Firstly there are two issues here.
The first that you have caused damage to someone elses property. This has been decided, you have and your Insurance company are indeminifying you for this. You have stated that your Insurance company are going to settle the matter. So you will have to declare at next years renewal a claim has been made.
Secondly the law applicable is s.170 of Road traffic Act. This applies to highways and public places. The important thing here is what is a public place ? You mentioned it happening in a private car park. Do the general public have access to this car park by payment or other means. If yes then RTA applies and you may face prosecution. If no then RTA does not apply and this can be your defence.
If yes then mitigation would be that you have fully settled with the 3rd party as soon as you were made aware of the damage and have acted responsibly. hopefully the outcome would be that charges would be dropped or the resultant fine severely reduced.
Might be worth getting a solicitor to represent your views and offer a mitigation. Do you have Legal cover on your Insurance as this may cover this.
Good luck.