Skoda Fabia - cold wife - mag saul

my wife owns a skoda fabia 2015,she as owned it from new ,and every time the weather is cold she complains how long it takes to get warm ,do they still have winter and summer stats,or is there another way it will get warmer any quicker thanks

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - RobJP

Modern cars are designed to be efficient on fuel - which means turning more fuel into useable energy, and less into wasteful heat. As such, they take longer to warm up the engine block, which means the coolant takes longer to warm up, which means that the heater takes longer to produce warm air into the cabin.

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - madf

If it's a diesel, it could take 5-6 miles before teh engine warms up.

A petrol cars takes 1-2 miles in the same conditions. Change car or wife:-)

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - SLO76
Both our diesel cars (one a Polo, similar to the Fabia)) take forever to warm up thanks to diesel being thermally more efficient they produce less waste heat. One reason why I’m replacing one of them with a petrol before next winter begins.
Skoda Fabia - cold wife - RT

Diesels waste less heat energy, that's what makes them more economical - but at the same time take much longer to warm up, sometimes never fully warming up in slow moving traffic.

An expensive solution - buy a car with a Webasto/Eberspacher diesel parking heater which can be set on a timer or remote control to fire up and warm the coolant circuit within the cabin - doesn't warm the engine but when you do start out warms up much quicker as the cabin isn't still absorbing heat. I have one but it was an expensive option on an expensive car

An affordable solution - a 230v fan heater with a 1 kw put in the front footwell, with the door on it's first notch and plugged into the house - so mins before starting out - this also makes any necessary defrosting much easier/quicker

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - hardway


Try a motor bike in winter then b**** about how cold it is.

Women being cold I can accept,

Observation being they're always cold,

Whether it's "fasionable" clothing or different body fat who knows.

My 80 odd year old mother has the heating turned up to melt and still complains it's too cold!

I'm thinking the red tartan blanket ordered for crimble will do for in the car to cover her legs

Passenger obviously not the driver!!

Get you wife into some thermal underware!

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - Peter.N.

My old Pegeot 406 Hdi's have an auxillury heater consisting of an electric element in the heater, comes on at anything below 12C I think and really gives a good flow of hot air within about a minute or so of starting - draws about 100 amps though but the alternator seems to be up to it.

I think probably all Citroens and Peugeots from about 2000 have them and I have never had one that doesn't work.

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - galileo

Back in the cold winter of 1962/63 (when the sea froze on the South coast) I had an MG saloon with NO heater and the pedals came up through slots in the wood floor, letting in an icy draught. I drove from Yorkshire to Suffolk and back, took shoes off and had my feet in a sleeping bag, still almost got hypothermia.

The next car didn't have a heater either, luxury to change it for a Ford Consul which would keep you toasty!

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - liammcl

Can definitely recommend the mains heater in the car.

Today, mine goes from 0C to 23C in 30 mins, and defrosts all too...

It's just more civilized , the steering wheel is warm, as is the cabin, seats etc
and by the time it starts to cool, the heater is up and running .

and I'm no snowflake...I'm a signed up member of the Tufty club :)

ps I was also looking at heated car seats (could drain battery?)
or those microwaveable bean bags, or the "click" crystal ones for instant heat

oh, and Maplin do a range of heated clothing

Edited by liammcl on 28/12/2017 at 14:48

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - dieselnut

My car, Passat has auxilliary heating as mentioned by Peter, which gives usefull heat from the vents after a minute.

Also have heated seats which again can be felt within a minute.

I have a heated waistcoat for use on the bike in this weather which is very effective.

I guess it could easily be used in a car plugged into the cigarette lighter socket & doesn't use much power.

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - Cris_on_the_gas

How about a seat heater ?

Both the cars I drive regularly have them fitted as standard and they are very good on cold mornings especially in the car fitted with leather seats.

Just did a google search for aftermarket ones and seems like they are available for £12.99.

At the fear of being accused of plugging a particular brand I'd better be careful.

So you may find a European company specialising in car parts or a retailer with a name associated with a famous river in your search.

Hot wifes are more fun !

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - liammcl

just wondering if something like this plugged in,
bwteen the cig lighter and the heated car seat would work

(says 10amp, so should be good for 120watts
...the ones half the price, have a sticker on saying 10amp, but the description says 3.2a = 36watt)

Using it, you could turn the heated seats on from indoors 5 - 10 mins (i dunno how long the seats take to heat up) before you grace them with your bum.


Edited by liammcl on 30/12/2017 at 03:40

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - liammcl

ps , eg.

the bits


Edited by liammcl on 30/12/2017 at 04:09

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - liammcl

just an update... on the remote control of heated car seats...

(I've posted it in the wroing forum)


Skoda Fabia - cold wife - Manatee

Don't know what engine you have in the Fabia, the 1.2TSI in our 2014 Roomster warms up fairly quickly, mainly owing to having a relatively small volume of coolant I think.

Gloves and warm clothing. When heater up to strength, remove gloves and unzip coat.

Or just wear a T shirt. Works in Newwcastle apparently.

Skoda Fabia - cold wife - Big John

Unlikely to be a faulty thermostat if it's done this from new.

Which engine is it fitted with? The diesels do take ages to warm up.