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Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Hi everyone I'm back with another question

This morning king I was driving down a road and missed the first traffic light it was on red because I noticed the one across the road so I stopped but I was past the first light. My question is the camera facing the light isn't a normal red light camera looks like a traffic camera or CCTV. It looked like it flashed to me wasn't a huge flash could has been a other light.

Should I expect a fine and points or just a fine because it's not a red light camera total accident on my part. I always thought these camera are CCTV for the council bus lanes etc I'm panicking as I stopped because the red light was on bit it didn't look like it flashed for a good 30 seconds or so after I stopped

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393



These are the images of the camera I was just passed dthe light cheers guys I wanted to know what its purpose is

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Cris_on_the_gas

I think you are lucky none of the cameras in the pictures looks like a red light camera.

The first one mounted on top of the traffic light is a radar detector to allow the normal phasing of the lights to operate on approach of vehicle.

The one in the second picture looks like a general CCTV mounted for general surveillance of the area.

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Hopefully you are right so worried there's lots of red light cameras in this area that's why I was so worried at least the red light cameras are obvious this just watched the road it lpoks like it's point to far down bad day stereo broke today as well thanks for your help can the concil if it's CCTV still prosecute maybe ?

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Camera imgur.com/gallery/PIUvM I was positoned roughly where the silver car is

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Palcouk

The camera on the pole is CCTV, not a trafic camera, allthough CCTV can be used in a box juntion scenario

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Cheers there is a turning I wasn't in the box I was still in that round where the light is just past it i I see alot of these cameras it's just the flash I don't know if the CCTV maybe took a photo I'm unsure maybe the council can lead to prosecution ?

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Cris_on_the_gas

Hello Adam.

I think you are in the clear.

Wait 14 days for definite answer in the post

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - RobJP

Might I suggest you start paying a bit more attention to your driving.

The last thread you posted up was only a month ago, when you were concerned because you'd been speeding past a parked up police car.

A driving licence is a privilege. Not a right.

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Valid point this is so i can share and be more aware I agre.. we all have are off days with driving I could have been in the wrong or I may just be overstressing t he more likely outcome 6 years driving not one bad thingI'm just very over cautious everything is a worry I need to just chill .. although I appreciate what your saying .

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Cheers I will do

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Avant

This may sound patronising but it's not meant to be.

I don't know how long you've been driving, but you might find it worthwhile if you can afford it to take some advanced driving lessons. They will teach you a lot about observation and looking ahead, so that you don't get caught out, for example, by traffic lights and changes in speed limits.

After I'd passed my driving test in the 1960s, my parents generously paid for me to have extra lessons with a splendidly patriotic instructor who'd been a police driver. He taught me so much about observation, even to the extent of - when we were following a rear-engined Renault - "Watch that one - engine could fall out any minute".

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - Adam9393

Yeah I'm going to look into hopefully it will put me at ease then spend so much time stressing I'm just making it worse need to just get back to diving and not stressing thanks for the advice cheers

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - scot22

Just want to agree with Avant. I suggest looking at the Institute of Advanced Motorists.. I was very fortunate in having a retired police instructor giving my accompanied drives. I believe for various reasons not called lessons.

When you pass the test you can get cheaper insurance as a member. It is all reasonably priced.

Wishing you safe and happy motoring.

Golf - Traffic light camera or CCTV - RT

Just want to agree with Avant. I suggest looking at the Institute of Advanced Motorists.. I was very fortunate in having a retired police instructor giving my accompanied drives. I believe for various reasons not called lessons.

When you pass the test you can get cheaper insurance as a member. It is all reasonably priced.

Wishing you safe and happy motoring.

IAM Roadsmart don't give lessons or have instructors as an aDI qualification is a legal requirement for that.

But I too can recommend doing the course as I learnt a lot despite thinking "I knew it all" and the ongoing insurance deal makes it cost-effective.