I had extremely high blood pressure for twenty years, stopped eating carbs and it normalised within three weeks along with my cholesterol,
I find this hard to believe. Drug treatment for 'extremely high BP', which would be, say, >170/110) is usually for life - unless you have had an extremely rare hormone secreting tumour removed or a renal artery stenosis repaired.
Only downside is I had to give up beer, luckily l like red wine.
Doesn't matter what form the alcohol is in - latest evidence suggests it doesn't do any good.
I do zero exercise and even drive to work which is less than a mile away.
Not good. Regular 'out -of-breath' type exercise is proven to be beneficial and good for the cardiovascular system, rather like the occasional 'Italian tune-up' is good for your car engiine.
Avoid all root veg,
Why? Vegetarians are at risk of running short of fat soluble vitamins ( A, D, E and K). Carrots are a good source of Vit A. (although they don't make you see better in the dark)
modern fruits are just selectively breed fructose bombs
Nonsense. All fruit and veg products we eat have been selectively bred for thousands of years. Most know that citrus fruits are good for Vit C.
all the vitamins and minerals you require are in green veg.
But not the essential amino acids. You need different types of non-green veg (pulses, legumes) to get these.
And a really important thing is BMI - as every life insurance company actuary knows, the obese die younger.