I was just awarded compensation. I sent him a registered letter giving him 14 days to collect and have had no word at all.
A compensation award could simply mean a payment to cover your loss of use of the vehicle and any repairs you carried out. You may still own it. Presumably you have the V5 and the vehicle is taxed or you could fall foul of the DVLA. The dealer may be able to tell you if he has passed title to the vehicle to you or the judgement documents may mention ownership. Either way you need to act quickly because of the DVLA factor. If it is taxed you're safe until it runs out, maybe the DVLA can tell you more. All that aside, I believe if the vehicle is the dealers and he fails to respond to your recorded letters to collect you can invoice him for storage, but I wouldn't bank on getting any money from him. After 6 months the vehicle is yours and may be only be sold for scrap if you have the V5. Quite a muddle.
Cheers Concrete