Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - joegrundy

Could I please ask for the forum's view on this? Don't suppose there's much I can do now, but I'd be interested in thoughts.

On Tuesday 2 Jan 18 I and my daughter learned that my exMIL#1 - her grandmother was in hospital here in Pembs, unlikely to last, etc. The g/daughter set out to visit from her home in Suffolk (300 miles) hoping to get here before it was too late., driving her (erratically but lately) serviced MB A class diesel. She is a partially disblad blue badge holder.

She called me frpm M4 Chevely Services (about 200 miles away). She had been planning to stop there anyway, but just before she pulled in there was a clatter, red warning light came on.

My initial thought was that the alt (and whatever else) drive belt was broken. Then she told me that her breakdown cover had lapsed due to financial circumstances. 200 miles away and b*ggered..

I called the AA and enrolled my daughter post-breakdown and fair play to them, they got there within an hour. The pulley had sheared off the a/c pump, belt had come off. Daughter told them that the a/c hadn't worked for a couple of years anyway, no problem ...

Car was flat-bedded down to me (3 relays) and dropped off at my indy after closing Tuesday night. It was fixed by 11 am Wednesday - shorter belt bypassing a/c pump, £21 for belt and £30 for half-hour labour).. Daughter got to see her grandmother (she died Monday 8 Jan) and drove home fine the following day.

I've now had the card charges through, and they come to just under £600 - AA membership £177.95, AA something £79.33, charges £340 (guess this is the relay charge). Probably too late to do anything about it BUT the AA seem to pride themselves on roadside fixes and if a £20 belt and a bit of nous could have solved this (eg as my indy did) I do feel that they could have done better.

Yes, I have advised my daughter thoroughly and carefully on the benefits of breakdown cover AND pointed out that she could have joined my NARPO scheme AND etc etc. but in all the circumstances have held back a bit.

Worth going back to AA?

Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - oldroverboy.

A neighbour bouht his brother in laws Fiat Doblo van and a few weeks later the clutch/dmf went as well as the gear linkage.. No breakdown cover, but £80 for 5 miles and then £196 for the linkage, whereupon the clutch issue came up and as they had it did a complete replacement for him for costs only.

I say lucky man!

Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - RobJP

AA membership can be expensive, and they have a nasty habit of offering discounts to new customers, but charging existing members full whack (if they can get away with it). There was a thread on precisely that subject some months ago.

Here is the thread. :

It's a sad thing to say, but those of us who have membership are those who generally look after our cars, and can afford to do so, and are thus probably less likely to need such membership !

Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - FiestaOwner

From what I've read in your posts before regarding your Jag, you're lucky to have an excellent and trustworthy indy.

Quite possible the AA didn't have a suitable belt in the van. As it was the 2nd of January it's possible the AA man couldn't locate a suitable belt nearby. Of course some AA patrols will be better at improvising than others (as is the case with other tradesmen etc too).

Unfortunately your daughter let her breakdown cover lapse. Therefore renewing while your daughter is stranded is going to result in an instant call out (and cost) to the breakdown service. Therefore the cost is passed to you. I'm sure I've heard that the relay cover only kicks in after 24 hours? After taking out the policy, therefore you've had a hefty bill to recover the vehicle.

If they didn't charge a high price at the roadside, then a lot of people wouldn't take out annual cover and would only take out cover if they broke down. The breakdown companies would lose a fortune.

Just a thought. I've had breakdown cover for 30 years and have (very fortunately) never had to call them out. How much has it cost me for 30 years of cover though? I'd have been cheaper not having cover and joining at the roadside only if needed!

Think you (and your daughter) have to put this down to experience. I don't think the AA have done anything wrong here.

Sorry to hear about you exMIL#1.

Edited by FiestaOwner on 13/01/2018 at 15:58

Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - joegrundy

Thanks for the comments, balanced and sensible as always.

This is what Dads do, I suppose and yes, I put this down to experience (and am grateful I had the financial status to sort this out).

At least my daughter now has AA cover for the next 12 months - and she needs it 'cos she uses her car for work every day.

When this expires, I think we can find a better deal.

Mercedes-Benz A-Class Diesel 06 - AA Breakdown Services - argybargy

It may be worth appealing to the AA's better nature and explaining the circumstances; perhaps in a letter to the Chief Executive. They might knock something off the bill, even if you've paid already.

As a large company with a high profile, they might just welcome the chance to spread the word that they have a heart after all, even if (as Rob says) they do have a nasty habit of exploiting loyal customers when it comes to renewal time.