Definitely - in North Shields on the Billy Mill some muppet decided to replace a perfectly working roundabout with a complete disaster of traffic lights.
Result - queues all the time, even at night. Previously you had smaller queues only at rush hour. This was all decided by some buffoon who obviously doesn't like roundabouts!
Its the same in Stevenage - some muppet decided that it was a good idea some years ago to put partial (only on two of the four exits) traffic lights on roundabout with heavy tidal traffic flows - the problem is that, especially in the evenings, it leds to horrendous queues on the (major) road the most people are using to go home from work, and the only alternative is a rat-run through a housing development and over those horrible (tyre and suspension-killing) pimple type speed cushions. Most drivers don't know about it, because if they did in reasonable qualtites, both roads would be snarled up.
I once waiting in a jam on the main road there (no actual hold ups due to accidents etc, just traffic couldn't get onto the roundbout) one Friday evening for 45 mins, just to go 1/4 - 1/2 a mile (no way to turn around other than illegally and dangerously to mount the central reservation onto the other dual carriageway side). So its either risk getting caught every other day in long queues, or use the rat run (longer route by distance) that takes longer if the roads are clear (you can't tell until its too late to change your mind) and knacker your car.
Nice one Mr. road planner. Hertfordshire Country Council and Stevenage Borough Council almost certainly know about this problem (in my view) - they just can't be asked (or have the skill/common sense) to do anything about it.