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Landrover Freelander 2 TD4. 2007. - Landrover Freelander rear wiper not working - Johngalaxy


My rear window wiper has stopped working. I checked the fuse and it is fine. I then removed the rear door skin and unpluged the electrical connector block and tested that there is power coming through to it with a test light. There is 3 places on the connector plug where the prongs of the wiper motor would connect / join. The middle female part of the connector plug made the test light come on. nothing happened when i tested slot 1 and 3 slot.

I then dismantled the motor unit and give it a good clean as there was alot of dirt and grime around the moving parts. I lubricated the moving parts and then i reassembled.

I turned on the engine and the rear wiper and it still does not work.

Is there anymore tests that i can do? Any suggestions would be much appreicated.


Landrover Freelander 2 TD4. 2007. - Landrover Freelander rear wiper not working - elekie&a/c doctor

Not sure if this applies on this car,but on many modern vehicles the rear wiper will only work if the tailgate is shut. Does the rear load area/boot light work? May be an idea to check the wiring where it runs from the body to the tailgate through the rubber tubing. Very little else that you can self check,as the rear wiper runs via the main body control module. Do not be tempted to short out or by-pass any wiring ,as more damage could be done.

Landrover Freelander 2 TD4. 2007. - Landrover Freelander rear wiper not working - Johngalaxy

Thanks for your advice. I will check out the wiring that runs from the body to the tailgate as best i can. I am not a mechanic i am just trying to find my way. Thanks again.

Landrover Freelander 2 TD4. 2007. - Landrover Freelander rear wiper not working - S40 Man

Do you have a code reader? I use to have mk2 Volvo s40. The front windscreen wipers would periodically stop working. Clearing the DTC for the car made the wipers work ok again. Never did figure out what the car thought the problem was.

Anyway if you've changed cleaved up yours it could be an option to check.