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- glidermania
LOL, am I justified insisting the selling dealer buys the car back for the same price I paid for it two and a half years ago?! What are these people on FFS?
- Mr D Og
CW was entitled to a reasonable response from HJ regarding his comments on the state of our pot holed roads. Responding with a rant about the failings of the previous Labour Government, given that they were last in Office more 8 years ago, without any mention of the current Government's more relevant responsibilties for the maintenance of our roads is plainly ridiculous.
Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - GSTheo

As is suggesting Tony Blair got rich by pocketing kick backs from speed hump installers. I think being paid millions for speech making world tours may have had more to do with it. A ridiculous assertion.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - Engineer Andy

To M King and GSTheo above:

In Labour's time in power, so little was spent on road maintenance that, upon leaving office in 2010, county council backlogs of ALL rpoad repairs was not one year, not ten years but in the HUNDREDS of years for the budgets they had.

As HJ says, much of the money was spent on so-called traffic calming measures (which just damaged vehicles, the roads and buildings around them and did little to slow traffic down, as well as INCREASE pollution due to people sharply braking and accelerating. Much of the rest taken away from proper road maintenance budgets (locally and nationally) was wasted on the many other wheezes the then NuLab government came up with. When they left office, there INDEED was 'no money left', hence why huge cutbacks were required, making the situation FAR WORSE.

I cannot comment about 'kick-backs', but I do know from being an engineer in the Construction Industry at the time that many firms were getting rich off the backs of often ill-conceived and badly run projects, much of which were driven by 'top' politicians at local and national level, most of whom were, at the time, NuLab. I personally suspect more was going on to spend untold £Bns without much in the way of oversight.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - GSTheo

It's just the daft TBs£££ conspiracy theory I was questioning. I don't dispute the chronic, misdirected and badly managed road spending in the UK, our roads, or the rutted tracks that pass for them, are evidence enough. A group is campaiging for humps along my local access road as the odd idiot hits 50 down it, past a school. I'm not a fan of speed humps but I am a fan of driving slowly and carefully when required. Quite like the speed sensitive warning signs, is there evidence these are more effective than humps? Simple fact is, some control measure is needed.

- Mr D Og
Unsubstantiated and largely untrue statements from "Engineer" Andy are purely anecdotal and no evidence of what actually happened. Instead of focusing on the past with fake accounts of history, Government attention should be placed on improving the current state of our roads.
Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - Engineer Andy
Unsubstantiated and largely untrue statements from "Engineer" Andy are purely anecdotal and no evidence of what actually happened. Instead of focusing on the past with fake accounts of history, Government attention should be placed on improving the current state of our roads.

So, "Mike", how are 'you're' 'statements' 'true' and not anecdotal (which I don't dispute - I said based on my experience).

PS. I AM an engineer - graduated 1996 from UCL. Given I don't see much of you commenting in the main forum, you are hardly an expert yourself, and have given NOT ONE piece of evidence to back up your claims. I, on the other hand, managed to gleen my information from searches and remembrance of many media reports over the years, and not just from right-of-centre newspapers.

If you can't be bothered to put in the work (presumably you're a Labour supporter, why you don't like the hard truths spoken about their time in power and the HUGE backlog of roadworks they handed over to the Tories in 2010) to find this out for yourself, then I'd suggest going to the Guardian where you can pretend how good the Left has been for our roads...

- Mr D Og
I don't pretend that my opinions are anything other than just that. I don't dress them up with half truths and innuendo to support my opinions. I don't brag about my qualifications. I don't write you're when I mean your. I don't support the Labour Party. I don't often comment in the main forum and don't see that as a prerequisite for having an opinion.

I will offer one FACT. On 4 December 2009 the UK's public spending watchdog reported that the then Labour Government had bailed out the banks to the tune of £850 billion. I expect this had some impact on their priorities and spending plans.

I will also continue to offer my opinions when I see what I perceive as injustice.

Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - Engineer Andy
I don't pretend that my opinions are anything other than just that. I don't dress them up with half truths and innuendo to support my opinions. I don't brag about my qualifications. I don't write you're when I mean your. I don't support the Labour Party. I don't often comment in the main forum and don't see that as a prerequisite for having an opinion. I will offer one FACT. On 4 December 2009 the UK's public spending watchdog reported that the then Labour Government had bailed out the banks to the tune of £850 billion. I expect this had some impact on their priorities and spending plans. I will also continue to offer my opinions when I see what I perceive as injustice.

They had slashed the roads budget WELL before the financial crisis in 2008 (more like 2000), hence why I said there was a backlog of hundreds of years of road repairs, even if the budgets had gone back up to what they were before they cut them and including inflation. This was well documented in the media and wasn't ever denied by the then government.

Like after 2008, the Labour government prioritised other spending (e.g. the NHS, welfare) over roads, but mostly spent it unwisely and often had to pour in vast sums more to paper of the proverbial (and sometimes actual) cracks in other spending. I SAW this being done first hand by working alongside the NHS, Education, Police, MoD and other government depts in my job as an engineer whereby they didn't listen to expert advice and made bad decisions about capital and day-to-day spending on projects, buildings etc.

Wastefullness on a grand scale. We did as we were told (despite sometimes arguing against them) but had to balance our jobs and companies against taking a stance against bad descisions - doing so could (and did) mean blacklisting on government work, which during Labour's time in office made up more than half of most firms' workload.

- John Savill
Regarding the issue raised of the raised 'cushions' by JB of Bicester, my understanding is that The Highways (Road Hump) regulations 1999 will apply.
4.—(1) Subject to regulation 7, no road hump shall be constructed or maintained in a highway unless–
(d) no vertical face of any material forming part of that road hump exceeds 6 millimetres measured vertically from top to bottom of that face.

If that is not the case, then I'd suggest writing to the local council to tell them to repair or remove.
- Mr D Og
Again no more facts from "Engineer Andy" only misrepresentations of history fuelled by hate, bile and prejudice; so regrettably I withdraw from further discussion.
Honest John’s Motoring Agony Column 12-05-2018 Part 2 - Engineer Andy
Again no more facts from "Engineer Andy" only misrepresentations of history fuelled by hate, bile and prejudice; so regrettably I withdraw from further discussion.

Oh thank goodness! Nice to see all your rebuttals cached in facts and not feelings. I don't recall any 'hate' in my words, just facts and opinions. Like many SJWs, disagreeing with someone doesn't make them to be some kind of mass-murderer. Funny how they resort to petty name calling when their lack of substance on their arguments gets called out.