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- Engineer Andy
A little tip for the person at HJ who uploaded this week's Agony column: all the photos have been stretched and look wierd.
- Dellow Man
Air conditional surrender. Try changing the a/c filter as well. Filter often not changed due to being buried in the depths under the dash board - skinned knuckle territory!
Honest John's Motoring Agony Column 11-08-2018 Part 1 - Engineer Andy

Technically its the ventilation system filter.

- RafflesNH
Re: "Gas trick influencer"
The frantic mechanic Scotty Kilmer dealt with this very issue on his YouTube channel a couple of months ago:
Skip to about the 5 minute mark to save yourself some neurofen.
- Quadratica
Gasket Case:

Clearly 43 years of teaching should have taught you to do your research about reliable vehicles and not fall for looks. All Range Rover cars are notoriously unreliable and you would do well to get it fixed and sell it asap and buy a similar but infinitely more reliable car like the Honda HRV or Toyota RAV.
Honest John's Motoring Agony Column 11-08-2018 Part 1 - Palcouk

Gasket Case

I second that, too many people begiled by advertising and snobbery. One of my Clients is a specialist with a German mark, and I see the horrrendous repair bills on relatively new cars, and people who have bought used then not being able to pay for a repair due to cost.

Honest John's Motoring Agony Column 11-08-2018 Part 1 - Quadratica

well said.

Honest John's Motoring Agony Column 11-08-2018 Part 1 - Captain-Cretin
And I will "third" it.

My parents have an 07 plate "E" class Merc, that costs them around £1000 PER YEAR on "repairs". Both Xeons have failed, and they have just had a manifold issue in the last couple of weeks.

I have an 08 Mitsubishi Grandis that has cost me a grand total of £9.65 on repairs so far.

Going by your fairly low mileage, look at the new electric Hyundai Honest John featured last week.
- Chris C
Air con surrender - there are various easy to use proprietary car aircon cleaner products available, eg STP, Wynns, Autoglym for around £10, which might do the trick. Make sure the car is well ventilated after use.
- jchinuk
Book idea? Given the number of queries that refer to 'chassis' (virtually unknown on new cars, even Range Rover have abandoned them) and the default blame on 'design fault' (no, you didn't check the oil/coolant regularly) perhaps HJ could write an publish a book in the style of "Cars for Dummies"?
- expertad
That Toyota dealer needs to send their staff on a product training course.How could they not know about a known issue.It is 2018,not 1988 Arthur Daley dealers !