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Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - BMW Enthusiast

These people are just a menace. They haven't got a clue. The real pollution in urban areas actually comes from public transport. As for electric cars. Get real. www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-6077797/Gre...l

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - alan1302

These people are just a menace. They haven't got a clue. The real pollution in urban areas actually comes from public transport. As for electric cars. Get real. www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-6077797/Gre...l

Have you some fact to back that up - I find it unlikley public transport causes more pollutioon that private cars.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - bazza

Hmmmm......the article is in the Daily Mail, truly one of the most loathsome publications ever.

As above, please reference some data as to the claims you are making!!! As for Greenpeace, whatever one may think of them, their protests are usually highly planned and effective over the years,

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - BMW Enthusiast

Hmmmm......the article is in the Daily Mail, truly one of the most loathsome publications ever.

I only read the motoring section. Indeed it is asolutely a loathsome rag. The Daily Hate.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - galileo

These people are just a menace. They haven't got a clue. The real pollution in urban areas actually comes from public transport. As for electric cars. Get real. www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-6077797/Gre...l

Have you some fact to back that up - I find it unlikley public transport causes more pollutioon that private cars.

You should see the clouds of black smoke from the old buses which First bus use round here.

Their single deckers are newer but there are two other companies which again use elderly, smoky vehicles. (Often there are three from different companies following each other on the same route, mostly empty, I can't believe they are not losing money even with subsidies)

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - BMW Enthusiast

Have you some fact to back that up - I find it unlikley public transport causes more pollutioon that private cars.

You should see the clouds of black smoke from the old buses which First bus use round here.

Their single deckers are newer but there are two other companies which again use elderly, smoky vehicles. (Often there are three from different companies following each other on the same route, mostly empty, I can't believe they are not losing money even with subsidies)

Correct. It's the same everywhere. Buses are filthy. You've answered the question that the other two people above asked.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Andrew-T

<< Correct. It's the same everywhere. Buses are filthy. >>

Not necessarily. Almost any vehicle except the truly knackered can be made to run reasonably cleanly. The bus companies are probably skimping on maintenance.

Many buses that use the main street here run on gas (tanks on roof). They seem to run cleanly to me,

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - alan1302

Correct. It's the same everywhere. Buses are filthy. You've answered the question that the other two people above asked.

No, it does not answer it - that's annecdotal evidence. I await your proof...I feel I may be waiting a while.

Out of interest buses round here seem generally busy and clean/newish vehicles

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Engineer Andy

I wonder how all of that 'clean, green' electricity the hybrid buses is produced, especially used in the London area? Not wind turbines, and whilst natural gas powered engines and power stations are considerably less poluting that coal (especially) and oil fired ones, they can't be considered to be 'green'. All its doing is moving the pollution (EVs) to the countryside/coastal areas where most power stations are.

The latest VAG diesels seem to (for once) be actually on the money as regards been low emissions - its those diesels designed between the early 2000s and 2010 that are the issue, and I suspect many commercial vehicles - the old style black cabs, vans, lorries and buses outside of the congestion charge zone that are most of the problem, in addition to some older cars that aren't well maintained.

I would never trust Greenpeace on anything, as they have form over lying about environmental issues: remember the oil rig they wanted to be cut up at a port rather than sunk - it turned out that was worse for the environment. Many of those in such organisations are political activists (and normally Hard Left ones at that) who have little real expertise behind them and who hate Big Business and Western capitalism in general - as much as the likes of VAG have done a lot of things wrong and broken the law (and deserve to be punished), these activist organisations go way too far IMHO.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - madf

"I would never trust Greenpeace on anything, as they have form over lying about environmental issues: remember the oil rig they wanted to be cut up at a port rather than sunk - it turned out that was worse for the environment. Many of those in such organisations are political activists (and normally Hard Left ones at that) who have little real expertise behind them and who hate Big Business and Western capitalism in general - as much as the likes of VAG have done a lot of things wrong and broken the law (and deserve to be punished), these activist organisations go way too far IMHO."

Not as far as the French did when they sank teh Rainbow Warrior and killed a photographer.. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_the_Rainbow_Warri...r

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Bromptonaut

Correct. It's the same everywhere. Buses are filthy. You've answered the question that the other two people above asked.

Where in UK are these 'filthy' buses?

We've none in Northampton except for a couple of double deckers in Stagecoach's fleet used only in peak. Down in London it's 20 years since the first smokeless buses appeared. Their exhausts smelled like a dustbin cart but no smoke at all.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - dan86

Correct. It's the same everywhere. Buses are filthy. You've answered the question that the other two people above asked.

Where in UK are these 'filthy' buses?

We've none in Northampton except for a couple of double deckers in Stagecoach's fleet used only in peak. Down in London it's 20 years since the first smokeless buses appeared. Their exhausts smelled like a dustbin cart but no smoke at all.

Should of see the copious amounts smoke belching out of the bus infront of me then yesterday.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - TheGentlemanThug

As usual campaign groups always conveniently omit the important arguments against them.

I wonder if they've ever considered the environmental impact of manufacturing an electric car? Or the environmental impact of running one? Let's not forget the expense of buying the damn thing in the first place.

What really annoys me is that innocent people get caught up in these stunts; poor sods going about their business.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - BMW Enthusiast

As usual campaign groups always conveniently omit the important arguments against them.

I wonder if they've ever considered the environmental impact of manufacturing an electric car? Or the environmental impact of running one? Let's not forget the expense of buying the damn thing in the first place.

What really annoys me is that innocent people get caught up in these stunts; poor sods going about their business.

Absolutely right. 100% agreed.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Leif

As usual campaign groups always conveniently omit the important arguments against them.

I wonder if they've ever considered the environmental impact of manufacturing an electric car? Or the environmental impact of running one? Let's not forget the expense of buying the damn thing in the first place.

What really annoys me is that innocent people get caught up in these stunts; poor sods going about their business.

I read somewhere a report that electric cars are environmentally unfriendly. Expensive toxin batteries. Charged with electricity that is mostly from non eco sources. Driven by methane (a greenhouse gas) emitting vegetarians. I might have made that last one up. Maybe they should use their resources to fund battery research, and ways to make conventional cars more efficient.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - csgmart

These people are just a menace. They haven't got a clue. The real pollution in urban areas actually comes from public transport. As for electric cars. Get real. www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-6077797/Gre...l

If Greenpeace were really interested in tackling polution they would be going after the shipping industry and countries like China who are opening more coal fired powerstations every week.

But VW is an easy target that makes headlines so .........

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - colinh

Given VW recent track record, Greenpeace seem to have adopted a "fish in a barrel" approach - sure there are plenty of other potential targets in the auto industry, but need a bit more effort

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - alan1302

If Greenpeace were really interested in tackling polution they would be going after the shipping industry and countries like China who are opening more coal fired powerstations every week.

Shipping industry is changing some of how it works due to pressure from environmental groups..

So are you saying they should not encourage car compaanie to produce more sustaibable cars because other industries pollute as well?

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - focussed

"Shipping industry is changing some of how it works due to pressure from environmental groups"

Big ship's diesels have to run on marine diesel when approaching EU ports to reduce pollution, and running their onboard generators when in port.,assuming they don't connect to shorepower.

Marine diesel is similar to road diesel as opposed to the black tarry heavy fuel oil they run when under way at sea.

This can't be enforced in international waters, only in port.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - csgmart

So are you saying they should not encourage car compaanie to produce more sustaibable cars because other industries pollute as well?

You seem to have adopted the Cathy Newman style of questioning.

It's absolutely fine to encourage car companies to produce more sustainable cars but VW et al won't do it because of a cheap stunt pulled by a bunch of virtue signalling people. They will do it because it makes financial sense to do so.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Hugh Watt

You seem to have adopted the Cathy Newman style of questioning.


Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Falkirk Bairn

Maersk, a Danish containership company, uses more diesel/heavy fuel oil in their boats than the whole of Denmark!

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Bromptonaut

Maersk, a Danish containership company, uses more diesel/heavy fuel oil in their boats than the whole of Denmark!


Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - focussed

And - 15 of the world's biggest ships may now emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars.


That sounds a bit exaggerated until you find out that the world's shipping industry is using 7,2 million barrels of heavy fuel oil - per day.

Kind of shows up vehicle emissions testing as being a tad picky doesn't it?

Edited by focussed on 22/08/2018 at 10:06

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - alan1302

Kind of shows up vehicle emissions testing as being a tad picky doesn't it?

No, it doesn't - just because the produce less pollution does not mean peoplee are being picky about wanting to lessen the pollution cause by cars - fuel based or produtcion based...and yes that included electric cars

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - drd63

Greenpeace campaign on a wide range of environmental issues, there may some that are a bit misguided or which don't fit with the views of some other interested parties but the bigger picture is that they do raise awareness and get results. Leif raises a good, if inaccurate point about vegetarianism and methane. Livestock produced for human consumption is a significant cause of pollution and malnutrition globally. If we all went vegetarian or better still vegan there would be a huge benefit in the health of the world and its population.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Andrew-T

Footnote: if we were really concerned about the long-term environmental future we might be more willing to at least discuss how to stabilise global population. The evils of VW diesel engines (and others) pale in comparison.

Much of the developed world is on the way to doing that, but now that global travel is commonplace the population pressures of third world countries are triggering the mass migrations the Brexiteers wish to control. Climate change is steadily increasing those pressures.

Sorry - off topic again. But this is one that seems to be taboo. I think it was discussed more in the 60s than it is now.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - corax

Footnote: if we were really concerned about the long-term environmental future we might be more willing to at least discuss how to stabilise global population. The evils of VW diesel engines (and others) pale in comparison.

Much of the developed world is on the way to doing that, but now that global travel is commonplace the population pressures of third world countries are triggering the mass migrations the Brexiteers wish to control. Climate change is steadily increasing those pressures.

Sorry - off topic again. But this is one that seems to be taboo. I think it was discussed more in the 60s than it is now.

I don't think global population will ever be 'managed'. It will keep increasing until there is a large natural disaster causing crop failures and world famine. Best to enjoy your life while you can before you are surrounded by a seething mass of human apes.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - Andrew-T

<< I don't think global population will ever be 'managed'. It will keep increasing until there is a large natural disaster causing crop failures and world famine. Best to enjoy your life while you can before you are surrounded by a seething mass of human apes. >>

I'm sure you are right, Corax. I didn't want to sound too despondent. But it makes me wonder how much we should worry about what we bequeath to the following generations - they will have enough problems of their own making.

It's too late to do much about overpopulation, as any measures need to have been taken 50 years before their effect becomes noticeable. It's gone too far already.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - barney100

Buses around Basingstoke seem to be ok. Does a bus with 30 paasengers make more pollution than if those 30 people were in their own cars? Malta had some real old smokers a few years ago but have apparently cleaned up their act. Citizens apparently can report vehicles emitting fumes to the authoritites.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - drd63

Shouldn't the new MOT get rid of some of these old smokers. There was a thread about the need for MOT's with improved mechanical robustness but surely a regular check on emissions has to ge a good thing. Oh and its not just immigration from 3rd world countries brexiteer object to, they don't want anyone coming in!

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - galileo

Shouldn't the new MOT get rid of some of these old smokers. There was a thread about the need for MOT's with improved mechanical robustness but surely a regular check on emissions has to ge a good thing. Oh and its not just immigration from 3rd world countries brexiteer object to, they don't want anyone coming in!

The smoky double deckers I referred to earlier are around 12 years old, so presumably only need to meet emission standards current when manufactured.

Volkswagen - Greenpeace Targeting Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles - TheGentlemanThug

Malta got an entirely new fleet of buses just a few years ago I believe, but a lot of the yellow buses before then came from the 1970s. Sad in a way, but a sign of the times I suppose.

In the UK, the majority of our buses and taxis are in city centre, stop-start traffic, which are the absolute worst conditions as far as pollution goes. Given how cash-strapped councils seem to be and the possible public backlash that buying new buses to replace perfectly functional ones is a waste of money, and you can see the problem.