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Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - Burney Rubber

Hi all

So i just weondered if someone could help me as im not exactly car savvy im more of a motorbike man myself.

I had an MOT done on the car on the 9th ,so thats 17 days ago roughly.

it failed on a NSR wheel bearing which i let them fix at the garage for me at a cost of £100.82

then today i had to take the dog to the vet very urgently and as driving along i noticed the ABS light on which id never seen before then about 2 miles later and luckily only doing about 20mph the back of the car collapses as that NSR wheel came off and flew down the hill luckily not hitting anyone.

what has caused this? is it the garages fault?

its cost me a fair amount in having the car collected and now having to get a hire care and no doubt the repair wont be cheap either.

should i be sending the MOT garage who replaced the bearing the bill?



thanks in advance

Edited by Burney Rubber on 27/11/2017 at 19:03

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - RobJP

A difficult one.

You had a red ABS light on. Note, just the same as for traffic lights, red means stop. Yellow / amber are caution.

By continuing on your way, you could be said to be responsible for the actual failure, and more damage - just as if you had a red oil warning light and carried on driving, and the engine then seized.

I think a professional motor engineer would need to inspect the parts to see what, exactly, has caused the failure.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - elekie&a/c doctor
Looks like the hub nut has come undone .Does not appear to be damage to the stub axle thread.Possibly the garage have not tightened the nut adequately,to the correct torque.
Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - Burney Rubber
Looks like the hub nut has come undone .Does not appear to be damage to the stub axle thread.Possibly the garage have not tightened the nut adequately,to the correct torque.


would that in turn mash the bearing up like that?

or could a\ defect bearing have caused it all?

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - Burney Rubber

it was amber.

the whole hub has come away not just the wheel.

there was no funny sounds or steering either.

the only people to touch the wheel were the mot/garage people who in fairness to them have been faultless for 15 years with my bikes and cars.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - Burney Rubber

A difficult one.

You had a red ABS light on. Note, just the same as for traffic lights, red means stop. Yellow / amber are caution.

By continuing on your way, you could be said to be responsible for the actual failure, and more damage - just as if you had a red oil warning light and carried on driving, and the engine then seized.

I think a professional motor engineer would need to inspect the parts to see what, exactly, has caused the failure.

i was kind of hoping there would be a pro here to check the pics ;)

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - RichardW

^^ see above...

Given that the hub nut has unwound, without apparent damage to the thread, strongly points to a fitting error (i.e. not tightening it up). Any garage worth their salt should fix that FOC straight off - I'd be pushing for recovery costs if applicable, and a courtesy car.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - gordonbennet

Not an expert unfortunately.

Hub nut not torqued up sufficiently or staked (or however it's meant to be locked in place), or another possibility torqued up too much, or a wrong part number supplied or a faulty/dry bearing so the bearing has seized solid, whatever the cause because the hub thread appears to be right hand thread the nut has simply unscrewed itself.

The garage should if they have any sense fix this without any quibble, and offer you a free service or something for your trouble, and then kick the backside of whoever is reponsible.

Its ages since i came across one, but didn't some vehicles used to have left hand threads on the nearside so making a self removing hub nut less of an issue, and what happened to castellated hub nuts, where a decent split pin in place prevented things like this.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - Burney Rubber

The garage didnt question it at all they just said if it left us supposedly fixed and that happened then it`s our fault.

They are collecting the vehicle from the garage it was delivered to yesterday and sorting it out.

Im quite glad there was no arguing about it as my day was bad enough.

They will unfortunatley end up with quite a bill as i have ot hire a car,there was the recovery to another garage and that garage currently has it on the back of their lorry so they will want payment too but atleast i dont have to worry about getting it fixed so credit where credit is due to this garage,i dont want to fall out with them as ive been having mots there for donkeys years.

it could have been ALOT worse as the wheel really gathered momentum going down a hill and there is a school at the bottom,it could easily have killed someone.

thanks for your input guys.

case dismissed.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - galileo

Not an expert unfortunately.

Hub nut not torqued up sufficiently or staked (or however it's meant to be locked in place), or another possibility torqued up too much, or a wrong part number supplied or a faulty/dry bearing so the bearing has seized solid, whatever the cause because the hub thread appears to be right hand thread the nut has simply unscrewed itself.

The garage should if they have any sense fix this without any quibble, and offer you a free service or something for your trouble, and then kick the backside of whoever is reponsible.

Its ages since i came across one, but didn't some vehicles used to have left hand threads on the nearside so making a self removing hub nut less of an issue, and what happened to castellated hub nuts, where a decent split pin in place prevented things like this.

Rolls Royce (and Bentley after being taken over by R-R) I'm sure had hub caps marked accordingly, possibly prewar Lagondas too. For what were luxury cars it was perhaps thought a bit crude to have split pins through the nuts. Weren't 'knock-off' hub cps also handed? Knock-off meaning the ones with lugs to hit with a copper hammer, not stolen ones :-)

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - gordonbennet

I was thinking something much more recent Galileo, and not in quite the same stratospheric (your :-) ) price range, in fact i recall working on vehicles with left hand threaded hubs, or was that wheelnuts on older lorries i wonder which i'm confusing, i have vague recollections of fitting knock on wheels and yes quite likely they would have been LHT.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - bathtub tom
Its ages since i came across one, but didn't some vehicles used to have left hand threads on the nearside so making a self removing hub nut less of an issue, and what happened to castellated hub nuts, where a decent split pin in place prevented things like this.

KIA Pride had a LH thread on the offside and a RH thread on the nearside rear wheel hub nuts, with staked nuts.

Made no sense to me and I can't understand why.

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - gordonbennet

What on earth BT? I wonder if someone had the axle apart previously and got (interchangeable?) hubs reversed, surely to goodness this wasn't factory standard?

Ford fiesta ztec hdci - Wheel fell off - bathtub tom

What on earth BT? I wonder if someone had the axle apart previously and got (interchangeable?) hubs reversed, surely to goodness this wasn't factory standard?

I couldn't believe it as well, but it was true. I can't find it now, but the KIA Pride was also known as the Ford Festiva in America, where there's a flourishing community and the Mazda 121 elsewhere: fordfestiva.com/forums/cmps_index.php

It was initially a collaboration between Ford and Mazda, but always built by KIA under licence. KIA then bought the rights and sold it as their Pride.Google it!

I b*****ed a rear wheel bearing when I first acquired mine, by overtightening a hub nut trying to remove it!