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Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - catsdad
My wife came in today saying her Corsa D 1.2 petrol suddenly lost power and began running very roughly. The infamous flashing yellow Engine mgt light has come on. There was a smell of burning. I've restarted it and there is no smell but its misfiring and rough.

I've Googled and more than 90% of the advice is that it will be the coil pack and its an easy plug-in replacement. The car has done 85000 miles and had new plugs about 2000 miles ago so I am reasoning that a new coil pack is probably due anyway even if it proves not to be the cause of the immediate problem. So not entirely wasted expense.

I've taken the plunge and ordered a new pack from Eurocarparts for £70. I am just wondering whether, if its something else causing the issue, I might blow the new coil pack and be back to square one?

I havent taken the old oack out yet. Not having access to a code reader or meter can I tell if the old pack is faulty - will it smell of burnt electrics?

Any advice gratefully received, the new pack won't be here until next week.
Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - elekie&a/c doctor
Coil pack failures on Vauxhall’s models are pretty much standard issue.They should provide one in the toolkit.I try and use Delphi replacement part.Coil pack usually fail internally,so you won’t see much.
Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - catsdad
Thanks elekie. ECP do stock Delphi but their system brought up a HAAS for the Corsa so thats whats coming.

Do I need to disconnect the battery to replace the pack? I tend to work on the basis of interfering as little as possible when doing work on the car. However one site mentioned disconnecting for about 10 minutes to allow the ECU to reset then recognise the new pack. True or not please?

And is there anything that can give me an electric shock if I simply remove the old pack and put in the new one? My dad was an old style radio engineer and taught me to be wary of electrics, powered up or not!

Edited by catsdad on 28/12/2017 at 19:43

Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - elekie&a/c doctor
No need to disconnect the battery.If the coil pack fixes the issue,then the mil light may go out itself. You will need a torx driver to release the screws.Also apply a little lube around the coil towers to ensure the cassette seats fully home.Not keen on the Haas brand,you may find it only lasts just over the warranty period.
Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - catsdad
Thanks again elekie.

I've got a torx set. Shame about the brand but at 2k miles per annum hopefully they will last long enough not to be an issue.
Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - catsdad
The new pack arrived today. Five minute job to swap it out. Runs OK and warning light is out. Elekie, as you said there was nothing to see on the old pack but the terminal on plug 2 was a bit rusty, while the rest are pristine, so I suspect it was a fault on coil 2.

The rust may however be coincidental, maybe a consequence of condensation - there was a lot in the general plug area.
Vauxhall corsa d - coil pack? - craig-pd130
The new pack arrived today. Five minute job to swap it out. Runs OK and warning light is out. Elekie, as you said there was nothing to see on the old pack but the terminal on plug 2 was a bit rusty, while the rest are pristine, so I suspect it was a fault on coil 2. The rust may however be coincidental, maybe a consequence of condensation - there was a lot in the general plug area.

Hopefully it will stay sorted. Our old Corsa D had a hesitation and uneven running, so I thought I'd have a look at the plugs. Turned out a couple of the plugs were loose in the head, and the others were scarcely hand-tight. They'd been under-torqued when fitted at a previous service. A quick gap check and re-tighten sorted the symptoms completely.