2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
My Ford Focus has a strange problem where a loud klunk noise comes from the engine bay 15-20 seconds after coming to a stop. The klunk can be felt through the pedals. I have made a couple of videos, links below, of the klunk from inside and outside the car. I get strange looks from other road users and am concerned the problem will affect my ability to sell the car. It is still under warranty but so far Ford have not worked out the cause.

Video from outside: youtu.be/vRD9ibjKXYA

Video from inside: youtu.be/3pKVYLE65A8

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this noise and/or have some advice on how to proceed with Ford?

Many thanks in advance.,

Kind regards,

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - hardway

Time to get under it and check the gearbox/engine mounting,

it runs from the above and bolts to the rear of the subframe.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

Time to get under it and check the gearbox/engine mounting,

it runs from the above and bolts to the rear of the subframe.

Hardway, good suggestion will give that a go. Thank you.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - elekie&a/c doctor

Some Ford models have an electric shutter mechanism in front of the radiator. that closes when the engine is switched off. Take a look through the front grille.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

Time to get under it and check the gearbox/engine mounting,

it runs from the above and bolts to the rear of the subframe.

Hardway, got the car up on ramps last night. Rear mount looks ok, moved engine around with bar and no klunk noise. Also checked nearside upper mount, same, but offside mount I could not check as is under battery box. I do not get any knocking when accelerating/decelerating so maybe not the mounts? Will try and work out how to remove battery/battery box and give that a go. Thank you, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - hardway

Though they might look ok I'v seen where there's a shoulder worn into the big bolt,

This can make quite a noise when moving.

Relativly easy enough to remove the blots and check the shaft for wear patterns.

Peugeots seem to be the most prone and yes its the vertical one on the nearside that carries the transmission weight that sees to suffer.

So I'm with you for checking the N/S

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

Though they might look ok I'v seen where there's a shoulder worn into the big bolt,

This can make quite a noise when moving.

Relativly easy enough to remove the blots and check the shaft for wear patterns.

Peugeots seem to be the most prone and yes its the vertical one on the nearside that carries the transmission weight that sees to suffer.

So I'm with you for checking the N/S

Hardway, last night I removed the air box, battery and battery box to check the near side mount. Again when moving the engine around with a bar nothing appeared to be wrong. Visually mount looks ok. I have now booked the car into the garage again on the 25th for Ford to have another look. Thank you. Regarda, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - KenC

watching your videos, it appears there is a delay of a few seconds after engine off before the sound occurs, I agree with the below comment the radiator grille is a good suspect.

After a normal journey ( where you expect this to happen) get out of the car and take up an eye

level position in front of the radiator grille and watch/listen then get someone else to turn off the

ignition switch to engine stop full off.

Edited by KenC on 11/06/2018 at 10:21

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

watching your videos, it appears there is a delay of a few seconds after engine off before the sound occurs, I agree with the below comment the radiator grille is a good suspect.

After a normal journey ( where you expect this to happen) get out of the car and take up an eye

level position in front of the radiator grille and watch/listen then get someone else to turn off the

ignition switch to engine stop full off.

KenC, Have checked through grill as suggested, can see horizontal vanes but these do not move at the time of the klunk noise. In fact they do not seem to move at all; maybe the weather is too hot for them to close? Thank you for the suggestion and one more thing ruled out. Regards, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - KenC

Assuming you "have" got one the devices that opens and closes the radiator grille, yes I agree it must be controlled by the ambient temperature so that in a cold start scenario the radiator grille will be closed to give the engine a quicker warm up, then ( I am guessing ) the flaps open and close depending on how hot the engine gets.

I recall reading somewhere that ford claimed this system also improved the aerodynamics on the car resulting in less drag). It might be worth speaaking to your local ford dealer to see if they can elaborate on how it might sound when operating.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
KenC, agree, found this video from Ford that confirms youtu.be/6K4eh-BDR9g
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
Anyone have any views on whether this could be gearbox, clutch or dual mass flywheel was related?
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

Looked at your excellent videos. Have you tried stopping without using the footbrake, ie by slipping the gearbox into neutral and stopping using the handbrake?

If this doesn't generate the noise I would suspect something is loose on the front suspension, subframe to body mounts, suspension to subframe etc.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

Looked at your excellent videos. Have you tried stopping without using the footbrake, ie by slipping the gearbox into neutral and stopping using the handbrake?

If this doesn't generate the noise I would suspect something is loose on the front suspension, subframe to body mounts, suspension to subframe etc.

Focussed, have not tried that, will give that a go over the weekend; thank you. Kind regards, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

Looked at your excellent videos. Have you tried stopping without using the footbrake, ie by slipping the gearbox into neutral and stopping using the handbrake?

If this doesn't generate the noise I would suspect something is loose on the front suspension, subframe to body mounts, suspension to subframe etc.

Focussed, have tried what you have suggested as well as stopping just by rolling to a stop, needed a very quiet road. The klunk still happens as before but in addition I have noticed that it sometimes occurs before the engine has stopped. Regards, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
Bit more info, klunk happens when in gear, not in gear, handbrake on, handbrake off, clutch in, clutch out, engine stopped, engine at idle, car stopped, car nearly stopped, coming to a stop by braking, using handbrake or simply by rolling to a stop.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - hardway

I'm still for removing the mounting bolts and a visual inspection of same.

your looking/feeling for a ridge on the smooth shaft.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

I'm still for removing the mounting bolts and a visual inspection of same.

your looking/feeling for a ridge on the smooth shaft.

Hardway, car is in the garage on Monday and will ask them to take a look. Thank you.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

Well best of luck with the garage finding what is causing the noise.

Maybe a bit of a clue in what you wrote:-

"I have noticed that it sometimes occurs before the engine has stopped"

Which seems to indicate to me that it may not be engine mount related, unless one of them is broken, misaligned, loose etc.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

No news on this yet?

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
Update: Initially the garage thought it may be the EGR valve but after some fault finding believe they have located the problem, a deformed surround of the active grill system. KenC earlier in the thread pointed at these variable horizontal vanes as possibly being the problem. The garage didn’t have the part and the car is now booked in on the 12th July for the part to be replaced. Thank you for your interest. I will report back on the 13th with an update. Regards, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

But I think you said that the "vanes" weren't moving when the noise occurred?

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

But I think you said that the "vanes" weren't moving when the noise occurred?

Yes, that is what I said as I couldn’t see anything moving. Let’s wait and see.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - elekie&a/c doctor

The reason you could not see anything moving is because the mechanism is broken.The small electric servo motor is moving ,but has become detached from the flaps.The klunk noise is the servo trying to ratchet the broken mechanism. Seen this before several times ,usually after a very slight impact to the bumper.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark

The reason you could not see anything moving is because the mechanism is broken.The small electric servo motor is moving ,but has become detached from the flaps.The klunk noise is the servo trying to ratchet the broken mechanism. Seen this before several times ,usually after a very slight impact to the bumper.

elekie&a/c doctor, sounds like this could be it. Will try and take a look at the servo before it goes into the garage. Thank you.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

The reason you could not see anything moving is because the mechanism is broken.The small electric servo motor is moving ,but has become detached from the flaps.The klunk noise is the servo trying to ratchet the broken mechanism. Seen this before several times ,usually after a very slight impact to the bumper.

It must be a hell of a servo motor if it makes the video camera jump in the second video from the OP.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

No result yet? I'm interested as to the outcome so bumping this back to the top.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
Car now fixed. Garage replaced active grill shutter and link has now gone. Thank you to everyone for their help. Regards, Richard.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Chris M

Good news and a gold star to elekie for diagnosing the problem 1st time on the day of your original post.

2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - Richy Clark
Elekie, sorry forgot to say thank you to you specifically. Thank you.
2015 Ford Focus 1.6 diesel - Klunk noise from engine bay after coming to a stop - focussed

Well you live and learn - good job it's sorted, I found this video showing how they work.
