.

We all have our thoughts and should have the freedom to express them so long that it is relevant to the subject being debated.

However, I am beginning to form an opinion that the discussion on this forum are not balanced. Which further may give those outside this debate the opinion that any arguments that have any opposition to the majority view, are ridiculed, dismissed as being cranky, despite having evidence to support the opposing view.

Of course you may still consider that I am being a paranoid crank, in which case you will be able to produce evidence to support that view.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< Andrew T, perhaps you can give a considered opinion why the moderator of this forum considers that I am a scammer and appears to be blocking some, (if not all), of my postings, on the pretext of being offensive! However, I am beginning to form an opinion that the discussion on this forum are not balanced.

Of course you may still consider that I am being a paranoid crank, in which case you will be able to produce evidence to support that view. >>

WM - I'm not sure why I have been asked for an opinion about the actions of our respected mod (who has already answered your question). I have been poking my inexpert nose into this forum for about 15 years, so far without being reprimanded (AFAIR). I have no connection with any commercial company, and no axe to grind supporting or trying to demolish anyone's product. But my impression about Broquet (and others like it) is that there are many fewer reports in its favour than those which show it has no effect. As a trained scientist I tend to accept the balance of proof. I don't think I have called anyone a crank yet.

The only parties apparently with reason to deny the effectiveness of Broquet would seem to be fuel companies, who might risk a very marginal drop in sales ?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Perhaps a visit to the following web site could assist this debate and avoid name calling which in my view weakens any points being made.


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - bathtub tom

The Weber Man's quite prolific in his responses.

Reminds me of the Shakespeare quote: " the lady doth protest too much, methinks"

(Edit: Agreed! He also used objectionable language as well as posting a link, so has been classed as a spammer.)

Edited by Avant on 23/05/2020 at 17:37

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

The Weber Man's quite prolific in his responses.

Reminds me of the Shakespeare quote: " the lady doth protest too much, methinks"

The reason I have been prolific IS due to the fact that there seems to be a lot of postings on this site based upon opinions that IMO are unbalanced views. Some are questioning the validity of the technology implying that the technology is not based on fact.

In order to get a balance, as a totally independent qualified carburation engineer, I have directed those posts which appear to have unqualified and possible vested interest in being negative to a site that has qualified and verified evidence in it’s content.

For the record the web site is still active and those that have said it is blocked are wrong. That obviously endorses my view that there are those who do not appreciate a balanced viewpoint based upon historical and scientific research carried out since WW2.

The site is:-


The Weber Man.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Oh dear! Such scathing comments! But this is thankfully a country that embraces free speech!

Your mind is made up so pointless in pointing you to a web site that gives scientific evidence. So let’s leave it there shall we!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Why have all my posts been blocked?

I would politely request a valid and justifiable reply

yours in anticipation.

THe Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

Weber man - one of your earlier posts included a link which looked similar to an attempt at free advertising by an outfit called Carbonflo. You also implied that someone who disagreed with you lacked knowledge.

I have given you the benefit of the doubt, and reinstated your account, but if you do want to advertise anything on this site, there is a link at the foot of the page.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - thunderbird

Its been said on every thread on every forum these products have appeared on for the last 10 years at least if these products were any good either the major manufacturers would copy them (they have enough money to legally challenge any issues) or the oil companies would buy the manufacturers to stop people saving fuel.

With fines in place for not meeting emissions limits do you really think that manufacturers would simply ignore a product that costs pence to make and save millions in fines a year.

Its as daft as believing a man a shed with a laptop can map a car better than a manufacturer with a multi million product development budget. If the man in a shed was any good he would no longer be working in a shed.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Carbonflo Andrew

Its been said on every thread on every forum these products have appeared on for the last 10 years at least if these products were any good either the major manufacturers would copy them (they have enough money to legally challenge any issues) or the oil companies would buy the manufacturers to stop people saving fuel.

With fines in place for not meeting emissions limits do you really think that manufacturers would simply ignore a product that costs pence to make and save millions in fines a year.

Its as daft as believing a man a shed with a laptop can map a car better than a manufacturer with a multi million product development budget. If the man in a shed was any good he would no longer be working in a shed.

First point is there are no patents and no legal issues.
Second point, as Avant has found out and reported, there’s no money in this so money isn’t the motivation.
Anyway I have an idea to sort things out which is that, once Covid-19 permits, one or two colleagues and myself organise a debate with an equal number of critics, with a view to establishing the true case facts.
Suggested agenda:
1. Naysayers to spell out why they believe fuel catalysts don’t work and are scam products sold by charlatans etc. etc. etc.. and their evidence in support of their views.
2. We give a summary of:
* Origins of fuel catalysts and tests and trials concluding that they work
* Why motor manufacturers as well as oil companies lose money when people use fuel catalysts and far from fitting them as standard have suppressed knowledge and use of them
* How the British public has been wrongly led to believe fuel catalysts don’t work despite extensive research and endorsement by scientists and engineers concluding that they do work, and despite being in beneficial use around the world from shipping in the Pacific to industrial heating boilers in North America, to train operators in India, to snowmobiles in Canada and, according to many reports, United States armed forces.
3. Then questions and answers.
4. The proceedings to be video recorded and posted on Youtube / wherever so people can make up their own minds.
It’s just an idea but do you critics out there think it has merit because if you are so sure of your position, then surely it would be a perfect a chance to nail it once and for all?
Meanwhile here is a new website www.fuelcatalytfacts.org that is NOT selling anything but has some relevant information.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

Sorry - your idea of how such a debate should work is not acceptable.

Firstly: the "naysayers" have no obligation to say why they believe fuel catalysts don't work. The burden of proof is not on them, but on you and your colleagues. The whole concept of if being up to the objectors to a theory to prove a negative is a non-starter intellectually.

In any case, the fact that the use of fuel catalysts is nowhere near as wide-spread as you say it should be quite clearly shows you have a case to make, not the objectors.

Secondly: in my view, there is no chance a live spoken debate would work. I guarantee it would become chaotic. Who would chair it and keep control? There would also be no opportunity to examine any scientific studies or detailed technical evidence if such material is just pulled out of the bag; at the very least all such material would have to be submitted in advance.

Thirdly: if the evidence your side would use is merely that which is presented on the website you have tried to link to (but failed, because the URL is mis-spelt) then there's not much point in having any debate anyway. It is so flimsy and full of unsupported assertions (despite an attempt to dress up what little facts there are) that you are wasting your time.

Fourthly: what, exactly, is the topic you wish to debate? Is it that fuel catalysts allow engines to run on unleaded fuel even if they were designed for leaded (as the website spends so much time "proving")? That is hardly of any relevance to modern motoring. Or is it that catalysts produce greater economy? Or is there something else that fuel catalysts are supposed to do? Having a debate on "whether fuel catalysts work" is so generalised as to be pointless as a topic.

On the basis of what you're saying in your post I'm afraid I don't hold out much hope of any intellectually rigorous contribution from you at all.

Edited by FP on 24/05/2020 at 21:41

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Weber man - one of your earlier posts included a link which looked similar to an attempt at free advertising by an outfit called Carbonflo. You also implied that someone who disagreed with you lacked knowledge.

I have given you the benefit of the doubt, and reinstated your account, but if you do want to advertise anything on this site, there is a link at the foot of the page.


I thank you for the courtesy of your reply and the reasons you initially blocked the account.

Notwithstanding, in order to put the record straight I will reiterate the fact in one of my initial posts, that I have no commercial interest in any of the products utilising tin based fuel catalysts, reiterate that I was a carburettor design and calibration engineer, and was involved with the study of tin based fuel catalysts with Professor Andrews at Leeds University and also liaised with Jeremy Pearce of the ITRI. In an earlier post you will observe my views on fuel consumption and the difficulty in monitoring for mpg improvements in the “real world”

if you considered that I implied that someone who disagreed with me lacked knowledge, then may I clearly state here i had no such intention in mind. I have seen postings on here that openly giving the view that anybody involved in the technology are nothing more than snake oil salesmen, or out to gain a quick buck by deception. Now that is what I would label as being a reaction that had not researched the subject being discussed, and therefore could be regarded as lacking knowledge.

if you haven’t visited the web site to which you interpreted as a scam at worse, at best a way of getting free advertising, may I suggest that you do, and if you still consider that it is a commercially based site for a specific company in order to get free advertising, please advise me accordingly.

The site clearly gives the background to the technology, and the development up until false information halted it's development.

If I did want to advertise I would do that with full transparency, however as I do not manufacture, promote or sell any specific product, why would I need to advertise?

i have always endeavoured to be professional when making public comments and I consider that to date I have not let my standards drop in any of the posts I have made on this Forum.

Finally, thank you for reinstating my account accordingly. It is appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

My word! What a truly amazing discourse.

And all at a time when much of the world (not just the UK but the entire WIDE WORLD) is struggling to get by and much of the commerce and infrastructure around us is on it's knees, and people are catching, and dying of, a virulent disease capable of killing any one of us.

And a couple of individuals here are obsessed with trying to promote interest in a device which I, personally, bought and used over a period of years, and which provided me - THE USER - with absolutely no evidence of it serving any useful purpose.

Who, in the world, is going to even give a nano-second of thought to a face to face debate to discuss the device that two people on a motoring forum forum are determined to promote but which no other beggar is remotely interested in?

Like I say - truly amazing.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - brum

Fifth gear have tested the Broquet in a controlled dyno lab environment.

Youtube video here:-


And John Cadogan's (scientific) opinion on catalysts


(Fitch catalyst is basically the same as Broquet product being based on tin alloy pellets)

Edited by brum on 24/05/2020 at 23:49

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Oli rag
Thanks for that Brum. Spoiler alert!

I’ve just watched the fifth gear test and it appears the way to save fuel is to not buy any of the fuel saving devices they tested.

Every device tested ( including the fuel Broquet) produced a worse mpg figure than the unmodified car.
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

My word! What a truly amazing discourse.

And all at a time when much of the world (not just the UK but the entire WIDE WORLD) is struggling to get by and much of the commerce and infrastructure around us is on it's knees, and people are catching, and dying of, a virulent disease capable of killing any one of us.

And a couple of individuals here are obsessed with trying to promote interest in a device which I, personally, bought and used over a period of years, and which provided me - THE USER - with absolutely no evidence of it serving any useful purpose.

Who, in the world, is going to even give a nano-second of thought to a face to face debate to discuss the device that two people on a motoring forum forum are determined to promote but which no other beggar is remotely interested in?

Like I say - truly amazing.


I have absolutely no obsession to promote interest in devices using tin based fuel catalysts.

i do however consider the unseen benefits that the technology affords to the environment.

At a time that the three bed exhaust catalyst was being developed, and prior to motor manufacturers, being legally compelled to install them, I was working with the Ford Motor Company at their research and engineering centres at Dunoon in the UK, Merkenich in Germany, their test facility in Gent in Belgium calibrating carburettors for “lean burn” engines.

Ford of Britain, at that time,were favouring this approach rather than the three bed exhaust catalyst to overcome the NOx concerns. However, political pressure influenced by lobbying from the German manufacturers who had vested interest in Johnson and Mathay, the lean burn research was put on back burner with limited funding, whilst the bulk of research was steered into the development of three bed catalysts.

Eventually the funding for lean burn was dropped, as electronic technology was becoming more reliable and carburettors were being phased out. So interest in pre combustion treatment of fuel was not considered commercially viable.

However research was still being carried out, funded by companies producing tin based fuel catalysts. The merits of the technology was realised as an environmental benefit by those institutions conducting the controlled tests, but limited funding and grants meant that a detailed research programme was prohibitively out of reach at that time.

Without doubt, this influenced oil companies to take advantage to discredit the technology, through the medium of motoring publications and institutions that they sponsored either through advertising, or joint partnerships. So that is where we are today, initially high praise for the products by the motoring press, until a revenue stream was threatened, when vested interest overtook them and suddenly a full u turn occurred. This was compounded by instigating the influence of institutions that would have the trust of the motoring public.

So that is where we are today! My only interest is trying to set the record straight and nothing more.

So having been completely transparent with this Forum I trust that you look further into the evidence again that is on the web site I have referred to, of which I have had input with absolutely no interest in gaining any financial benefit.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

To all the visitors and contributors to this Forum.

i have just noticed a typo created by predictive text in my last posting.

please note that the Ford R & E Centre is in Dunton Essex and not Dunoon, which sounds as though it may be a place, fictional or otherwise, in Scotland!

Thank you

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

please note that the Ford R & E Centre is in Dunton Essex and not Dunoon, which sounds as though it may be a place, fictional or otherwise, in Scotland!

Not fictional at all - it's on the north Clyde coast, not far from the well-known submarine base at Faslane.

But giving full credence to your latest story, you claim that putting a tin catalyst in the fuel stream helps to clean up what emerges from the tailpipe. That sounds beneficial, but the only snag I see - taking KB's experience at face value - is that there is no cash benefit to the end-user, and unless he/she has elaborate testing equipment to hand, no way to judge whether it works. So not likely to attract many eager buyers perhaps.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

please note that the Ford R & E Centre is in Dunton Essex and not Dunoon, which sounds as though it may be a place, fictional or otherwise, in Scotland!

Not fictional at all - it's on the north Clyde coast, not far from the well-known submarine base at Faslane.

But giving full credence to your latest story, you claim that putting a tin catalyst in the fuel stream helps to clean up what emerges from the tailpipe. That sounds beneficial, but the only snag I see - taking KB's experience at face value - is that there is no cash benefit to the end-user, and unless he/she has elaborate testing equipment to hand, no way to judge whether it works. So not likely to attract many eager buyers perhaps.

Hi Andrew -T,

Thank you for the geography lesson. That explains why predictive text did what it did!

Also thank you for your comments in respect of the main body of my post.

i fully agree with you in respect of the comments that unseen benefits would not be appreciated by a majority of motorists, which to be fair, would not be a commercially viable selling point. But as I have already stated I’m not on this site to promote the sale of any products, purely to put the record straight about the history!

However, if such proof of benefits of emission reductions were verified and recognised by institutions such as the AA, I am sure many motorists would consider fuel catalysts. Would you be in agreement of that statement? Particularly if it improved the mileage between top ups of Abdlu, (Diesel Emission Fluid). How do you think the companies that produce and sell DEF would react to that?

Just an aside, how many motorists are of the belief that the step/start feature is on vehicles to save fuel. Excellent marketing by motor manufacturers to “sell” the concept.

it is in fact a feature to reduce emissions to lower the VED based CO2 levels which are based upon the type approval homologation of emissions required by legislation before Manufacturers can retail that particular model. During the test cycle there are several periods where the vehicle idles. Therefore if you stop the engine no emissions occur during those periods.

It can therefore be reasonable to assume that whilst most motorists are unaware of this, they are aware of the impact this has on the VED, as sales execs may use this influence a customer to buy one vehicle in preference to a competitor’s equivalent model!

In any event doesn’t this feature lose its benefit when manufacturers have incorporated the facility to isolate the feature.

i am pleased that there is now some positive debate emerging from this topic on this Forum.

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< However, if such proof of benefits of emission reductions were verified and recognised by institutions such as the AA, I am sure many motorists would consider fuel catalysts. Would you be in agreement of that statement? >>

Many motorists might well consider a fuel catalyst, but IMHO not for very long, because the snake-oil label has been attached to the idea for decades.

I would like a convincing explanation of how a tin catalyst in the fuel supply might alter the combustion behaviour of petrol hydrocarbons and reduce pollutants (presumably NOx) in the exhaust. If it is a true 'catalyst' it is itself unchanged and not consumed. I might believe that hydrocarbon molecules are rearranged (that's what refineries do, using catalysts), but unless significant branching comes about, I can't see that making a lot of difference to what happens in the cylinders. Can you explain ?

<< if it improved the mileage between top ups of Adblu, (Diesel Emission Fluid). How do you think the companies that produce and sell DEF would react to that? >>

I thought we were talking about petrol engines - are you recommending tin catalysts for diesels too ?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

<< However, if such proof of benefits of emission reductions were verified and recognised by institutions such as the AA, I am sure many motorists would consider fuel catalysts. Would you be in agreement of that statement? >>

Many motorists might well consider a fuel catalyst, but IMHO not for very long, because the snake-oil label has been attached to the idea for decades.

I would like a convincing explanation of how a tin catalyst in the fuel supply might alter the combustion behaviour of petrol hydrocarbons and reduce pollutants (presumably NOx) in the exhaust. If it is a true 'catalyst' it is itself unchanged and not consumed. I might believe that hydrocarbon molecules are rearranged (that's what refineries do, using catalysts), but unless significant branching comes about, I can't see that making a lot of difference to what happens in the cylinders. Can you explain ?

<< if it improved the mileage between top ups of Adblu, (Diesel Emission Fluid). How do you think the companies that produce and sell DEF would react to that? >>

I thought we were talking about petrol engines - are you recommending tin catalysts for diesels too ?

Andrew - T,

Thank you for your latest contribution to a meaningful debate.

Taking you points in order,,

What you have stated about the public being more receptive if a “trusted” organisation verifying the technology I totally agree with, however doesn’t your final clause in that statement indicate that the reputation of the tin based fuel catalyst has been tarnished, and Forums such as this perpetuate that false reputation, with some of the post using negative terms such as you have in saying it has a snake oil label. However, if the AA, revisited the technology in a different light and reported upon the environmental benefits, I’m sure the snake oil label would, in due course, be overcome. So basically you, without me putting words into your mouth, are confirming that the AA has played a major part in soiling the technology with the snake oil label by relying on false or rigged tests to misinform the public.

As I have said in previous posts, I will only comment on what subjects I am qualified in, and Therefore not being a chemical scientist or engineer, I am unable to detail the mechanics of how or what the catalyst does in respect of the structure of the hydrocarbon chains within olefins. Notwithstanding, based upon the research I have been involved in I can state that there is a definite effect that assists the combustion process of ALL hydrocarbon fuels, whether that be as a gas, gas oil or gasoline. That is the best answer I can give in my limitations of chemistry. Being a involved with combustion technology as far as required to carry out the duties of a carburettor design and calibration engineer, any improvements that are available to the medium I was working with, Viz, petrol, were investigated, the science behind that medium being left to the specialist in that field. So if your question was aimed to provoke me into making statements I could not qualify, then unfortunately you have failed in that regard. I do not know who you are or your background, so for all I know you could be a chemical engineer well versed in the aspects of hydrocarbon fuels, so therefore I have to bow to your superior knowledge on that count. So if you want or possibly demand to have a convincing explanation you need to seek those convincing proofs from someone on this Forum or find a chemical engineer accordingly.However what I can inform you is that the tests carried out by Professor Andrews at his faculty in combustion science at Leeds university had a positive reduction in UHC, CO, and NOx. Which are the factors I consider more important than how the structure of the Olefins was affected. I hope this goes some way to putting that of your concerns aside.

Before replying to your last request, I need to inform you that I was involved with diesel injection systems and diesel injection pump caLiberation. I also consider that for the sake of regularity, also inform you that I worked with Professor Andrews on Diesel exhaust emissions and the effect of tin based fuel catalysts on the combustion process using a Euro 3 Perkins Phaser engine the combustion engineering faculty at Leeds University, of which he was the Head of Faculty. So I am suitably qualified to give you a reply to your final enquiry.

Whilst this Forum Topic was mainly addressing the merits of a generic product utilising tin catalyst technology on a petrol engine, then I can understand why you ask the question in respect of my reference to diesel fuel. I am not recommending anything and you have completely missed the point I was making when I referred to Abdu, or DEF.

You are probably aware that DEF is injected into the exhaust system on a Diesel engine, to reduce NOx, which as you quite rightly mentioned earlier in your post, Is one of the benefits of using tin based catalysts on fuel. Therefore there is less NOx to be converted into the constituents by introducing an ammonia based additive into the exhaust stream. Currently there is anecdotal evidence to support that the refills of DEF are extended. As these are anecdotal at this point in time, it is clear further research is required to verify it in a controlled test with all the necessary emission measuring equipment. For the sake of regularity I can inform you that the ammonia in DEF is generally generated from animal urine, so please do not ask me to explain the chemical process involved, as I have no idea! Suffice it to say that vehicle manufacturers, their dealerships, and owners of vehicles that use DEF, don’t question the science but accept that it works.

And finally, once again I will reiterate I am not posting on this site to promote, recommend, market or sell any form of fuel catalysts, so can we please put this red herring to bed.

i have already gone to extreme lengths to qualify why I came to this site, which for the benefit of regularity, is set the record straight in respect of the history and misreporting that has resulted in points of view that you have clearly demonstrated in your first paragraph of the post I am responding to.

I trust the above satisfies your curiosity.

Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

“i have already gone to extreme lengths to qualify why I came to this site, which for the benefit of regularity, is set the record straight in respect of the history and misreporting…”

If this is so, it would be helpful if you would provide focused arguments rather than the rambling posts you seem to indulge in.

Could we deal with two specific points you raise:

1. “… the AA has played a major part in soiling the technology with the snake oil label by relying on false or rigged tests to misinform the public.”

Please provide references to these “rigged tests” so we can scrutinise them and draw our own conclusions.

2. “…the tests carried out by Professor Andrews at his faculty in combustion science at Leeds university had a positive reduction in UHC, CO, and NOx.”

Again, please provide chapter and verse.

To have a meaningful debate we need hard evidence, not vague claims.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man


short and sweet reply, as you have already stated you don’t read my posts fully.

go to www.fuelcataystfacts.org

what you seek is there. No further comment from me as you obviously have no interest what I post. Or have you forgotten already what you send earlier?

respectfully yours

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

I assume you intend to refer me to www.fuelcatalystfacts.org. It would be helpful if you could get the URL right.

"... as you have already stated you don’t read my posts fully." Please point me to where I said that.

I asked about the tests carried out by Professor Andrews. My apologies for overlooking the report quoted on the website.

It is however less than convincing. The conclusions were based on effects observed on only three engines under workshop, not open-road conditions, I assume from the wording. For the diesel engine the "CO and UHC reductions could [italics mine] be due to a catalytic influence of carbonflo." Also, "there was no significant increase in Bosch smoke emissions at any test condition" - hardly a ringing endorsement. The results for the petrol engine are more interesting.

The biggest problem, apart from the fact that only three engines were used and the tests were not done in real-world conditions, is that the tests are dated 1990. Engine design has moved on a long way and more complete combustion of fuel has resulted, because of the need to produce more fuel efficiency and lower emissions. For the case in favour of fuel catalysts to be convincing, significant improvements would need to demonstrated over and above what modern engines achieve.

For tests like this to be convincing they would need to be carried out in a large number of engines/vehicles over a significant mileage and under real road conditions.

I also asked about the AA's false or rigged tests. From the website referred to, there are numerous claims about the AA's complicity in various deceptions regarding the use of unleaded petrol. However, there is no direct evidence supplied.

So the website makes a less than convincing case.

Humbly yours,


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

I assume you intend to refer me to www.fuelcatalystfacts.org. It would be helpful if you could get the URL right.

"... as you have already stated you don’t read my posts fully." Please point me to where I said that.

I asked about the tests carried out by Professor Andrews. My apologies for overlooking the report quoted on the website.

It is however less than convincing. The conclusions were based on effects observed on only three engines under workshop, not open-road conditions, I assume from the wording. For the diesel engine the "CO and UHC reductions could [italics mine] be due to a catalytic influence of carbonflo." Also, "there was no significant increase in Bosch smoke emissions at any test condition" - hardly a ringing endorsement. The results for the petrol engine are more interesting.

The biggest problem, apart from the fact that only three engines were used and the tests were not done in real-world conditions, is that the tests are dated 1990. Engine design has moved on a long way and more complete combustion of fuel has resulted, because of the need to produce more fuel efficiency and lower emissions. For the case in favour of fuel catalysts to be convincing, significant improvements would need to demonstrated over and above what modern engines achieve.

For tests like this to be convincing they would need to be carried out in a large number of engines/vehicles over a significant mileage and under real road conditions.

I also asked about the AA's false or rigged tests. From the website referred to, there are numerous claims about the AA's complicity in various deceptions regarding the use of unleaded petrol. However, there is no direct evidence supplied.

So the website makes a less than convincing case.

Humbly yours,


Good afternoon FP,

So much has gone on this site, that sometimes it is difficult to keep track of who has asked what!

Further to your remarks about diesel emissions, I have arranged to have the full test report of the emission test carried out on the Perkins Phasor engine at Leeds University conducted by Professor Andrews. During this test Bosch Smoke Filters were used to determine any change in particle emissions. I am hopeful that this will be on the web site within the next 24 hours.

So please bear with me and visit the site during the course of this evening and tomorrow morning.

For regularity and confirmation, the web site address is:-


Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< So if your question was aimed to provoke me into making statements I could not qualify, then unfortunately you have failed in that regard. I do not know who you are or your background, so for all I know you could be a chemical engineer well versed in the aspects of hydrocarbon fuels, so therefore I have to bow to your superior knowledge on that count. >>

I was not trying to provoke anything. I was a practising chemist (gas kinetics) about 50 years ago and still have a residual interest, but never a chemical engineer. To summarise what I have gathered so far:

- this tin catalyst offers no detectable advantage in fuel consumption, but reduces exhaust impurities. Therefore with the present desire to reduce urban pollution, that is the area on which it should focus;

- if this cleaning effect is genuine, it seems the catalyst must alter the fuel between leaving the tank and reaching the cylinders, in a manner which you cannot explain in detail. I am equally uninformed, but rather sceptical until I find out more;

- the diesel additive you refer to is, I believe, called Adblue; it is a concentrated mix of urea - unlikely to come from animal urine unless there is a vast herd somewhere.

Edited by Andrew-T on 25/05/2020 at 23:44

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man


Thank you for your informative postings. I fully appreciate your input and corrections.

I gather from your comments that you have an understanding of the action of Adblu, and I thank you for advising me of its main constituent. I was led to understand that the ammonia was extracted from animal urine, so thank you for putting me right on that aspect.

i apologise for mis understanding your post requesting the information in respect of the actual effect tin has on fuel, but with some of the contributors making obscure comments and allegations, I have myself become sceptical about this forum.

Thirty years of history combating the giants of industry and “trusted” organisations has unfortunately taken it’s toll.

i will now purely be an observer on this forum and will make no further contributions to it.

Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

My word! What a truly amazing discourse.

And all at a time when much of the world (not just the UK but the entire WIDE WORLD) is struggling to get by and much of the commerce and infrastructure around us is on it's knees, and people are catching, and dying of, a virulent disease capable of killing any one of us.

And a couple of individuals here are obsessed with trying to promote interest in a device which I, personally, bought and used over a period of years, and which provided me - THE USER - with absolutely no evidence of it serving any useful purpose.

Who, in the world, is going to even give a nano-second of thought to a face to face debate to discuss the device that two people on a motoring forum forum are determined to promote but which no other beggar is remotely interested in?

Like I say - truly amazing.


As an aside to my lengthy response to your posting, I cannot for the life of me see the relevance of COVID-19 in this debate. I also find it highly condescending of you to make the assumption that I am trying to persuade you to buy any form of fuel catalyst. I am not.

I am however ever mindful of the impact the internal combustion engine has on the environment. Unfortunately there are motorists that look no further than their wallets, and would not consider spending money or something they can’t necessarily see the benefits of.

what comes out of the tailpipe of your vehicle’s exhaust is more important to me than you saving a few quid on fuel. (There is irrefutable scientific evidence that emission are reduced even from vehicles with exhaust catalysts fitted, when tin based catalysts are used).

if you were that concerned, you would only use the super grade fuels available, which were for a period, unavailable from some petrol stations due to the low take up by motorists.

There is not only empirical evidence, but also anecdotal evidence, that vehicles designed to run on leaded fuel can run on unleaded fuel using tin based catalysts without having to retard the ignition to avoid detonation.

Retarding the ignition, as you are probably aware, reduces the power and therefore more fuel is used. Therefore by simple deduction implies, but not necessarily proving, that if you do not retard the ignition your fuel consumption is not affected going from leaded to unleaded petrol on older vehicles.

You also make the presumption that no beggar is remotely interested in the technology. However would you disagree with my view that there are those who would possibly be interested if the technology was proven that it improved the level of emissions from the tailpipe?


The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Oli rag

In the early 70's, Honda launched the civic with their lean burn ( stratified charge) Cvcc engine. This engine did away with the need of a catalyst and other equipment to meet the emission regulations.

If I remember correctly, either GM or Ford laughed at their approach, insisting it only worked on small engines and was no good for gas gussellers. Honda then modified the heads on a large V8, made by whoever's said it wouldn't work, to Honda's design and handed it to the chairman of said company!

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

In the early 70's, Honda launched the civic with their lean burn ( stratified charge) Cvcc engine. This engine did away with the need of a catalyst and other equipment to meet the emission regulations.

If I remember correctly, either GM or Ford laughed at their approach, insisting it only worked on small engines and was no good for gas gussellers. Honda then modified the heads on a large V8, made by whoever's said it wouldn't work, to Honda's design and handed it to the chairman of said company!

Oil Rag,

you are correct with respect of Honda, but incorrect about Ford. I cannot comment about GM, however your assumption could hold water as GM had links with MB and owned Opel, from which Vauxhall in the UK shared vehicle platforms. But not being involved with GM, I would not be prepared to say any further than that. I will stick with what I know and leave speculation well out of this debate.

In respect of the CVCC engine, Ford did come up with their own concept, which was an engine that was an integral head/block design, i.e. there was no detachable cylinder head.

A lot of the lean burn research was done on this engine, which had very basic electronic control, including using crankshaft sensors to control ignition.

Ford realised that that variable valve timing was also essential, and that this would limit the size of the engine, so your comment about the suitability of lean burn in larger engines would require development on too many fronts, so the parent US company withdrew the budget to pursue the technology any further, bearing in mind the engines used for the USA market.

The result was adapting the CCVC concept that evolved into the CVC engine used in the mark 3 Escort/Orion and later Fiestas. This as you are probably aware replaced the OHV Kent series engine. About the same time Ford decided, with the merging of FOB and FOG into Ford of Europe to drop the Essex V6 in favour of the German “Hummer” V6 engine, the German OHC “Pinto” engine already had superseded the Essex V4 engine.

it was shortly after this that I left Ford as carburation was being superseded by the Bosch Jetronic system. So not able to make any further constructive contribution to the debate in that respect.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

If I were to say that I've inwardly, considered analysed and digested every single word of what our two esteemed contributors have spent hours writing, I'd not be displaying total honesty.

With regard to my mention of Covid 19 (which seems not to have gone down well with the venerable scribe) I made the point that most people at this time time have more pressing matters with which to concern themselves than to be wasting time reading these lengthy and pointless dialogues which, whilst of clear significance to our two proponents of the device(s) in question, are of inestimably less concern to everyone else.

It's of absolutely no concern of mine how much energy you expend on trying to convert the great unwashed and ill-learned into taking a scrap of notice of what you've written (and will doubtless continue to write) and it's entire inappropriate of me to suggest you desist from carrying on expending forum bandwidth if it gives you some form of pleasure or satisfaction, but, in all reality, don't fool yourselves into thinking this particular topic is going to project any of the supposed benefits that you both seem to have concocted in your collective minds.

I don't think I have a great deal more to offer - and that probably won't be of any great concern to you two. Bu if I haven't made myself clear then I'm confident you won't hesitate to seek further clarification.

[you see, we can all write paragraphs of pointless nonsense and almost make it sound as though we know what we're talking about :-) ]

Edited by KB. on 25/05/2020 at 19:38

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

If I were to say that I've inwardly, considered analysed and digested every single word of what our two esteemed contributors have spent hours writing, I'd not be displaying total honesty.

With regard to my mention of Covid 19 (which seems not to have gone down well with the venerable scribe) I made the point that most people at this time time have more pressing matters with which to concern themselves than to be wasting time reading these lengthy and pointless dialogues which, whilst of clear significance to our two proponents of the device(s) in question, are of inestimably less concern to everyone else.

It's of absolutely no concern of mine how much energy you expend on trying to convert the great unwashed and ill-learned into taking a scrap of notice of what you've written (and will doubtless continue to write) and it's entire inappropriate of me to suggest you desist from carrying on expending forum bandwidth if it gives you some form of pleasure or satisfaction, but, in all reality, don't fool yourselves into thinking this particular topic is going to project any of the supposed benefits that you both seem to have concocted in your collective minds.

I don't think I have a great deal more to offer - and that probably won't be of any great concern to you two. Bu if I haven't made myself clear then I'm confident you won't hesitate to seek further clarification.

[you see, we can all write paragraphs of pointless nonsense and almost make it sound as though we know what we're talking about :-) ]


thank you for your frankness and to the point posting.

i respect your opinion but do not necessarily agree with it. So in that alone we are both in agreement.

But just ponder the following points.

I have been completely transparent, I have divulged information that can be reliably verified in an attempt to give credibility to my posts. Which appears to have no truck with you. But at least I have been honest.

your post is further evidence of the damage that false reporting has on the technology. Something that may be useful to the web site in the future. So thank you for being candid in expressing your views I am very appreciative of the contents of all your contribution in this debate.

I have extracted from you the very evidence I was seeking.

Your final paragraph I will treat with the content it deserves.

Rest assured this will be the last post you personally will receive from me, so as a bit of advice, don’t bother to reply to this post, you will be wasting forum bandwidth!

respectfully yours

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< I have extracted from you the very evidence I was seeking. Your final paragraph I will treat with the content it deserves. >>

Amusing what predictive text can come up with (I presume that is the cause?) ....

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Brit_in_Germany

And there was me foolishly believing that running older engines on unleaded fuel tended to cause valve seat recession which has nothing to do with advancing the timing. Could that be the reason why 'the industry' concluded that tin was no substitute for replacement cylinder heads?

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

And there was me foolishly believing that running older engines on unleaded fuel tended to cause valve seat recession which has nothing to do with advancing the timing. Could that be the reason why 'the industry' concluded that tin was no substitute for replacement cylinder heads?

Retarded ignition will cause an engine to run at a higher temperatures. Higher temperatures will accelerate valve recession. Engines that had the ignition retarded to prevent detonation when using unleaded fuel suffered badly from valve recession so there was a need to have cylinder heads fitted with appropriately treated steel Inserts fitted.

However, by using tin based fuel catalysts, the need to retard the ignition was negated, therefore higher combustion temperatures were avoided. Under normal driving conditions valve recession on those engines that were prone to it even when using leaded fuel, such as the A series BMC engine, the recession was in line with that expected when leaded fuel was used.

the high speed tests that some commissioned evaluations of the motoring press, would have resulted in severe valve recession anyway. This was the case of the tests commissioned by the FBHVC with MIRA. they set the acceptable valve recession parameters prior to the tests being done, however these were altered to a level to enable the additives to be given the appropriate FBHVC seal of approval. The tests on chemical additives were done using new cylinder heads. The other tests on tin based catalysts were done on cylinder heads that had suffered VR on previous tests after they were redressed to give perfect seals between valve and seat. Thus once the tests were rerun the recession was already in progress.

The reason I know these facts is that I was present for one of the tests and had long discussions with MIRA personnel prior to, during, and after the test was done.

The results of the MIRA tests are not available as it was a condition that these would remain the property of MIRA to avoid them being used for marketing purposes.

iHowever a Metallurgical analysis conducted by Southampton University did confirm that there was a minimal leaching of tin oxide In the combustion chambers of a BMC “A” Series cylinder head that had a tin based catalyst fitted and was run using unleaded petrol. The results of this analysis is in a written and verified report.

i trust this addresses the point you raised in your posting

respectfully yours

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

I'm repeating FP's recent post here so that it's seen by all. This forum is looked at by many more people than those who post on it, and it's very important that we give publicity only to claims that can be substantiated.

We have established that there's no hard evidence that these devices save fuel, so the issue is now whether they reduce emissions. We need up-to-date proof that they do.

Here's FP's post:

I assume you intend to refer me to www.fuelcatalystfacts.org. It would be helpful if you could get the URL right.

"... as you have already stated you don’t read my posts fully." Please point me to where I said that.

I asked about the tests carried out by Professor Andrews. My apologies for overlooking the report quoted on the website.

It is however less than convincing. The conclusions were based on effects observed on only three engines under workshop, not open-road conditions, I assume from the wording. For the diesel engine the "CO and UHC reductions could [italics mine] be due to a catalytic influence of carbonflo." Also, "there was no significant increase in Bosch smoke emissions at any test condition" - hardly a ringing endorsement. The results for the petrol engine are more interesting.

The biggest problem, apart from the fact that only three engines were used and the tests were not done in real-world conditions, is that the tests are dated 1990. Engine design has moved on a long way and more complete combustion of fuel has resulted, because of the need to produce more fuel efficiency and lower emissions. For the case in favour of fuel catalysts to be convincing, significant improvements would need to demonstrated over and above what modern engines achieve.

For tests like this to be convincing they would need to be carried out in a large number of engines/vehicles over a significant mileage and under real road conditions.

I also asked about the AA's false or rigged tests. From the website referred to, there are numerous claims about the AA's complicity in various deceptions regarding the use of unleaded petrol. However, there is no direct evidence supplied.

So the website makes a less than convincing case.

Humbly yours,


Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

I'm repeating FP's recent post here so that it's seen by all. This forum is looked at by many more people than those who post on it, and it's very important that we give publicity only to claims that can be substantiated.

We have established that there's no hard evidence that these devices save fuel, so the issue is now whether they reduce emissions. We need up-to-date proof that they do.

Here's FP's post:

I assume you intend to refer me to www.fuelcatalystfacts.org. It would be helpful if you could get the URL right.

"... as you have already stated you don’t read my posts fully." Please point me to where I said that.

I asked about the tests carried out by Professor Andrews. My apologies for overlooking the report quoted on the website.

It is however less than convincing. The conclusions were based on effects observed on only three engines under workshop, not open-road conditions, I assume from the wording. For the diesel engine the "CO and UHC reductions could [italics mine] be due to a catalytic influence of carbonflo." Also, "there was no significant increase in Bosch smoke emissions at any test condition" - hardly a ringing endorsement. The results for the petrol engine are more interesting.

The biggest problem, apart from the fact that only three engines were used and the tests were not done in real-world conditions, is that the tests are dated 1990. Engine design has moved on a long way and more complete combustion of fuel has resulted, because of the need to produce more fuel efficiency and lower emissions. For the case in favour of fuel catalysts to be convincing, significant improvements would need to demonstrated over and above what modern engines achieve.

For tests like this to be convincing they would need to be carried out in a large number of engines/vehicles over a significant mileage and under real road conditions.

I also asked about the AA's false or rigged tests. From the website referred to, there are numerous claims about the AA's complicity in various deceptions regarding the use of unleaded petrol. However, there is no direct evidence supplied.

So the website makes a less than convincing case.

Humbly yours,



Please accept my sincere and unreserved apologies for sending you a post that I mistakenly intended for another person posting on this sire.

As a lot of response has been initiated by my posts, I became a bit disoriented by initials of those making posts.

i am only human and unfortunately do make mistakes , however when alerted to them I always admit my error as I have done in this instance.

Notwithstanding, the answers you are seeking are on the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org site, including the full report of Dr Andrews, (now Professor Andrews).

I have contact Avant, one of the moderators of this Forum, to advise him that I have nothing further to add to the debate, and the reasons I entered the debate.

Now he may decide to take that post down which is his right so to do, in which case you will need to ask him to put it back on the forum. Otherwise you will need to scroll through the debate to locate it.

Coming into this debate has now served it’s purpose as far as I am concerned, so I see no need for me to explain or justify any further to those who are of the opinion tin based catalysts are a scam promoted by charlatans and snake oil salesman. So who am I to covert them from that view.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - FP

I refer to The Weber Man's post of 26 May 2020 11:35.

It’s yet another verbose offering, justifying (under its obsequiousness) the author’s stance and his posts in this thread. He persists as justification of his case in putting forward the website whose inadequacies I have highlighted. (Again, he’s unable consistently to spell the URL correctly.)

Notice that in this post there is still no hard evidence to support his position, but he has the effrontery to put this: “I have screen shots of every posting I have made to the forum, and those postings that are linked to mine. These postings MAY be added to the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org website to verify the affect [sic] the AA has had on the rejection of the technology…”

So, despite there being no causal link whatsoever, those of us on this forum who have questioned and disputed what he says are (possibly) going to be used to support the unprovable assertion that we have been brainwashed by the AA.

If this is the intellectual level this guy is working at, his position deserves the scepticism we have shown. An alternative explanation might also cross people’s minds.

Perhaps Avant could advise over the copyright situation with regard to our posts on this site. I for one do not wish what I’ve written to be used as ammunition for what I regard as something dubious.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

As you've been consistently, and justifiably, sceptical of these devices throughout, FP, I would hope that their proponents would be unlikely to quote you.

But for reassurance you can look at our terms and conditions (link at the bottom of the page), where it says inter alia, that 'We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in our site, and in the information and material appearing on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.'.

I would hope that Weber man, who is keen to appear professional, would respect and abide by this. I will give him one more opportunity to provide definitive, *up to date* evidence tht these devices lower emissions; otherwise I will close the thread.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

I would hope that Weber man, who is keen to appear professional, would respect and abide by this. I will give him one more opportunity to provide definitive, *up to date* evidence that these devices lower emissions; otherwise I will close the thread.

Weber Man recently announced that he intends to add nothing more to the thread anyway, possibly because he seems unable to provide much in answer to technical queries from the rest of us, referring us instead to that website. I am also intrigued that the parcel seems to have started with Carbonflo before being picked up by Weber Man.

I am not so heartless as to say that the tin catalyst is probably worse than useless. It may have a marginal effect on emissions, but that is not something that an interested motorist can easily confirm. As a (long retired) chemist I would like to know by what mechanism it gets its results, as I am sceptical, as I said before. If the proponents just don't know, I shall remain so.

One obvious idea would be to offer it to motorists hoping to enter restricted-pollution zones, surely ?

Edited by Andrew-T on 26/05/2020 at 14:10

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - KB.

Hopefully then it looks as though this particular topic might have run its course.

I still don't know what the main contributor (Weber Man) along with his earlier soul-mate, (Carbon Flo Man), have hoped to gain, but, clearly, there was some deeply held reasoning for pushing the subject so hard.

Weber Man did say, (21.45 hrs on Monday 25th May) in apparent reply to one of my posts :-

your post is further evidence of the damage that false reporting has on the technology. Something that may be useful to the web site in the future.

I have to be honest and say I cant quite see what he was getting at there given that "false reporting" had no bearing of my comments when I posted that I did, actually, buy a Broquet device in the early eighties and fitted it to a BMC A series engine and, over a period of several years, it offered not a scintilla of benefit - hence I wasn't speaking in response to any form of " false reporting" but was speaking from first hand experience.

So, like FP, I too wonder what 'useful' purpose my comments might serve on his website in the future.

Why the question of some outdated technolgy that was invented in WW2 (and hasn't been seen for decades) has been resurrected is way beyond me - hybrid engineering and, very soon, fully electric technology, rapidly advances so quite where outdated tin-enabled metal tubes that provide absolutely NO tangible benefit, also escapes me.

Edited by KB. on 26/05/2020 at 14:24

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

Hi Avant,

Your point is taken and all screen shots have been removed from my album.

At the end of the day, some of the posts were constructive and from learned people, however there were others who decided to use rather offensive terms, and perhaps that made me drop my guard professionally. I hereby publicly apologise for any errors or omissions Or misunderstandings that have emanated from my posts.

I notice that a post has been submitted pointing out That technology has progressed greatly since a lot of the tests were carried out. That I cannot dispute, and have no intention of denying.

I also agree that in the run up to 2040 when manufactures will not be able to sell petrol or diesel vehicles, there will undoubtedly be vast advancements in alternative prime movers utilising electricity and possibly fuel cells.

That is why I am not involved with marketing or selling fuel catalysts.

My motivation is to address the outright misleading actions employed by institutions and oil companies to destroy any faith in the viability of fuel catalysts.The main one being the AA.

Hopefully this will be addressed by the AA in due course.

being of senior years myself my keyboard skills need a lot to be desired, and my short term memory isn’t what it used to be, so I find navigating this forum difficult because the postings are not in chronological order, so scanning through to get the names can be a bit confusing. Perhaps this could be looked into for the benefit of the older generation!

Once again I apologise for any errors or omissions in that respect.

To avoid you having to close this thread, I will now gracefully retire from this thread and therefore no further response to postings will be put on this thread.

Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man

I refer to The Weber Man's post of 26 May 2020 11:35.

It’s yet another verbose offering, justifying (under its obsequiousness) the author’s stance and his posts in this thread. He persists as justification of his case in putting forward the website whose inadequacies I have highlighted. (Again, he’s unable consistently to spell the URL correctly.)

Notice that in this post there is still no hard evidence to support his position, but he has the effrontery to put this: “I have screen shots of every posting I have made to the forum, and those postings that are linked to mine. These postings MAY be added to the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org website to verify the affect [sic] the AA has had on the rejection of the technology…”

So, despite there being no causal link whatsoever, those of us on this forum who have questioned and disputed what he says are (possibly) going to be used to support the unprovable assertion that we have been brainwashed by the AA.

If this is the intellectual level this guy is working at, his position deserves the scepticism we have shown. An alternative explanation might also cross people’s minds.

Perhaps Avant could advise over the copyright situation with regard to our posts on this site. I for one do not wish what I’ve written to be used as ammunition for what I regard as something dubious.

Good afternoon FP,

I would abide by the terms and conditions of this site and rest assured none of the posts will be used, in fact I will clear all of them from my album.

I will advise Advant likewise in a direct post shortly.

further to your enquiry about reduction in particulates on a Diesel engine please go to the following link www.fuelcatalystfacts.org/home/history-and-evidenc.../

There you need to scroll down past the What Car? article and you will see the full report of the test carried out by Professor Gordon Andrews on a Perkins Phasor Diesel Engine at Leeds University. Bosch smoke readings were taken and you can see the results and conclusions drawn by Professor Andrews for yourself.

Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - mcb100
The test was 30 years ago....Do you have any independently produced results from this millennium, using modern engines?
Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - The Weber Man
The test was 30 years ago....Do you have any independently produced results from this millennium, using modern engines?

Good evening mcb100,

I was intending to cease making further posts in this debate, as I considered that I had put enough forward to gauge the opinions of the majority of those involved thus far.

However, I was alerted to your posting by chance whilst I was scrolling through just now to find out whether Avant had responded to my last posting directed to him.

Yesterday, I requested the administrator of the www.fuelcatalystfacts.org, to include a test carried out on a Perkins Phaser Euro 3 engine, conducted by Professor Gordon Andrews at Leeds University.

The test you are referring to was carried out on two vehicle around 14th August 1990. These were conducted on a chassis dynamometer using a Carbonflo tin based fuel catalyst. At that time Gordon Andrews was designated as a Doctor.

if you revisit the same web site and page, and scroll further down, immediately following the What Car? article you will see a further test carried out by Gordon Andrews, now designated as a Professor, around 30th April 2001, conducted on an engine dynamometer using a Powerplus tin based fuel catalyst. In this test Bosch smoke readings were taken.

i will let you draw your own conclusions after you have read that report.

For the record, and purely as a point of interest, Powerplus went into voluntary liquidation a few years after the Perkins Phaser test, due to the a drastic fall off in sales due to bad press about the technology in the UK and Australia. So further research as recommended by Professor Andrews could not raise the funding through grants and so the merits observed by Professor Andrews could not be followed up.

i trust that this explains as to why later tests are not available.

But as I said, please visit the Same page on the web site again, and draw your own conclusions after reading Professor Andrews report on the tests carried out.

Respectfully yours,

The Weber Man

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Andrew-T

<< Powerplus went into voluntary liquidation a few years after the Perkins Phaser test, due to the a drastic fall off in sales due to bad press about the technology in the UK and Australia. >>

That may well explain why no further test results appeared. But may it not be disingenuous to suggest that the 'bad press' was simply to discredit the tin catalyst, rather than because users found it to be of limited value ?

Surely the balance of probability is that no major manufacturer thought it was worth investing in, not that tin catalysts presented a threat which had to be suppressed.

Ford Fiesta - Broquet Fuel Catalyst - Avant

I suppose a test carried out in 2001 is an improvement on 1990.... but I think this thread has reached the end of the road.

Thank you Weberman for taking the time to contribute, but this isn't the right place. Most of us are experiencced motorists who are only too glad to do what we can to reduce emissions: but our scepticism is inevitable given that if these devices could have been proved to work, the companies producing them wouldn't be insolvent.