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n/a - HJ web site - Palcouk

Apparently changes have been made to HJ web site and my add-block no longer functions on the site - a pain in the whatsit

n/a - HJ web site - alan1302

The site does have to make money though

n/a - HJ web site - SteveMegson

What are you seeing that used to be blocked? We've made no deliberate changes to ad serving, and I'd be surprised if we accidentally stumbled on a way to avoid ad blockers as a side effect of some other change.

n/a - HJ web site - Palcouk

A OneDrive link to what is seen 1drv.ms/u/s!Aq4WJO-cYWTTgv4kTKA5jAYEJXnJjA

Useing Edge & IE11 with AdBlock I never used to see any adds when browsing HJ - now I'm inindated (only HJ site)

n/a - HJ web site - SteveMegson

I can only suggest that you've somehow managed to accidentally disable AdBlock for the site. Is the AdBlock icon red or green when you're on the site? Some of those ads are totallly vanilla Google Adsense, so if those were getting past Adblock then you'd be seeing them everywhere.

n/a - HJ web site - Palcouk

Its red in both Edge and IE

I turned it off, restarted and turned it back on, makes no difference. I am not seeing add's on any other site.

I realise add's pay for any free siite, but I never click through on any site

n/a - HJ web site - FP

I use Opera as my browser, which has a built-in ad-blocker. I also use AdBlock Plus and Ghostery. All of these are free and seem to work well together.

I don't get any intrusive ads on the HJ site.

n/a - HJ web site - Palcouk

I've now reinstalled FF - no addverts and the HJ site is now responsive, I had tried both Edge & IE and in both HJ site was a painfiull experience. This is a new problem

I was able to browse the Telegraph site and all its sections, including Cars without any issues in both Edge & IE, same Addblocker used in all browsers

n/a - HJ web site - Engineer Andy

I think some web browsers, under pressure from advertisers/corporates (especially major software firms) are making life difficult for small independent software writers by continually changing their software so add-ons aren't compatible or work poorly.

I gave up on MS browsers more than 5 years ago and now mainly (95% of the time) use Firefox (not perfect, but still has the most add-ons available) and sometimes Chrome when Firefox doesn't work so well on some sites.

I also use uBlock origin (a lighter-use product than AdBlock Plus), AdGuard AdBlocker (to catch some bits like pop-unders that uBlock doesn't) and Ghostery to get rid of the annoying ads, especially the 'moving picture'/Flash type ones that do slow down computers, especially older ones and particularly tablets with less powerful graphics processors and memory. My Galaxy Tab3 wouldn't be able to function on this website and especially the Telegraph if the above weren't installed.