I have quite a few customers who smoke but there is one elderly lady who springs to mind. She would be in her late 70's i'd guess, and is, for all intents and purposes, a chain smoker. Sometimes if the weather is nice the front door will be slightly open and the stink of cigarettes coming from inside the house is almost overwhelming!. Also, she pays me cash, and when i am sorting my cash takings out at the end of the day, week, or when i am away to do some banking. i can immediately identify her £10 note!.
On another note more relevant to the post, years ago i worked as a car valeter at a Saab dealer. One time this old 900 got traded in and it absolutely stank of cigarettes. The head salesman, a Glasgwegian (who was an arrogant so and so and thought he knew everything) declared that he knew exactly how to deal with the smell, going on about and old car valeter showing him this 'trick' years previously. The essence was to light a fire (in some reasonably safe receptacle) using cardboard, then extinguish the flames while leaving it smouldering, put it inside the car with all the doors and windows shut, leave it for half an hour so the car completely filled up with smoke. Then open it all out, getting rid of the 'smoke machine'. According to the salesman, what would happen is that the car would stink of the smoking cardboard for a while, but when it dissipated it would take the cigarette smell with it. It didn't though, it stank of burning cardboard for a while, then went back to stinking of cigarettes!